Fans of the Naruto series have been eagerly awaiting the next installment in the franchise, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. The film is set to release in Japan on July 7th, and fans are anxious to see how it will compare to the previous films. While there is no word yet on a U.S. release date, it’s safe to say that fans will be eager to see how Naruto’s son Boruto fares against his rivals. So far, the first two films have been well-received by audiences and critics alike, with many wondering if Boruto can live up to his father’s legacy. While there is no telling how long it will take for Boruto: Naruto Next Generations to reach American shores, fans are already speculating about what new twists and turns the film may bring. In the meantime, they can enjoy watching Naruto: Shippuden on Adult Swim every Monday night at 11pm EST! ..

The baton has been handed down to his son Naruto is no any longer the main character and is expected to die a quick death in the near future.

Fans have witnessed Naruto grow from a kid to becoming a Hokage. They watched Naruto fight and make through many opponents and situations that were believed to be fatal.

After achieving his goals as one of the strongest beings on earth it appears as if his story is coming to an end.

Thanks to this release Boruto the movie, we get another chance to watch Boruto’s life unfold, as well as watch his children create their own tale.

Since the beginning the death of his father has been predicted and many are worried that the worst is already coming to come to.

Naruto definitely has had plenty of close encounters in his lifetime, however, he’s survived. Some people are starting to wonder if the series has revealed the future of Naruto in the new show, Boruto. This article will bring you up on the life of Naruto in the new show.

Why Did People Presume Naruto Died in Boruto?

When Boruto first premiered, fans saw a glimpse of Konoha’s future, with the village that was in disarray. At this point, viewers know of the fact that Naruto was the 7th hokage and is entrusted with the responsibility of protecting Konoha from destruction. However, the initial few seconds do not show any sign of Naruto.

Kawaki is a mysterious warrior who even informs an older Boruto that he’ll send Kawaki to the very same spot that he sent Naruto. The fans believed that Naruto was killed in the hands of this new character and Boruto is now left in charge of defending the town.

However, I’d like to think that, as long as there’s no corpse that belongs to the 7th Hokage to display on the screen, Naruto still has a very good likelihood of living in the near future. The manga or the anime isn’t quite caught up with the futuristic scene that was featured in the very first episode, and there’s an ample amount of time left to come up with theories regarding Naruto’s fate.

Does Naruto Die in the Boruto Anime?

If you’ve been paying attention the initial episode in The Boruto animation gave us a small glimpse into the future where Naruto is no longer alive. Leaf Village is completely destroyed and Naruto is a dead man. This was only an uninspiring glimpse as the plot swiftly reverts to the present, in which Naruto is alive and is doing well.

This is true at the time of Episode 231 in The Boruto animated series which implies that Naruto is alive. But, would he have passed away when the future from episode 1 changes into the present? We don’t believe so.

We’ll go over our arguments in greater detail in the end of this article, but for now we’ll only state that there’s no evidence which suggests Naruto actually dying. He could be injured however, he is not dead.

It is also assumed that Naruto has passed away at the moment, however we haven’t seen his corpse and we’re all aware of the rule of informality in anime – when you don’t see any character die and aren’t able to see their body, it’s most likely not dead. Naruto has died is a shocking news item which was likely planned to draw fans in, but we believe that we’ll be able to see Naruto alive once the future turns into the present.

Does Naruto Die in the Boruto Manga?

Answer to the question similar to the answer in the previous. It is true that the anime, titled Boruto anime contains a lot of filler content, however it is also based on the manga, which means that they don’t really differ from one another. Because Naruto Uzumaki is active in the show, he’s also active in the manga in Chapter 64, which was released in January 2022.

Naruto Death Scenes

Who Almost Killed Naruto in Boruto?

Then, Naruto does come pretty close to death within his Boruto animation series. The battle took place against Jigen which was later revealed to be the possessed powerful Isshiki Oksutsuki. In this article we’ll describe a little bit of the fight.

If you’re a fan the fight against Jigen (controlled by Isshiki) was among the toughest battles Naruto has ever had to face. In the end even with all their efforts Kurama, Naruto, and Sasuke were swiftly defeated and dominated by Jigen and later proved to be under the control of Isshiki Otsutsuki.

