Tanjiro, the protagonist of Demon Slayer, is in for a tough fight. After defeating a horde of demons and saving a young girl from being sacrificed, Tanjiro finds himself in the middle of a demonic conspiracy. The demons are after something called the “Demon Seed,” and they’ll stop at nothing to get it. Tanjiro must use all his skills as a swordsman and demon hunter to survive and protect the innocent. But is Tanjiro really up for the challenge? Some fans believe that his character may meet an unfortunate end in the game. Let’s explore this possibility further… If Tanjiro does die in Demon Slayer, it would be a tragic end for him. He’s been through so much pain and suffering throughout the game, and it would be heartbreaking to see him go out like that. But on the other hand, it’s possible that he could triumph over his enemies and save everyone in the process. It’s hard to say which way things will play out, but we’ll just have to wait until Demon Slayer comes out later this year to find out! ..

The Demon Slayer anime received praises from critics and the public for its story telling and visuals. Following the popularity in the debut season there’s an anime film that is an sequel. Additionally, Ufotable Studios announced Demon Slayer Season 2 will be released within the next few months in 2021. Since then, there’s been a flood of inquiries from Kimetsu no Yaiba fans. They can’t contain their excitement any longer, they would like to know what they think will transpire in the anime. They also want to know if a death that might occur or not and especially Tanjiro Kamado. The article below we’ll examine the possibility that Tanjiro will be killed as a result of Demon Slayer. This article could be spoiler-filled, so you should read it at your own discretion.

Who is Tanjiro Kamado?

Kamado Tanjiro plays the principal character in the animated series Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. He grew up within the hills with his parents and five other siblings. Don Junior was the only bread-winner in the family following the death of his father when he was a young man. Tangier was known to sell coal in the town near the mountains. One day, he stayed up late, and an elderly man close to the foothills invited him to spend in his house for the night. Because there are spirits in the night, and they may attack Tanjiro.

The next day, upon reaching the house where he lives, Tanjiro finds out that the entire family is dead with the exception of his younger sister, Nezuko. He was transporting his sister to a physician at the time that Nezuko changes into a demon, and then is able to attack her brother. An Demon Slayer, Giyu Tomioka appears to kill Nezuko however, he discovers that she retains human emotions despite becoming the demon. Thus, he spares Natsuko’s soul and requests Tanjiro to bring him into Sakonji Urokodaki. After meeting with Sakonji Tanjiro, he instructs Tanjiro the technique of water breathing to defeat demons. After passing the test, Tanjiro officially becomes a Demon Slayer.

Then, he embarks out on a quest with his sister to defeat demons and find the solution to turn his sister back into a human. While on this quest, Tanjiro slays many demons with the assistance from his sisters. Later, he meets Zenitsu Agatsuma as well as Inosuke Hashibira who join him on the adventure. They face a variety of powerful demons in this adventure and are able to are closer to the person or demon responsible for all the terrible incidents, Muzan. Tanjiro was close to death several times. In the course of the story, Tanjiro also unravels many details regarding his relatives, his demons, as well as The Demon Slayer Corp.

Does Tanjiro Die in Demon Slayer?

Note:There are several spoilers in this article. If you’re currently in the season 1 of the show you should go through the entire series before you start. Since the mange been cancelled on the 20th of January in 2020. If would like to catch up and know more about the information I’m talking about in this article, begin reading the chapters now! The mange chapter in which Tanjiro’s demise will be revealed when you read on.

Tanjiro actually passed away Tanjiro actually died in Demon Slayer. It was also confirmed in the post-timeskip episodes of this series, that Tanjiro was already dead. The death of Tanjiro was also confirmed in the aftermath of the final battle, when his pulse was examined by one of the remaining members from the group known as Hashira. It was also observed at the time that he could not breathe any more.

They were into a war against one of the strongest villains in the history of anime. In the future, I will not just talk about his demise, but Muzan’s incredible skills. Muzan to help you understand how he managed to beat Tanjiro and Hashira in The Final Battle.

