Connie Springer is a successful real estate agent who has been in the business for over 20 years. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with you, and she will help you achieve your real estate goals. Connie is a hard worker who always puts her clients first. She is an experienced negotiator and knows how to get the best deal for her clients. Connie also has a great sense of humor which can help lighten the mood when dealing with difficult situations. If you are looking for an experienced real estate agent who will help guide you through every step of your home buying or selling process, Connie Springer is the perfect person for you!

APPEARANCE Connie Springer Aot

Connie an infant and only 2 centimeters shorter than Levi. He has gray hair that is short and eyes that are yellow-gold to accompany it. He often wore the uniform of the military soldiers, even after joining the reconnaissance team. The uniform isn’t much different from the uniforms of new recruits. Only the wings of liberty across the shoulder of his jacket indicate that he’s part of the reconnaissance team.

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PERSONALITY Connie Springer Aot

Connie is an extremely emotional and loving boy. Even in the worst of situations Connie tries to maintain his cool. Connie is a lover of fight and is determined to take down an Titan every time. The problem is that He doesn’t think, and isn’t suited for the most strategic of operations.He is not afraid to express his emotions. In addition, He is proud of his abilities particularly during his fundamental training. He also enjoys playing with his fellow comrades.

If he is confronted with an Titan before him, the behaviour shifts dramatically. While he is angry, he begins to take his life much more seriously. He was also aware of his shortcomings and realized that he’s not as tough like Eren Jager. In the end, he is solidly optimistic and willing to assist. He is a trusted and trustworthy comrade in arms.

Family is very important to Connie. This is evident in how Connie was thinking of joining the military police in order to ensure that his family was proud. However, in the end, Eren’s speech made him join the squad for reconnaissance instead. He also signed up shortly following the time Titans were seen in the Rose Wall to check on his family members in Ragako.

STORYLINE Connie Springer Aot


Connie decides to join the military because she wants to be a part of the military police in order to be proud of his family. Connie is a participant in the 104th session in which he is expected to complete the basics of training, but he is snubbed by the instructor Keith Shadis when he attempts to form the military salute using an incorrect hand. When Shadis confronts Connie however, he observes that another trainee, Sasha Braus, is an unwelcome potato, and takes the place from Connie for him to help Sasha.

Later in the night, Connie and several other recruits sit and watch Sasha perform the penalty laps. The new recruits start an argument and when they find out that Eren Jager comes from Shiganshina They ask with curiosity regarding how they could be affected by the Titan attacks. The next day the group is instructed on the use of 3D-movementing equipment and Connie is able to control the situation quite quickly. If Eren does not succeed Eren is unable to complete the task, he seeks assistance from Connie along with others, but Connie is unable to help him.

As the new recruits are instructed in hand-to hand combat, Connie and Sasha don’t consider it a serious matter and play around in the process, and are targeted for punishment by Shadis. But, when Connie is witness to Eren applying his newly developed skills to take down Jean Kirschstein in a brawl He begins to take the whole situation much more seriously. In 3 years Connie goes through the basic training and makes friends with Sasha specifically.


After the basic training is over, Shadis judges Connie as the eighth-best recruit in the group, which permits him to be a part of in the police force of the army. Inside the hall of mess Connie is able to hear Connie listens to Eren deliver a fiery speech on how humanity can never be able to defeat the Titans when the top soldiers are relegated to the police force. Eren’s speech persuades Connie to be a part of the squad, after all. The following day Connie along with a few other new recruits get required to maintain the cannons erected on the wall in front of Solace. 

Connie and Thomas both Connie as well as Thomas confess to their acquaintances that they are planning to join the reconnaissance team but Connie says that her remarks have nothing to do with the decision. In a flash, the massive Titan is spotted in the middle of the wall and is able to kick it into the wall, and then sweeps Connie and her fellows away from the walls with a mighty and a rumble. They can escape with their 3D equipment for maneuvering as the Titan disappears just as it was seen.

immediately Connie along with the other members are given the order to help clear the district since the Titans are already entering Solace. While fighting, Connie finds Armin, totally distraught and scared. He confronts Armin about what was happening to his unit however, Ymir interjects and states that it’s obvious to see that Armin is the sole member of his unit to survive in addition to the fact the other survivors like Eren, Thomas, Mina as well as the other members of Armin’s group are all dead. Ymir proposes leaving Armin at home, and a heated argument ensues between them and Christa ultimately has to resolve. Then, Armin gets up and walks down the city of Solace while Connie has to take care of his needs with worry.