In a critical moment, when Isshiki was poised to kill Sasuke, Naruto managed to stop Isshiki using his clones, while Sasuke was able to escape by using his Rinnegan. Sasuke was actually transformed from the eerie dimension Jigen had placed them into.

While Naruto continued to make fun of Isshiki, Kurama told him to calm down, saying that right from the beginning Isshiki did not intend to take him down, but the fox could change his mind and kill them at any moment and the Otsutsuki felicitated the fox before sealing them into the coffin of a huge size. The seal was placed under the protection of Boro.

Determined to save the world, Team 7 and Kawaki made use of their strength using Kawaki along with Boruto’s Kama to gain access to the dimension which Naruto was imprisoned in together with Jigen (and Isshiki). When they were fighting Boro, Boruto and Kawaki utilized their Kama to make a crack within the seal, releasing Naruto who was unconscious. Naruto. After the team had defeated Boro returning in Konoha with Naruto and Kawaki, they were admitted to the hospital to receive treatment and treatment, with Naruto recuperating rapidly.

Then, after Boruto transported Isshiki and himself back to the realm where Isshiki was able to seal them off, Kurama, Naruto, and Sasuke got together with Boruto for their second battle against Isshiki. But the Otsutsuki continued to prove too strong for them, eliminating Sasuke and preventing Naruto’s sense capabilities by manifesting massive black cubes. It was an event which Kurama took the time to notice.

Being aware of how committed Naruto was to end Isshiki even if it did end his life, Kurama suggested using some kind of last resort that could certainly end in the death of. Naruto accepted, declaring that at the time that he made the decision to become Hokage Hokage and was fully aware of the dangers and was prepared to die. Naruto took on the new form of Baryon Mode.

Kurama revealed to Naruto that the form had the same underlying principles like nuclear fusion, and that it consumed all their energy, and that he needed to be aware not to perform unnecessary movements. The new form was awe-inspiring to all by its strength. Naruto quickly began to dominate Isshiki. After that, the stress caused by Baryon Mode began to impact Naruto He was getting more tired.

Kurama said that this mode slowly drained all life forces, even Naruto’s. But, it also depleted Isshiki’s strength every time he touched it which meant they had to keep pressing Isshiki to the point that his diminished life span was over. Following Isshiki’s defeat Kurama conversed with Naruto in his mind to have one final conversation in case Baryon Mode proved too much to take on. It was a sad conclusion for Kurama.

Naruto said to the demonic fox that he held no hatred towards him even though his parents were murdered. As Naruto was prepared to die, Kurama revealed that Naruto would not die because his life that was placed in danger by Baryon Mode.

Kurama claimed that he never been lying to Naruto however, he knew that Naruto knew that the Hokage did not put himself at risk for his life, so he did not reveal the truth. When Kurama went missing after his disappearance, he warned Naruto that he would lose the ability to access his chakra and powers that meant he had to be extra cautious. Isshiki was eventually defeated however, the cost of the victory was enormous.

Will Naruto Die Without Kurama?

Naruto being unable to win Kurama was a significant event that nobody was expecting; the character has fought so many battles but did not surrender Kurama that was expected of Kurama to remain in the fight until the very end.

In the present, Naruto did survive Kurama’s death, therefore the existence of Kurama’s death does not affect Naruto’s existence But will he eventually become weak enough to eventually die without Kurama?

It’s not so, we think. For instance, Naruto hasn’t used Kurama frequently; yes, Kurama was always there for help however, Naruto did not use Kurama’s abilities. Thus, even without Kurama’s power, Naruto has proven himself to be extremely strong and resilient. So many times that he hasn’t just been able to survive, but has also triumphed in many challenging battles with extremely formidable and skilled adversaries.

This is the reason we believe Kurama’s absence as a whole doesn’t mean that Naruto is going to die in combat. He has the energy, skill and experience to come back from battle , which is exactly our prediction for what is expected take place in the coming years.

Will Kurama Come Back?

