Itachi Uchiha was a powerful shinobi and member of the Uchiha clan. He was known for his ruthless tactics and his ability to kill with ease. However, there were some members of the clan who knew about Itachi’s dark side and they used this information to their advantage. One such member was Jiraiya, who used Itachi’s killing spree as an opportunity to gain power within the village. Jiraiya became the village leader and he used his position to manipulate Itachi into doing what he wanted. He made him pledge loyalty to him and then killed his family so that Itachi would be loyal to him instead of them. Itachi eventually betrayed Jiraiya, killed many of his family members, and took over the village. The Uchiha name is now synonymous with death and destruction.

Although killing his family was not a decision Itachi took independently however, he ultimately went to the point of doing it because He was concerned about his village as well as his younger brother, whom Danzo has promised to spare in case Itachi decides to go ahead with his plan.

There more to the story of Itachi murdering his clan. This is a fascinating aspect of the Itachi storyline, and also the reason why his fans adore his character, so stay tuned as we dive into the specifics and discuss the details of this incident.

What Clan does Itachi belonged To?

It is believed that the Uchiha Clan comprises one of the four clans of Konohagakure’s aristocratic that is said to be the most powerful because of their Sharingan and uncanny fighting abilities.

After their contribution to the creation of Konoha many years ago The Uchiha began to become increasingly isolated from village affairs which eventually led to the Uchiha Clan collapse, which saw the majority of Uchiha to die. A few Uchiha are still alive until today.

The Uchiha are descendents of Hagoromo Otsutsuki’s older son Indra Otsutsuki. The Uchiha were granted Hagoromo’s “eyes” through Indra, which gave them a tremendous spiritual power and chakra.

Uchihas are susceptible to extreme emotions due to the known “Curse of Hatred” originally shown by Indra The feelings typically begin as affection for a family or friend member, but then escalate into overwhelming hatred once the person who they are in love with has passed away.

The Uchiha’s Sharingan is awakened when he or experiences a loss, no matter if it’s imaginary or real. The Sharingan is the reason for the majority of the Uchiha’s fame and fame.

For centuries over the millennia, Uchiha have been for millennia Uchiha are at war against their Senju clan, a conflict that goes back to the time that of Indra and his younger brother Asura. As the Sage of the Six Paths was nearing the final stage of his life Indra decided to choose Asura for his replacement and believed that his goal of peace by love was more important than Indra’s wish for peace through power.

Indra was fighting Asura to claim the rights he believed were his right to his birth, driven through the Curse of Hatred. In the descendents from Indra and Asura The Uchiha and Senju were fighting through the years, though nobody knew the reason for their fight.

Why did Itachi kill the Uchiha Clan?

The Uchiha’s discontent over their treatment led them to organize to stage a coup. Itachi’s rise to the ranks of the Anbu as a way to spy at the locals was encouraged by Fugaku who was the leader of Uchiha and the main co-conspirator.

The Uchiha family was among Konohagakure’s first families to be established. Along along with Senju clan foes, they created the first Shinobi hamlet in the world during the feudal time period of Naruto. Naruto universe.

Other fiefdoms and clans follow their footsteps that brought the world to the small-scale conflicts during that “Warring States” period to Naruto’s global superpowers from its beginning.

Although they may have been in a position to put their differences aside to end the slaughter and discover Konoha the killer, the anger between the two great families did not completely disappear.

It was discovered that an Uchiha clan was frequently left out when it came time to give responsibilities to the administration of the village. Senju relatives have been in power since the village’s beginning appointment for relatives and clansmen have been made.

Since the Uchiha were unwilling to help to defend the city from an enormous beast, the other clans as well as village residents became increasingly distrustful of their leaders. The Uchiha clan gradually disengaged from the political sphere of Konoha and they retreated to their respective parts within the community, and there tensions rose and clan leaders sat in their own fury.

Clan head FugakuUchiha planned to disrupt the situation by launching an attack on Konoha’s authorities. When the news reached the village’s leaders, Konoha’s biggest young member was confronted with the most unthinkable option to either kill his clan for sake of Konoha or go to the grave along with the rest of them.

Itachi On his part, was aware that a Uchiha coup would trigger participation from other villages and result in the re-igniting of World War, which he would not be able to take on. Instead, he was an agent double, informing The Third Hokage and the Konoha Council concerning the Uchiha’s activities in hopes to facilitate a peace resolution.