How Does Tanjiro Die in Demon Slayer?

In the end, Tanjiro died due to suffering a severe injury while fighting Muzan and then he injured himself further while performing Sun Breathing techniques in quicker intervals. However, despite the strength of Sun Breathing, Muzan did not find it “irritating”, which is the reason Muzan was able to defeat him until dawn came.

The events that led to Tanjiro’s death began in the first part of the Final Battle Arc: The Infinity Castle Arc. This is the part where they took on to the Ubuyashiki Estate to kill Muzan and put an end to the rule of the demons at last and for good. The Hashira might be formidable Demon Slayers, but they have to unite to take on Muzan.

In the course of this combat they were able to take on Muzan numerous times. This demonstrated how impressive collaboration and power of the Hashira were. Tanjiro as well as the others tried to join Muzan from every angle but were taken into the Infinity Castle, where most of them were separated. Following the epic battles of Hashira with Muzan’s demons inside Infinity Castle, Infinity Castle, the castle was destroyed. They have to wait for dawn to finally eliminate Muzan completely and forever.

Muzan Kibutsuji’s Abilities

It’s pretty clear the fact that Muzan is the primary reason Tanjiro was killed. To find out more about the reasons Tanjiro was killed despite beating Muzan in the final battle I’ll go over the persona of Muzan is and how strong and ferocious Muzan actually was.

Muzan Kibutsuji was the King of Demons and the progenior to all undemons. This means that he is the strongest of all demons since he was the first demon. He has killed a number of people over his 10000 years. He also has a broad array of talents, including making use of his blood to create demons and making black spiked wires which could be used as whips or an effective method to dislodge his adversaries.

Muzan is also well-known for his unimaginable strength that is more than the other demons. Despite Tamayo’s attempt to weaken him by using an Anti-Kibutsuji Drug during the Infinity Castle Arc however, he was strong enough to take down structures without difficulty and also perform powerful attacks that caused massive destruction. In fact, Gyomei is the Hashira with the strongest in raw strength was having a difficult to fight him.

He also is also Godlike speed and agility and unending stamina, which ensures his unstoppable performance fighting. The strength of his is also reflected in remarkable endurance, as is demonstrated by the fact that all of the Hashira had to unite to take on him, yet they still killed many of them in the process. In contrast to other demons, the Hashira are also protected from the decapitation.

In addition the ability to change to his Infant form which acts as a barrier made of flesh, and has been proved to be sufficient to protect himself from the Hashira without any difficulty. Additionally, he is able change his mouth to a large mouth, which could trigger an internal scream which can cause harm to anyone who is struck by the shockwave.

In addition, he is an combat-style appearance, which causes his hair to become long and white and makes him appear more sinister in appearance. This form is that defeated the majority members of the Hashira to death, and causing Tanjiro to pass away after their fight. All of these feats and in the light of the strength of the Hashira fighting Muzan appeared impossible, even without light. Thus, it is possible to claim that the reason for Tanjiro’s demise was the injuries Muzan caused him to suffer.

The Final Battle Which Caused Tanjiro’s Death

In the Sunrise Countdown arc, all the Hashira were alive. They remain with more than one hour to dawn and Muzan is still at his peak. There are already injuries to some of the members in the last few minutes as well, and Muzan is in combat mode already. The second phase of the Final Battle was actually a battle of desperation, and all of Hashira, Tanjiro, and his companions used all their skills. However, they’ve shown no resistance to Muzan.

The arc he was in was able kill most all Hashira members thanks to his impressive strength, speed, and reflexes and also how powerful his Blood ability could become. Below are some of the Hashira members were killed in the battle:


l Akaza

L Kaigaku

l Gyokko

l Gyutaro

L Daki

l Hantengu

L Doma

Nakime. Nakime

Apart from Hashira the slayer was successful in killing others Demon Slayers. Moreover, several of them willingly sacrificed themselves during a segment during the Final Battle, to distract Muzan. Yet, despite the difficult deaths, a handful (including Tanjiro) (including Tanjiro) were able to keep him in check until dawn arrived, effectively degrading the Demon King. It was a highly satisfying and uplifting moment for them and for the fans, however it was a shock to learn that Tanjiro ended up dying from his wounds following his defeat to Muzan.

