Dot Pixis Aot is a digital artist and illustrator who specializes in creating illustrations and designs for web and print publications. She has been creating art since she was a child, and has always been drawn to the creative process. After studying graphic design at university, Dot Pixis decided to focus on illustration full-time. She has since created over 100 illustrations and designs, all of which can be found on her website Dot Pixis’s work is unique in that it often explores the relationships between people and their environment, as well as the ways that technology can be used to create beautiful images. Her illustrations often explore the potential consequences of our choices, both big and small. For example, one of her most popular pieces features a woman sitting on a beach with her dog by her side; as she looks out at the waves crashing against the shore, she seems to be lost in thought but for the dog who is constantly wagging his tail in excitement. The juxtaposition of this peaceful scene with the loud sound of the waves is incredibly powerful, illustrating how technology can sometimes take away our ability to connect with nature completely.


Dot Pixis Is an old man. He’s bald and has a gray mustache , as well as eyes of gold. Like all commanders Pixis wears a pendant that is adorned with a crystal on his neck, to show his rank as an officer.

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Pixis is an extremely bizarre character. Once while viewing Titans make their way through the cracks in the Pink Wall Pixis declared that he would not want to be devoured by the Titan in the event that it was feminine in appearance and an enviable beauty.

He is able to maintain his cool, and has a calm and serene manner of speaking even in the midst chaos. But, Dot Pixis is a skilled leader. In addition, He proved this when he was able calm the soldiers who threatened to mutiny and convinced that they should fight to win back Trost’s district of Trost. He is a skilled planner, and he also is a great sense of humor.

Also, He is a skilled strategist and is able to evaluate the scope of the problem thoroughly, while also knowing how to manage risk that ultimately has led him to believe in Eren Jager in the last instance under the protection from Trost District. Trost District.

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HISTORY Dot Pixis Aot


Main Article: Battle of Trost Arch

In the animated, Pixis first appeared playing the game of chess together with the Lord Balto. A soldier arrived to inform Pixis of the current situation in the Trost district and that the present situation needed the immediate attention of Pixis. Pixis then made a decision to go to the scene and remained and remained calmly denying his nobleman’s request to remain to ensure his property was protected.

Dot Pixis was on the scene after Eren was sentenced to death as he changed into the form of a Titan. Pixis was close with Armin Arlelt as he gave an ebullient defense to his friend with whom he put his complete faith. The chief of staff did not believe in this speech, and when he was about in the process of ordering his troops to execute Mikasa Ackermanand Armin for rebellion , as in addition to Eren as an titan, Pixis prevented him from his tracks and believed in Armin’s words.

After discussing the issue together with Eren and Armin He then instructed his subordinate officers to come up with plans to conquer Trost. But, due to the low morale among the Garrison soldiers quite low, and a majority of them exhausted the soldiers were tempted to disperse, to abandon to be in their homes with families. In order to bring the soldiers hope they were introduced to Eren and declared that Eren was part of an unconfirmed experiment that turned people to Titans to be able to fight on the same level.It’s not surprising that Pixis isn’t considered to be a serious issue, and tensions rise between fighters and those who are left to fight. The tension increases as they get ready for a battle. Then Pixis is given the command to be lenient with the soldiers who would like to leave, and invites them to go home, as he believes that if they’re in a state of fear and paralysis that they are paralyzed by fear, they will not be able to fight and could be killed in the hands of the Titans. 

However, he warns them that if they join in a mutiny against their families, they run the risk of becoming a victim of the terror that they run from in, and that makes them paralyzed and, more importantly their families could be hurt if it transpires that they fail to defeat to the Titans. This last point convinces soldiers to rejoin their ranks and begin the battle.

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The main article is: Clash of the Titans Arc


Main Article: Arc du Tournant Majeur

Erwin Smith discusses with Pixis and shares his plan which is to challenge the current government. Pixis informs him that he comprehends the whole situation and he is in accord with this plan, but Erwin is still the commanding officer of the Garrison and should Erwin is unsuccessful by convincing him that he should abandon humanity, he’ll send Erwin into the Special Brigades for high treason If he is successful to change his mind he’ll quit his position as commander and be a part of in the Exploration Battalion as private. 