After the evacuation has completed, Connie and his team are not able to escape behind the wall as they’re running out of fuel for their equipment , and the base in which the reserves are kept is under attack by Titans. Then, Mikasa leads the troops in an attack at Headquarters, however she she crashes half way there. Connie and Armin come to her aid and Connie calls Jean to bring all the other group members to the headquarters. A

fter Connie and Armin discover Mikasa and are shocked to discover that she is being protected by a frightened Titan who is fighting other Titans. They are able to make it to the headquarters and take the Titan to them, after which it strikes more powerful Titans in the vicinity of the headquarters. However, as smaller Titans still abounding around their fuel station, Armin devises a plan to take them out. If Connie is unable to defeat any of the Titans and is saved from Annie who can eliminate the Titan. After charging their batteries, Connie and the group can retreat behind the wall, but they are shocked when they see Eren Jager emerge from the Titan’s mysterious body.The recapture of Solace begins through Eren’s Titan power, Connie is part of the team tasked with disorienting all the Titans in Solace to ensure that Eren can get to the gate. When Connie notices that Jean’s equipment isn’t working and is therefore on foot, heand Annie and Marco divert the Titans to ensure that Jean can get back to safety.


Following that the Titans Sonny and Bean die All recruits are required to submit their 3D-moving equipment for inspection. While Connie’s gear is scrutinized, he talks with Armin and Annie about the motives that people might have for killing the Titans because they are valuable test subjects. When the time comes to pick a military division, Connie, together with Armin Mikasa Reiner, Berthold, Sasha and Jean take part in the group of reconnaissance and are welcomed by the commander Erwin Smith.


Connie is a member of his unit in the 56th Expedition Behind the Wall along with all of the recon team. Connie and his team are stationed among the trees on the edge of the huge tree forest. They are attempting to stop Titans from entering the forest, while other members of the recon team secretly sets up a trap for the female Titan in the forest. Following the attempt to capture this woman Titan is unsuccessful, Connie and the rest of the recon squad escape to the wall.


Following Annie Leonhardt is identified as the female Titan and is captured the suspicion is raised that there may be others Titan shifters who were part of that former 104th Training Unit. The entire group is transported to a country estate and is placed under the protection by Mike Zakarius and his crew. They aren’t told of the incident. The team is discontent until Mike discovers that Titans have risen up inside the Wall Rose. The wall, he believes, is broken and instructs that the team immediately to saddle their horses and to warn villages nearby.

Because Connie’s residence community located in Ragako located close, Mike allows him to go there. Reiner along with Berthold are with him. As they arrive in Ragako they discover the village devastated however, they do not find any bodies or evidence that suggests the residents have died. In the house of Connie they also find the titan, who has limbs that are atrophied and that’s why it’s unable to move. When the Titan suddenly opens the door to welcome Connie to her home, Connie can’t believe it. Reiner however, on the other hand, says that he hasn’t received any information and advises Connie to remain focused on the mission.

Connie’s crew moves on and at dusk they decide to hide in the wreckage of Utgard Castle. In the castle, Connie fights in a heated debate with Ymir as she jokes that the Titan that he found in Ragako may have been his mom. The castle eventually gets attacked by Titans and, while Mike’s group is trying to kill Titans in the outside of their castles, cadets who are not armed inside are instructed to stop smaller Titans from entering. When Reiner runs into the air, Connie admiringly asks Berthold whether Reiner is always this brave. 

With a smile, Berthold replies that it was not always this way but that Reiner was once the warrior. In the event that one of the lesser Titans gets into the building and throw himself at Connie who is ready to turn his back towards the door, Reiner jumps between the two, and the Titan is bitten in the arm.

Reiner would like to leap from the window to meet Reiner wants to jump out the window with Titan However, Connie puts a knife in the Titan’s jaw. the bite is released and Ymir is able to kick it out of the window. The soldiers out in the open have fallen, Connie and the others are forced to retreat to the highest point of the tower which is where they see Nanaba along with Gelgar being devoured by Titans. 