There is no indication this beast could ever be back. Naruto simply has to be cautious in the future because he’s a lot less able without him. But Kurama’s passing is a huge burden on Naruto since he’s now more vulnerable.

There’s even an increased possibility of his death in the next episodes because of Kurama’s disappearance. That means Naruto is likely to be beaten by a strong Shinobi. Naruto is one of the most sought-after shinobi because he has the power of Kurama.

Who is Kawaki?

In the first season of Boruto the mysterious character is actually Kawaki who is a shinobi Naruto Uzumaki is able to take in. Kawaki is said to have suffered from a difficult childhood, being brought up by an individual who has alcohol issues. Jigen decides to purchase Kawaki off the drunkard , to use for research. The scientist who is conducting tests on his body believes Kawaki might be able to receive Kama into his body.

In the course of an incident that involved an airship Kawaki is discovered by the team 7 and taken home to Konoha. Kawaki was later adopted by Naruto. After a few years, Kawaki becomes a part of the Uzumaki family, creating bonds of brotherhood between Boruto as well as Himawari. He also started to look at Naruto as a father figure he didn’t have.

At a point that is not known at the time, it appears that Kawaki started to hate Shinobi and found strategies to end the age of Shinobi. The “preview” of the future, Kawaki is seen fighting Boruto on Hokage Rock. Hokage Rock. Kawaki is also able to tell Boruto that he’ll send Kawaki wherever he has was sent by Naruto.

Will Kawaki Kill Naruto in the Future?

It’s still too early to determine the possibility that Naruto actually died. Although it’s been widely suggested that Naruto passed away at the at the hands of Kawaki within four years, fans are still waiting to be able to see the body. It’s also odd that Kawaki stated that Naruto’s death in this way, in the event that it was true that he killed him.

In the present, it appears Kawaki is committed to Naruto and even killed Boruto without hesitation in order to ensure that Naruto safe from harm. Boruto is back during chapter 67. However, the question of Shikamaru’s concern about Kawaki remains unanswered.

Why Does Kawaki Hate Shinobis in the Future?

The reason for his actions has not been officially announced. But, I’m thinking he was feeling a sense of betrayal from Konoha. If you’ve read chapter 67 in Boruto Manga, chapter 67 is where Boruto Manga, Shikamaru asks Naruto what they’re planning on doing with Kawaki in light of the fact that Kawaki was killed by Boruto without thinking about it.

Naruto publicly defends Kawaki however, not because he’s willing to accept Kawaki however, he is not able to represent everyone in Konoha.

Another possibility is that the body of Kawaki was taken over as Naruto’s nature is not to abandon people. Maybe Kawaki was aware that Boruto will come back to life, which is why he was not hesitant to kill his own brother.

What is Naruto’s fate in the future and will Naruto Really Die?

As with every character, Naruto will eventually die and be succeeded by the eight Hokage however, we don’t think it will be coming soon. For instance, Naruto is a mortal and will eventually pass away due to old age, however, we don’t think he will die before then.

Naruto has been the central character of Kishimoto’s brand from the beginning and even though the focus has shifted towards Naruto’s son Naruto continues to play a central role in the franchise, including Boruto. The narrative center will be on the next generation however, we’re not seeing Naruto disappearing.

There are no clues to indicate that Naruto’s demise was imminent, therefore we can assume that Kishimoto isn’t going to go that far. In the first place, Boruto was originally a sequel by a different author prior to when Kishimoto assumed the story. This suggests that Kishimoto didn’t have any solid plans to carry on the story following the conclusion of Naruto was done.

A character that is around for so long and is the most recognizable persona of the entire series is not likely to end up dying since it doesn’t be logical to Kishimoto to take down Naruto.

It is possible that there will be a grander plot plan in which Naruto must die however we aren’t seeing this happening, and we believe it’s foolish to Kishimoto to take this an ominous direction.

Boruto Uzumaki hasn’t yet surpassed his father’s stature in the world of popular culture and is unlikely to ever In addition to this, Naruto Uzumaki’s name is associated with the entire series and that’s why it’s a mistake to kill him immediately. That’s why we believe that Naruto isn’t going to die prematurely.