At the meeting of the high government, Pixis made plans with Erwin and consisted of making it appear as if there was a pink wall that Pink Wall had been destroyed due to an appearance from Titans like the Dreadnought Titan and the Colossal Titan.

The news was announced in the middle of Erwin’s trial by the Royal Government through Anka Rheinberger Pixis started to issue instructions to his subordinates take refugee refugees in However, Chief Minister Aurille instructed Pixis to not do anything regarding the issue. The refugees weren’t allowed to be allowed into the capital and he wasn’t going to be a part of the chaos this could result in. 

Generalissimo Daris Zackley was soon in the room, and explained the ruse. Pixis disclosed to the government the conversation that he had with Erwin. If he wasn’t an oaf, he might have had the same conversation with him. There was still an opportunity for him to remain for a couple of minutes more it was over, but he lost it because of cowardice.

When the battalion was about to leave to go to their departure to the Reiss Chapel, Pixis told them that the highest officers of the regime who were interviewed were not willing to cooperate and were convinced that they would be allowed to return to their post because of the influence that was the initial. But, Zackley was still slaying them at this moment. Saddened that he was involved in the plot to serve a purpose of this magnitude. He wasn’t very confident regarding what was to follow and took the threat of torture extremely seriously.Pixis was at the coronation ceremony of Historia Reiss, the queen of legitimate status along with Erwin Smith and Naile Dork. They kneeled before her, indicating their loyalty towards their monarch.

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Main Article: The Arc of Return to Shiganshina

Prior to starting Operation Reconquest of the Maria Wall, at the headquarters, Pixis, along with all the Garrison’s most senior officers, formally welcomed their colleagues of the Exploration Battalion.

After returning from the Exploration Battalion, Pixis was present at the military assembly. After Hansi revealed his findings at Grisha’s home and firmly argued against disclosing the findings to the general public in context of Special Brigade members who wanted to keep it secret for the interests for the public. As per Pixis that doing so would show that the military’s regime wasn’t any different from the one they overthrew through this method. queen Historia supported him by tipping the government support of his move.

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Article principal: Arch of the Mahrs

In the year 851, Pixis attended the military meeting to discuss the proposal of Sieg that was reported by Major Hansi who had offered to him by his Anti-Mahr Mercenaries. Sieg’s cooperation terms made many officers react with a violent rage. He wanted to spend his entire life in Paradise and be able to visit the half brother of his Eren. 

Incredulous at this idea He nevertheless offered Hansi to read the plan, but he had some doubtsdue to the shrewdness of the scheme, and that it was a product of Mahr. Mahr government, as he was convinced that the government in Paradise will never accept it. The other evidence proved that his fears were justified, Sieg would bring them the possibility of activating the Titans of the Wall that Eren confirmed. In the time he was capable of using to activate the powers of the original Titan He was in contact with Dinah Jager who was Sieg’s mother. an ancestor to his Fritz branch of the Fritz.

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Main Article: The Arch of Return to Paradise

By Jelena Jelena, a meeting was arranged between the Paradise headquarters and a delegation of Heazul Eldia’s historical allies, headed by the chief plenipotentiary minister Kiyomi Azumabito. Before the gathering the leadership of the military at the headquarters was split. This is certainly an advantage, but it could be a cause for a mistake by Jelena Sieg’s faithful lieutenant. Pixis asks the alliance to give it an opportunity, as Paradise is more sophisticated than a toddler in comparison to other countries of the world. He invites them to come in, and if they do, making the wait for guests unprofessional. 

The interview was held in which she reminisced about her encounter with Sieg. In the midst of it all, Pixis understood that Sieg had manipulated Kyomi by giving her an example of an extremely rare stone discovered just on the island Paradise which was able to make precious stones. Honor was not involved with it, and neither would Kyomi had taken on the risk of the future in the event that it was clear that this game was not worth the risk. Afterward, Pixis was dissatisfied with the idea of putting Historia for the fate of her ancestors who would be devoured by her heirs to come However, he didn’t protest.