To help her friends, Ymir reveals herself as a Titan shifter, transforms and engages the Titans and the Titans – to the surprise of Connie and the other. As the castle begins to fall due to the battle Connie and the other survivors are able to hold onto Ymir’s Titan body, and are able to withstand the fall of Utgard due to. As Titans gather all around them the recon team under the command of Hanji appears and eliminates the Titans.

The group is returned to the Wall and there Reiner along with Berthold are revealed as an armored massive Titan and take on Eren during battle, kidnapping the Ymir and fleeing Eren and the captured Ymir towards Wall Maria. Connie is unsure of what happened and seeks out the reason for what occurred to Reiner and Berthold. He is stunned when he discovers they are both Titans. 

When the team of reconnaissance begins an operation to recapture Eren and pursues Titan shifters Connie is with them in order to hear the confession of Reiner and Berthold through their own mouths. They reach the massive tree that Hanji has determined to be Reiner and Berthold’s probable hiding spot, however, they only find the changed Ymir. Connie is seen jumping on her head and asks what the enemy’s location is, but Ymir doesn’t respond. Instead, she flies towards Historia as she emerges. She grasps her jaws and then takes off.

In a moment, the recon group is on the lookout and pursues the armored titan that carries Berthold, Ymir, and Eren into the steppes further into the forests. The trio is in a position to catch Reiner along with Connie as well as a few other members of the group swoop on the giant. Reiner defends Berthold along with Eren by using his hands and arms, so it is possible that Connie and the rest of the group are unable touch him, but they can converse with Reiner. 

Astonished and sad, Connie asks if their friendship was not a lie at the beginning, but Berthold insists that he felt Connie and the other were the best of friends. As Captain Erwin suddenly takes a group of Titans in a straight line towards Reiner, Connie and the other Titans leap off of the armored Titan to make the Titans smash into Reiner and bind him to the ground.

After Eren is saved and told to go back, Connie pulls Historia onto his horse and does not want to leave Ymir. Screaming the fact that Ymir could be executed should Historia is not with Reiner as well as Berthold, Connie reveals to her that Ymir clearly lies to defend Historia even if it means risking her life. When Connie, Historia, and Ymir back off, Reiner hurls ordinary Titans at them to prevent their escape. 

Connie, Ymir, Historia and Sasha begin fighting the Titans however victory comes only after Eren using an previously unexplored Titan power that allows him to control the normal Titans and direct to attack Reiner as well as Berthold. When Reiner and Berthold run away, Ymir follows them but Connie grasps the horses of Historia’s and stops Historia from riding after them.

After escaping behind wall, Hanji as well as Connie look for Levi, Erwin, and Dot Pixis. Hanji shares with them the idea of those Titans that were seen in Wall Rose were probably humans and, more specifically the inhabitants of Ragako. Connie must confirm this idea, since the Titan they encountered in Ragako was frighteningly similar to his mother.

THE UPRISING Connie Springer Aot

After their adventure back after their return to Solace, Connie and his colleagues are appointed to the team of Levi and report the new Team Levi to Levi personally. They are transported to a cabin far from the countryside in order to defend Historia and Eren whom are sought by unidentified forces within the government. While there, Connie and Eren peel potatoes. While Eren complains about the slow progress in his efforts to build up his strength, Connie somberly says that his sole goal is to get revenge on the beast titan who caused their family’s death. In a state of anger, he leave the room to go to his watch.When the troops are told to evacuate the hut right away They obey the directive immediately, narrowly avoiding an attack from The Central Brigade. They fight to Trost however, they are expecting another attack , so they make sure to take precautions. When Armin and Jean who are disguised to appear as Historia as well as Eren were actually captured by attackers and forced on a cart Levi and his crew track the kidnappers to a storage facility. 

As Levi is off together with Nifa as well as Abel to join Eren and Historia while the remaining team is led by Mikasa who is the leader, attack the warehouse, and rescues Armin as well as Jean.As they are preparing to meet back up with Levi on the rooftop of the house when they hear gunshots, they are astonished to discover that there is in Solace. When they begin to swing toward the gunfire, they’re stunned to see Levi being pursued and shot by armed soldiers. They eventually kill one of them.After the team is able to escape the assault, but loses Eren as well as Historia to the attackers and return to the warehouse , where Levi agrees to an arrangement in the presence of one kidnapper Dimo Reeves. They are then placed in the arms of 2 militaristic policemen they brutally inflict torture on and detain Levi and Hanji as the team of Levi is seated at a table and listens to the screams that are coming from the basement. Then, Levi and Hanji return upstairs and tell them that they’ve discovered that they have discovered that the Reiss family is the royal family living in the walls. Connie and the other members are shocked to discover the fact that Haistoria is, in turn, part of the royal family.

