Marco Bodt is a German-born, Italian-based journalist and author who has written for publications such as The Guardian, The Observer and The New York Times. He has also been a contributing writer to the Huffington Post and has been a regular columnist for Die Zeit. Bodt is the author of two books: “The Future of Journalism” and “The Journalism Revolution.” He is also the founder of the media think tank Media Matters Europe. In an interview with me, Bodt discussed his work as a journalist, the future of journalism and how he sees it affecting society. What inspired you to become a journalist? I was born in Germany but grew up in Italy so I have always been interested in both countries’ cultures and their newsrooms. When I started working as a reporter for The Guardian in London in 2003, I saw first-hand how important it was for journalists to be able to understand both sides of every story. That’s why I’ve always been interested in journalism – it’s an important tool for understanding our world.


In Aot,  Marco’s face was round with freckles underneath his eyes. He also had a warm appearance and brown eyes. His brown hair was short and parted at the middle. He was often seen wearing the Battalions uniform, which consisted of a beige shirt similar to the one he wore in the manga’s first appearance, a brown leather belt around the waist, brown pants and brown shoes.

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In Aot, Marco was an idealistic individual who valued the collective good over his personal interests. He also had a remarkable understanding of the world and a keen sense of self-criticism. His classmates respected him greatly.His dream of joining the Special Brigades was fulfilled by him being a natural leader. He joined the Special Brigades not to be in danger, but to have the privileges of a “good lifestyle”, and his motives for joining the brigade are true to the first principle Human Army. This is to serve the king.He was a great judge. Also, He saw John’s potential to be a leader and encouraged him believe in himself. He also demonstrated a talent for keeping order among his trainees. In addition, He solved all problems through either arguments or calmly during battles.

HISTORY Marco Bodt Aot


In Aot, Marco was introduced to new recruits at the initiation. He was later intimidated by the instructor when he expressed his desire for the Special Brigades. Later, he tried to keep order as recruits asked Eren questions about the attack on the Maria Wall. He reprimanded others when their questions were too offensive or upsetting. He became close friends with Jean Kirschtein during his training period and was often seen with him. Jean seems to have felt that he was one of few to recognize her potential and encouraged her to become a better leader.


Main article: Battle of Trost Arc

After Trost was attacked by the Colossal Titan, Marco took command of Team 19, and was ordered to assist the vanguard forces. He was eventually among the stranded trainees after the order to retreat was issued, but he didn’t have enough gas to escape Trost.

Marco joined Jean and Mikasa when they rallied the other Titans to charge them. He was essential to Armin’s plan for recapturing the feeding chamber. The recruits were equipped with guns and acted as bait to lure the Titans into the chamber. Marco kept the group calm and maintained order until the Titans were shot and blinded.

Later, he was seen among the regrouped troops trying to keep order while people like DAZ were scared. Marco tried his best to console them and keep their spirits high, even though Trost ordered him to leave. He was a bait for the Titans to divert their attention from the main operation, Eren Jager.Later, he was among the recruits who went into the city to face the Titans. He helped Jean rescue her device and joined the fight against the Titans. Eren sealed the Pink Wall.

After the invasion of Trost he was found dead. His body was discovered by Jean and his identity confirmed. His body, along with other casualties from the battle were later cremated on a common pyre for all those who died in that battle.John was inspired by this to join the Exploration Battalion. He stated that he didn’t want to see a “disappointing ending” with someone with charred bone and not knowing why he died. Marco died unaccompanied and was not noticed for many days. Annie took his Three Dimensional Maneuvering Equipment and later discovered it. However, she did not specify how she “found it”. This suggests that her death could be linked to Annie Leonhart.

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Main Article: Great Turning Arc

Historia Reiss is listening to Eren talk about the victims that he and his father have inflicted on the theft of the secret of Titans. Marco is mentioned.


Main article: Ark of the Return to Shiganshina

Reiner Braun flashbacks to Marco’s death. He overheard Reiner and Bertolt talking about Bertolt’s transformation from a Titan Colossal. Marco understood part of Reiner’s mission, and he was willing to repeat it to the soldiers. Reiner surrounded Marco and took him prisoner when he tried to join Eren. Annie appeared, and took his three-dimensional gear. He was then left for dead and defenseless against Titans who were nearby. Marco was unable to resist the Titan and was killed.



He is a good fighter and has basic knowledge of martial arts, just like the other recruits.


Main Article: Three Dimensional Maneuver

He is a typical recruit who knows how to use three-dimensional equipment. Being part of the top 10, it must be something he has mastered.

RELATIONS Marco Bodt Aot


Jean was close friends with Marco who believed Jean could make a great leader. In addition, Jean was shaken by Marco’s passing, and he decided to join the exploration battalion.


Annie regrets terribly for having helped to Marco’s demise. Marco was embarrassed to be with Annie.


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His name means “Messenger Of The God of War”. Perhaps it is a reference to his role in showing the brutal reality that awaits recruits. Marco ranked 20th in Character Popularity Poll.