Following after the War of Revelio Pixis was presented with Revelio’s Anti-Mahr Mercenaries who brought him the titanic serum they stole from Mahr. Pixis acknowledged their efforts. However, he ordered them arrested and apologized for having had to treat those who taken them from despair and ignorance and asking to keep a slack and oblivious to their shortcomings and to ensure that Sieg was not able to escape control. When Jelena assured her that she had a complete understanding and that he’d soon be laughing at the whole thing and he said he would like to.

Pixis was able to visit Jelena at her private cell in luxury along with Anka. He asked her first whether she felt comfortable. She responded positively, pointing out that she had stunning views, but was unhappy about the bars in the windows. He expressed his appreciation for the help provided by his team, and thanked her on the information about Mahr which she had passed on to Paradise. However, he was skeptical of this request and wondered if it was not just a cover to conceal something from them. 

Furthermore, she even requested to be taken by soldiers. Ten months earlier the date of the official opening of the Trost District Railway Her supervisor was abruptly dismissed and succeeded with Frock Vorster, who was in jail for leaking information. The boarding home where Frock had taken him was just 10 km from Eren’s residence address, which made an intimate meeting between the two possible. He was informed about the fact that Frock took her to a house close to her residence in the event that at the time Eren began to walk by herself. He invited her to share the truth, and although it was a bit long it was a pleasure to share a tete-a conversation with such a beautiful woman.

A few hours later, Jelena on the terrace of his home under surveillance, came across her friend Pixis again. In a tea mug she admitted that she had been with Eren apologized for keeping him in the dark until this point. She could understand their reaction when they realized they had been there. Pixis was thrilled by the sudden collaboration and inquired about the motive of this shady visit. She explained that she was concerned about the inefficiency of the officials of Paradise and, she believed could result in losing her.

She was keen to hear from Eren to find out what he thought. Eren was also worried about her. When Eren asked her whether she had ever asked her to enter the capital city of Mahr to ensure that a military attack could be launched, she denied that. She simply said that they were encouraging him to give that initial the idea. He also pointed out that, if this were the scenario she could have spoke to General Staff. She also pointed out the fact that this was Eren she was looking for and the army would not give permission to the ex- Mahr soldier. Pixis realized her awareness of authorities’ suspicions of the anti-Mahr Mercenaries however, despite this she had fought against the prohibition. 

The risk was worth it for her as she was able to convince Eren of the legitimacy of her brother’s scheme. She declared that he was not right, she wanted to acquainted with Eren more. Eren was shocked to believe her for a second. She acknowledged an almost magical salute towards The Jager brothers as well as their Great Earthworks initiative. He was assured that none of her mercenaries were aware about the meeting, and that the only person in the event was Frock. She apologized for her lies about it, claiming it was to help Eldia’s sake. Pixis did not believe in it being true that the words were designed to cover up other important issues and that the most convincing lies, according to him, are ones that combine some truth with it, asked her to provide him with the specifics of the conversation.

Following the time that Generalissimo Daris Zackley was murdered in a suicide bomb attack by Pro-Jager recruits of the Exploration Battalion, Pixis became the new General of the Army. After his appointment was made as General, he was required to calm his brigade and battalion colleagues, Hansi Zoe and Naile Dork who were the commanding officers from the two other units who were at the center of a dispute at the meeting of crisis. The first claimed that the other one was guilty of having lied the fact the fact that Zacley along with Zacley wanted to disarm Eren The second suggested that the first was a traitor to the government in order to protect Eren. 

The fiery vice-president of Dork, Roeg is even going as far to claim that Hansi along with the troops from the current battalion of coming equipped with explosives, and then threatening to detain them. Pixis warned them to stop the squabbling in such a serious setting. He instructed Hansi to take them three troops who were in the charge of Sieg’s supply. In regard to Naile Dork, the king pleaded with him to make sure the queen was secure. He also advised Armin to be wary of the strength of the giant. When he was later confronted by Armin about his motives, he suggested that he surrender in the hands of his fellow Pro-Jager but he refused to engage in the battle.

 The proposal would be accompanied by the brutal treatment of soldiers who were suspected to be Pro-Jager. He also mentioned Zackley and said that his death shouldn’t cause the collapse of Eldia like the three other victim of the assault. He also clarified for Naile that the surrender was not a surrender however it was a negotiation. The loyalists will reveal to Naile the Pro-Jager what the location of Sieg is, and give themselves over to the government. The government will then begin to investigate the long-awaited Great Dig.