To liberate Eren as well as Historia of the shackles of Rod Reiss, Team Levi is able to make their way through the forest, but they are ultimately spotted by the military police officers Marlo and Hitch.They can take the two men by surprise, take them in and join with them. That’s when they find out about an unprotected border post of the military police. Then, Connie, Sasha and Jean take off onto a cart and manage to escape the roadblock.

 As Levi investigates one of the captives, Hanji as well as Moblit suddenly arrive and inform the hostage they have thrown down the government and the team Levi is no longer wanted by police. Connie and the rest of the team burst into cheers after hearing that. Hanji is also able to envision the location Eren and Historia could be imprisoned The team then heads towards Reiss Chapel, where they prepare for battle against the Central Brigade’s anti-personnel team.

After Levi is asked if the team is prepared, they rush into the chapel. Because of the preparations that Armin has put together it is possible for them to cover themselves in a cloud of smoke and fend off ambush. Everyone from the team Levi does not back down and Connie is killed on the very first occasion in his entire life. When he walked away from the smoke in his attack the man is nearly shot by a female soldier, but she gets killed by an arrow from Sasha in the final moments. Also, When the anti-personnel group is withdrawn, the group is attempting to reach Eren but their route is blocked.

When they finally arrive at Eren and find him tied to a pedestal as Rod Reiss transforms into a massive titan. Levi, Jean and Connie unlock the chains that Eren has put on however, they are blocked from getting out by the hot steam released from the Titan. But, Eren is able to take a sip from Titan liquid to harden himself, creating a protective shield for his crew as the cave falls around them. Connie and Sasha are then looking for a way to pull they out from the cave. cave. 

Along with the squad of recons who have been following them and they follow Rod Reiss to the Orvud district and assume that Rod will strike there. When they arrive there in Orvud, Levi reveals to the stunned Historia that she will be the next queen of the Walls. Incredulous to learn that Historia is being pushed into this job, Connie protests slightly, but is soon intimidated by Levi and does not speak.After coming up with a strategy to defeat Rod Reiss team Levi goes towards the wall of Orvud where they saturate themselves in water to better stand up to the heat of Rod. After Eren succeeds in blowing up Rod’s huge body, and shreds of flesh are thrown into the city, Connie swings into the air along with the rest of his team to cut the pieces of flesh using blades, aiming at the part that was once the neck of Rod and is stuffed with the human remains from his body. Historia is the only one who has the power to take out Rod as well as save Orvud. 

Her crowning ceremony is followed by as the new queen at Mitras where her former team is present. Then, when Historia would like to defeat Levi to show herself that she’s worthy of the title, Connie and the others are awestruck and encourage her. The group is shocked by the outcome. Levi takes”attack “attack” with smile, and thanked everyone for their encouragement.

When Historia is crowned queen she opens an orphanage with the Reiss family’s funds, on which Connie along with Levi and the rest of Levi’s crew do their work during their free time. Connie has been observed eating with his fellow colleagues and fellow new recruits in the barracks. He decides to stay up until the early hours telling them that he’s planning to visit his home town the next day.

The team’s leaders make the decision to feed the soldiers to commemorate their successful recapture mission of Shiganshina, Connie must restrain Sasha as she attempts to eat as much as is. After being taken away, Connie reminds Eren that Sasha was actually willing to share her meat with her fellow soldiers just prior to when they saw the Colossal Titan appeared out of Solace. Eren and Eren are equally amazed by the feats they’ve accomplished during the following months.

The next day, when the recon group prepares to depart the next day, they are shocked by the appearance of a large number of civilians who cheer enthusiastically. Connie and the other new recruits begin to cheer alongside them, but they are in shock when Erwin begins to cheer before starting the expedition.


Once the group of the reconnaissance team has reached Shiganshina, Connie watches Eren as well as the other soldiers from the team, as he plugs the hole on the outside of the wall. When Eren is able to close the hole, all the members of the group are gathered and eager to continue the mission. But, they must stop the mission at the moment Erwin starts to light an exploding flare. From their vantage point they can see Reiner Braun come out of the wall, and transform into the beast titan.