The harm that Tanjiro sustained during the battle was quite a bit. He lost his arm in the process, shattered some of his bones, particularly during sun Breathing repeatedly and in rapid sequence, and even suffered an extremely severe head injury. Another cause of damage for him and is likely the primary factor contributing to his demise was the poison he took from Muzan. The poison affected his vision and made him weaker even after Muzan was defeated.

Tanjiro’s demise was confirmed by Kakushi who informed Giyu through tears fashion that Tanjiro is no longer breathing with no pulse, too. Tanjiro seems to be sitting on the ground, but isn’t moving at all but is holding his knife with only one arm. But there’s more than the picture!

Aftermath of Tanjiro’s Death, And…

But, the following of Tanjiro’s demise was the same scene that brought Tanjiro back to his former self. You got it! The main hero actually came back to his former self after officially passing away. This time, however the demon became himself and went through the same process that was happening to the sister Nezuko. The reason for this is that after Muzan lost and proved that he was defeated for one final time, making use of his remaining consciousness to restore Tanjiro. He was then transformed into Muzan, who is now the Demon King.

The outcome of his transformation into a demon led to his return to form and transformed into a very powerful demon. The worst part about his demon appearance is that it was immune to sunlight. However, his will can stop him to kill his sibling and also to avoid being enticed by Muzan in his subconscious. Because of his sister whom he wishes to protect throughout the series, Tanjiro eventually went back to normal.

The problem is that Tanjiro has lost the skills he used to have in the past, and has actually been weaker and blind because of the poison was given to him by Muzan. But, Tanjiro appears to be content with this because there’s no need to be an Demon Slayer anymore, as all demons have been eliminated.

This is why Tanjiro returned to his former life, but he lost his life in the final fight. If not the attempt of Muzan to discredit Tanjiro and his family, he could be dead because of exhaustion severe as well as poisoning and injuries. In the end of the narrative, a skip took place, and it revealed what appears to be the grandchildren of Tanjiro. In terms of the technical aspect of the story Tanjiro passed away peacefully as got older and had the family he had created. ‘

So, it is possible to claim that Tanjiro had two theories of his death. One occurred due to his fight against Muzan while the other was peaceful due to age.

In Which Episode Does Tanjiro Die?

At the moment this anime series of Demon Slayer is not yet complete. Season 2 is still in process of being developed, and the release date is not debated. The series’ anime has just released their highly success movie Mugen Train back in 2020. There’s no word yet that season 2 is the last episode of the anime , or if they’ll show The Final Battle Arc as a film similar to Mugen Train.

However, since the manga has ended I’ll go over the chapters where there was a death sequence revealed. Tanjiro’s death occurred following the battle with Muzan during Chapter 200. For his actual death due to his age his age, the details were never made public specifically.

What actually transpired was that by the conclusion of Chapter 204 and a time-switch occurred where a contemporary Japan was presented. In Chapter 205, it showed children from the Kamado family attending the modern school, while one of them bears striking resemblances to Tanjiro.

This means the fact that Tanjiro had the ability to rear his family until the time he passed away perhaps due to his age. In the case of its anime counterpart I think we’ll all must keep our fingers crossed for when it will be released.

Does Tanjiro die at 25?

While Tanjiro passed away, he was revived by a person and has solved all his ailments and wounds. This implies that he won’t pass away at 25 since he was able to deal with the issue.

Tanjiro Death Scene

The heartbreaking scene from Tanjiro is not available in an animation version as of yet. If you do a search online, you’ll be able to view Chapter 200 being discussed, and a video that shows the pages of the chapter.

It is possible that there will be fan-made animated scenes based on this tragic death scene from Tanjiro. However, we may have to wait to see if the animated sequence will be seen in Season 2 or in a different series or movie that director are planning to soon release.