 The official also stated that they’d not pay attention to the assassination attempt on their top leader. Because this would spare many lives in civil conflict, it was a relatively small price to pay and his subordinates complied with his orders , without ever questioned them. He expressed his regret at Kiyomi Azumabito who was there that day, for having was forced to witness this traumatic incident and advised she that the military was unable to more ensure her safety in the capitalcity, insisting that she stay there until was able to regain control over the situation.

Pixis’s remarks were actually only one aspect of his plan It was essential to ensure that as few as they could knew about his real intentions due to reasons of security. The plan was to deliver Eren into the arms of his older brother Sieg in the manner he requested but to stop Eren on his way to transfer him to a soldier for food, relying on the cooperation with Livai and his soldiers

. Livai did not agree with this plan and decided to take on Sieg immediately and cause him to eat what could keep Eren’s head. Eren. Sieg realized his intentions and yelled, turning people in the escort to the pure titanium. The moment they reached Capital, Pixis was feeling uneasy, and fell off his tea. Subordinates in other departments experienced the same sensation in their bodies in the same way Pixis did, but not at the same way.

After the soldiers realized that something had transpired certain soldiers, in fear of becoming transformed and transformed, switched to Jagerists. This was the situation with the one Pixis’ subordinates whose son had consumed the wine. He was a liar to Pixis and compelled him to use the use of a gun to collect all the troops from Shiganshina District. Shiganshina District at Jelena’s request. Pixis was unable to refuse. all it took was a call from Sieg and the world could be devastated. 

Shiganshina being evacuated of its inhabitants shortly prior it, it was less of a risk. He was required to eat dinner together with Anti-Mahr Mercenaries as Jelena had promised him after the time he was detained, but that they didn’t laugh in any way. Pixis sought out the traitor who gave his life away to apologize after he changed to the other side. He refused to give him an apology, but apologizing once more. Pixis realized the meaning that was behind the colour of armbands their winner ordered. White armbands are reserved for the Pro-Jagers, the red ones for those who had warned about the alcohol content, as well as the black armbands were for those who had drank it , but not been had any warnings until that point. 

He pointed out that this strategy was not much different from Mahr’s because it was precisely how Mahr had established his dominance over his fellow inhabitants on the continent. Jelena acknowledged that they had gained a lot from their enemies. He countered that they also had created new enemies and create more enemies, she pointed out of the fact that they were their group who had rejected their alliance with Sieg and in the reverse case it could be possible to save the planet for a time. 

He informed Jelena that he didn’t realize that was the Great Terrassement on smaller scale Eren and Sieg will begin to destroy this fleet will help save the world from any kind of. Jelena shut her eyes in displeasure at his comments, but returned them to inform him, with a smile she said that Sieg was patient enough for his people and him to reply and that they should be grateful to him for his kindness for them, they been tempted to pull his hair. Sieg was, as per her, a god of redemption who was created to bring redemption to the world. So, it was only right for him to be the one who Pixis was to be punished with just punishment for ignoring him.

In the Second Battle of Shiganshina the 500 soldiers who were defending Eldia from the Mahr army that was invading Mahr army were fighting. Onyakopon was forced to release 300 political prisoners who were locked in the fortress of the headquarters within Shiganshina District. Shiganshina District to aid them in the combat. Pixis was one of the prisoners. He assembled the soldiers in the main room, instructed those without armbands and who hadn’t had a drink, to use his 3-Dimensional Mover equipment, and also the other soldiers who fell into the trap of the enemy to protect the ground alongside him , and then go towards the front and rebuking the enemies.He changed his mind laterand instead of heading to the front, he instructed his troops to circle the enemy and bring the enemy back.In mid-air during the fight and while sipping a glass of alcohol, Sieg heard his cry. He shut his eyes and realized that his humanity was gone.


Dot Pixis’s combat skills and proficiency in three Dimensional Maneuver aren’t known as of now. As a commander Dot Pixis has command over all troops lower than her rank.

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Dot Pixis wears the Garrison’s uniform. He is wearing a brown leather shirt along with full human army equipment. He also wears 3-D equipment for maneuvering and was photographed wearing a green banner to indicate his rank as a the commander.