As Eren And Reiner battle each other in the role of Titans, Connie and his team prepare to help Eren. Following Hanji and Mikasa make use of thunder spears to slit Reiner’s eyes and eyes, the remainder of the group engages with thunder spears, which reveal the body of Reiner. While Connie and Sasha aren’t able to murder Reiner initially, Jean convinces them to go on with the task. While they do attack Reiner again using thunder-spears and totally destroy his neck, Connie as well as Sasha feel devastated afterward. 

Jean is also affected by the attack and they get emotional before being interrupted by loud scream that emanates from the massive body of Reiner.They quickly get out of their current location as Berthold is approaching and could transform into a massive the titan at any moment. They are watching as Armin is trying to reach an agreement with Berthold. If that doesn’t work, Berthold flees and transforms into the massive titan soon after. Connie and his team seek refuge behind Eren’s enormous body to stay safe from being struck in the blast. 

If Connie suddenly starts to make poor jokes during his nervousness, Sasha hits him once on the head, at Jean’s request. The group then decides to prevent the titan’s massive size from hitting the walls. To reduce gas consumption the group uses Eren’s titan as mount. Jean is still thinking of ways to stop Berthold and eventually decides that they must do everything they can.

So they take the armed Mikasa in Connie’s lightning sling and leap off Eren who is threatening Berthold’s leg , and tries to force the other back. But Berthold just raises his leg before giving Eren an enormous kick that sends him flying up to the very top on the wall which leaves him motionless. 

Jean, Mikasa, Connie and Sasha are now attempting to take on Berthold their own, while Armin is expected to take an idea of the scene from an in-between distance. Jean, Connie and Sasha take a head-on approach to the head of the titan to attract his attention. Mikasa moves high in the air from behind, aiming two thunderbolts directly into the neck of Berthold.

But, Berthold sees the repercussions of this strategy and releases steam boiling that smothers the thunderspears and his former colleagues. When the group reunites around Armin who has been keeping an eye on all the action, Armin cryptically reveals that the group has not yet found a solution to stop Berthold. In the same time the group of comrades are shocked to realise that on top of their present problems that the armored Titan has picked its feet and is advancing toward.However, now Armin is active. Because a plan has been suggested to him to take on the titan of colossal size along with Eren and Eren, he instructs Jean, Mikasa, Connie and Sasha to take care of the armored giant. Jean, Mikasa, Connie and Sasha will then strike the titan in armor however, to their delight the titan simply speed past the group and appears to be aiming at Eren. They then plan an attack of their own – the strategy is to shoot an explosive spear through the muscles to both sides of Reiner’s jaw and force Reiner to open his mouth.

The next step Mikasa will shoot the mouth of Reiner with a thunderbolt in order to ensure that the neck gets struck from the inside, and Reiner is slashed from his Titan. But when Connie, Sasha and Jean who are serving as decoys make a swing towards Reiner as he is thrown at them, he throws debris from a nearby home at the trio. Sasha gets hit on the back by one pieces and injured, at which point she begins to lose consciousness, and her thunder spear fails to hit the intended target. 

µConnie however, in contrast succeeds in hitting his target, and then swings it up just after to grab Sasha and stop her from falling to the ground. When Connie realizes the fact that Mikasa will strike with her final Thunderspear even though Reiner’s mouth has not yet opened, he yells to her that she should not try it. Then, Hanji races ahead and launches the thunder spear through Reiner’s jaw. This allows Mikasa to execute the plan and eliminate Reiner.

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Connie has a night out with buddies as Eren’s partner at work along railroad tracks as Hanji and Levi come in. He hears Eren asking who will be the next to inherit his Titan abilities. After Jean accepts the offer, Connie says that Jean could be an effective leader, and that he will be dead within 13 years. That is an utter waste of. Connie is the one to take over, but Sasha insists that this power should not be handed over to someone like him and claims she will be the one to take it instead. 

Connie is disoriented at the Sasha’s argument and claims that her logic discredits her as she is more stupid than he is. Eren interrupts the discussion and declares that they’re far too valuable to keep his power which means they will die within 13 years. He declares that he will pick an alternative.

