Hannes Aot is a German-born entrepreneur and investor who has founded several successful startups in his homeland and abroad. He is also the co-founder of the Berlin-based startup accelerator, The Foundry. Aot’s experience in the startup world has given him a unique perspective on how to build successful companies. In his previous roles, he has worked with startups from early stage development to scaling them up. He has also been involved in various venture capital rounds and angel investments. Aot’s experience as an entrepreneur gives him a unique understanding of how to create value for his clients and himself. He is passionate about helping others achieve their goals, and he believes that this can be done through building great products and services that solve real problems for people.


When he was young, Hannes was an extremely tall man with a strong physique and pale skin tone and short, blond hair. tiny amber eyes and thin eyebrows that were the same shade like his hair. As the years passed, Hannes’ face took some wrinkles and the appearance of a dark, thin mustache.

In any time, Hannes is seen wearing the typical garrison Troop uniform which is an ordinary gray shirt under.

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When he was a teenager, Hannes was a man with a relaxed and humorous attitude. He even consumed alcohol during his work hours and was apathetic about activities of the Exploration Corps, because he viewed their actions to be suicide. When a devastating illness hit in the Shiganshina district, Hannes changed his attitudes because his wife was protected through Grisha Jaeger. This is why Hannes had to give up some of his indifference even though he was unable to alter his drinking habits or his lack of sense of duty.

The inability to stop her death caused a alteration in his character because he believed that to be coward. Hannes was a victim of guilt for not being able aid those whose loved ones were had saved his own life. Hannes had a relapse in drinking and felt a strong connection with his job. This led him to be promoted to the rank of captain. He was a disciplined military man with exceptional leadership abilities, and was even willing to pay back any debts owed by Grisha Jaeger. He sacrificed his life in order to protect one of the children of his savior’s son and showed how much he was willing to risk his life to correct the error that he believed he’d committed during the previous time.

HISTORY Hannes Aot

YEAR 832

The year 832 was the time that Hannes was already a part in the Garrison Troops. When Keith Shadis found an unwelcome man in the walls who called self Grisha Jaeger, He decided to take Grisha into the Garrison Troops headquarters in Shiganshina. Hannes and Keith placed Grisha in a cell to ensure security, but were unsure of what to do because stepping outside the walls was considered to be a crime which just those in the Scouting Corps had the authority to take action. 

Also, Hannes ridicules Keith for placing his life at risk outside of the walls, and Keith insists that he may be punished when he drinks while during the course of work. In addition, Hannes does not take this seriously and shares his own opinion on Grisha who believes that he was in the wall because he was drinking too muchand the alcohol itself led to the loss of memory. Hannes isn’t serious.


A few days later the dreaded illness hit the people of Shiganshina. Hannes wife was ill and Hannes decided to bring the woman to Grisha Jaeger who was working as a physician. Through Grisha’s treatments, Hannes’ wife recovered and was capable of standing on her own feet. In tears, Hannes thanks Grisha. This moment creates a relationship between them, and for the rest of their lives, Hannes is in debt to Grisha and has promised himself that one day he’ll repay the favor. Both men are in debt to Grisha.


Hannes is one of guests who attended Grisha and Carla’s wedding. At the wedding reception, Hannes asks Grisha how they met their current wife. He responds that he was introduced to her at the bar in which Carla worked alongside Keith.

YEAR 845


In the time that Eren as well as Mikasa were heading to their home, they both ran into Hannes near the gates that connects to the Shiganshina District to the Maria Wall. Hannes inquired of Eren why the crying was happening and the boy realized that he had been drinking and was furious with him for keeping the wall in that state. Eren tried to soothe him by telling him that nothing had changed during the last 100 years.Hannes is seen during the assault.

Hannes appears in the Titans attack on the Shiganshina District to save Eren, Mikasa and Carla who tried to help themselves. Hannes told that they shouldn’t be concerned and that he’d fight the Titan to save the three of them. When he was face to with the titan He froze. Being sucked into cowardice and fear, he made a decision to save Eren and Mikasa but left Carla in the dust, and a few seconds later would be devoured in the hands of the titan.The titan was somewhat of cowards.

YEAR 850


Hannes was able to meet Eren, Mikasa and Armin and spoke to them that a while was gone. Eren laughed at him that he couldn’t believe someone drunk like him could be able to get the post that of Captain for the Garrison Troops. Hannes acknowledged his apology Eren for not helping his mother. Eren advised him to forget about it since he had no other choice. Hannes informs him that before his birth his wife had contracted an illness that has already claimed the lives of many however, one day, Dr. Jaeger appeared with the anti-bodies and was able to save everyone who was suffering. He wanted to repay the favor however, he was unable to accomplish this.

Hannes inquired about the location where Dr. Jaeger was. Dr. Jaeger collapsed immediately.


The kidnapping of Eren and Ymir during the kidnapping of Eren and Ymir by Bertolt as well as Reiner. Hannes is the one who motivates Mikasa and Armin to tell them that being drunk was enough for him. He adds that if he didn’t have three of them (Mikasa, Armin and Eren) their regular lives were not going to return, despite their motivation them to prepare for the place Eren could be in the forest. The tale in The Titan Confrontation arc is concerning the three the three.

After locating them, Erwin takes a team of titans to follow Bertolt and Reiner to retrieve Eren and his horse, but they are thrown by the Armored Titan throws the titans into the Exploration Corps. A horse smacks Mikasa the horse of Eren. they’re left on the ground. Looking up, they observe the same titan who consumed Carla Jaeger, Eren’s mother and Mikasa’s adoptive. The titan is trying to grab them, but Hannes intervenes and cut off the fingers of the titan. Determined, he attacks titan. The remainder of the troops move toward him in order to assist the injured man, but are prevented from taking action. Hannes is brutally eaten by the titan who killed Eren’s mother. Eren when she discovers what was happening, continues to cry and laugh in rage, as the titan continues to digest Hannes.


When Historia is close to injecting the serum which will enable the transformation of an ape and devour Eren He is asked by Eren why he isn’t transformed. Eren is adamant, says that due to his father’s stealing of the power that wasn’t theirs to the people, many have passed away. In his list, he refers to Hannes.


In the event that Eren Jaeger goes to Keith Shadis to find out how he came across the father of his son, Grisha Jaeger Keith mentions a few details regarding Hannes the night before the Fiftyth, Keith refers to Hannes.In the night before the fifty-eighth mission to recapture Mary’s Wall, Eren, Mikasa and Armin think that a member of the Garrison Troopers for Hannes, which makes them be a bit confused. On the night before the 50th expedition to recapture Mary’s Wall,Eren, Mikasa and Armin misinterpret an officer of the Garrison Troopers for Hannes, which makes them be a bit confused.

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SKILLS Hannes Aot

While Hannes isn’t equipped with the same capabilities as the Scout Corps soldier, he was competent enough to attain his rank as a captain. He has made an excellent use of his Three Dimensional Maneuver Team, however, his skills were not enough to defeat the titan who killed Carla Jaeger.