The year is 854. Connie was a member of the reconnaissance team which is involved in the infiltration, and later in the fight of Rebellio. Connie is in a team together with Sasha to take out Marley’s troops and to block the route to the area of internment. When he is successful, he puts beacons to a nearby roof and continues to work with Sasha. Connie and Sasha sit down with Jean to decide on the next steps. Following their arrival Marley’s Titans, Connie and the rest of the team prepare for the battle while Levi demands that they survive.In the middle of the battle, Connie watches Eren unsuccessfully try to eat the Warhammer Titan. He then seeks refuge from the projectiles fired by the Tiertitan. He tries to aid Jean in taking down the bearer of the Karrentitan however, he is forced to withdraw to the side of the Magath family and the other soldiers of the enemy. Then, he observes his airship arriving led by Hanji Zoe. Zoe informs Jean that he is happy to discover that it’s arrived in time.

Connie is then forced to leave the airship, along with the rest of the recon group. When he realizes it is Jean and Sasha aren’t celebrating with Flocke Forster or the other soldiers they are able to pull them close and tells them they are personal to him and is grateful that they have survived. Soon after, he discovers there’s a problem. Lobov isn’t there yet and a girl is escorted into the cabin of the airship. 

She is able to shoot her grant at Sasha which is to the horror of Connie. He sits on the floor beside Sasha and yells at her to stay with her until they return to the island. But, Sasha does not make it, and Connie tearsfully informs the other members that she’s passed away. He informs Eren that her final word was “flesh. “

When they return to Paradis and the soldiers who died in Rebellio are burials. In addition, When visiting their graves, Connie and Jean must defend Niccolo, a prisoner in military who is being bullied by a soldier. When they found out the news that Niccolo was planning to visit the grave of Sasha They carried him to the grave where she was laid to rest. Connie thank Niccolo for making good meals for Sasha when she was alive and says that he feels that a piece that he isn’t from Sasha’s.Connie, Jean, Armin and Mikasa are gathered to discuss recent happenings in Paradis. As the other three discuss the arrest of Pixi of the volunteers Connie interjects and inquires whether Eren seemed to be right for them. Connie declares that Eren did not behaved like him and says that he’ll be killed Eren herself if Eren joins forces in the face of the adversaries. Mikasa responds to the threat of Connie and Connie wants to know if she’d like to join forces with Eren. 

Mikasa insists she believes Eren continues to be a loyal friend to her, however Connie informs Mikasa that Sasha’s demise was caused by Eren’s actions alone in causing the recon squad to take on Rebellio. Connie clarifies his position by explaining to Mikasa the fact that Eren didn’t cry after he heard the news of Sasha’s demise however he did laugh. Also, Connie is furious and demands Mikasa clarify to him what could be humorous about the death of Sasha that might make Eren smile.

In addition, Connie is in the room in the scene when Hanji is questioning the five members belonging to the recon team headed by Flocke Forster, who has publicly stated that Eren was imprisoned due to his actions during Rebellio.

SKILLS Connie Springer Aot

Connie’s abilities earned him the top spot in the grading process, and he was awarded the honor of “He has a great sense of balance, and is extremely agile.”

RELATIONSHIPS Connie Springer Aot

Historia Reiss 

Over times of basic training and later, they became close buddies. He prompts her to consider the behavior of Ymir, and this leads her to discover Ymir’s real motives. While little about their relationship is revealed but it is clear that Historia is completely in love with Connie.

Reiner Braun 

Reiner Braun Connie loves Reiner and regards Reiner as a big brother. They were frequently seen working together, and Reiner was observed guarding Connie in various scenarios. When Connie finds out about Reiner’s true identity, he isn’t sure of initially. He wants to know about it from Reiner himself. It’s not clear how Reiner really feels about the situation and how he plans to handle the situation.


The relationship between them is in a state of tension. They frequently have disagreements. If one of them is talking with the other about their differences, it frequently appears like they dislike each one. Connie often mentions Ymir often , and occasionally admires the relationship she has with Historia Reiss and her. Historia Reiss, as love is often what drives her.Sasha Braus Sasha Braus Sasha as well as Connie were best of friends from the beginning of their training. They have always been like brothers and have always been supportive of one another. Sasha is most likely Connie’s close friend and confidant.

Jean Kirschstein 

Jean and Connie weren’t the most ideal of friends initially. But, they became closer and closer, and eventually were close to each other. Then, Connie says to Sasha and Jean that he’s glad that they did not die as they are very special to him.