Shisui and Itachi were both burdened by abandoning their clan. As time went on it became clear that peace was not feasible. Shisui was planning to utilize his Kotoamatsukami against his Uchiha commanders to pressure them into compromising However, Danz lost the right eye prior to when he was able to accomplish this.

Shisui left his last eye over to Itachi and begged Itachi to protect the hamlet as well as their family name , before committing suicide his own body in Naka River, his own options exhausted. Shisui’s suicide caused Itachi enough sorrow to wake His Mangeky Sharingan.

The Uchihas, who were already concerned about Itachi and accused him of killing Shisui and of faking a suicide the following morning, Itachi became angry and began fighting them, easily beating them.

Itachi as well as his entire family members were a bit secluded and his warnings to them to rethink their choices were ignored. Because of Danz’s suggestion and Hiruzen’s consent He was elevated into the rank of Anbu Captain at 12 years of age and his publically reported promotion date being 13 years old. young.

In spite of the Hokage’s wish to meet to the Uchiha, Danz Shimura recognized that the Uchiha clan’s existence was no longer an option.

He informed Itachi about this and offered the two options to him: support the Uchiha’s rebellion and have the entire clan including Sasuke to be killed during the war that followed or accept the plan to eliminate the clan prior to the coup and get Sasuke. Itachi was with his brother.

Itachi Uchiha was willing to slaughter on precondition that certain conditions were fulfilled. Danzo Shimura took advantage of to take advantage of the fact Itachi was extremely secure of the younger brothers Sasuke to make the agreement more sweet.

He said that If Itachi executed the attack and fell it would be leaving Sasuke alive. He took it as a fact, unaware the consequences of his decision. Sasuke on a course of revenge that would result in Itachi’s murder.

Itachi was extremely loyal to Konoha as evidenced through his actions, as well as taking his vows of Shinobi from the village with a lot of respect. Apart from the risk that his brother’s younger sister could die, Konoha operatives warned Itachi that if his family were successful, a new world war could erupt. Itachi was determined to avoid this from happening He acted accordingly, and executed the horrific plan.

Itachi observed a man in a mask walking around Konoha while he was making his final preparations. After examining him and determining that the person was Madara Uchiha who was intent on provoking a new fight.

Itachi gave him an offer: aid “Madara” wipe out the Uchiha in retaliation of their denial of him over a decade before, in exchange Madara being able to spare the village. This he was willing to accept.

What did Itachi do to His Clan?

Itachi had been one of the Uchiha Anbu agent who found out that his clan were planning to stage a coup that could cause the beginning of a civil war which would weaken the village, leaving it vulnerable to external dangers , like other villages with ambitions who might be willing to take the risk. Danzo told Itachi that the moment he killed his entire tribe and his brother was killed, he could be saved or he’d die along together with his family.

It was here that Itachi made himself known in the role of one of most insane and insane characters of Naruto and anime. Let’s take a look through this clan of the Uchiha clan a bit more to understand the reason Itachi was essentially the most murderous of crazy characters and was in the end, a failure. The Uchihas were apprehensive and hated by the people of the area, were deported to the fringes and looked down on and Their leader, who was treated as trash like other clans.

So , the Uchiha head (Fugaku) is tired of his people being treated in such a way by the town, and decides to end it, so they Uchihas are not savagely oppressed and viewed with disdain forever. He plans a coup to overthrow the village’s leadership to become Hokage and be able to free his people. Was it that Itachi do to stop the plot? He killed his entire tribe (women as well as men and children) together with his partner .

When Itachi was only four year old, the boy experienced the third global war of the shinobi, that shook him. The mere thought of another war that was similar to the one that had gone before scared him. He wished to stop it by every opportunity.

The plan was to get Shisui Uchiha to control the mind of the clan’s leader, Fukasku, to stop the coup. However, Danzo was able to see through the eye of one and Shisui did not want the public to be aware of this (so the public isn’t aware of that it was the Uchihas coup) appeared as if he had committed suicide. He left a note that said Danzo had ruined his eyes, so that nobody would pursue them.

Then Danzo gave Itachi an alternative mission, to eliminate The Uchiha as a reward for the saving of Sasuke, his brother. Sasuke.

Why Did Itachi’s Parents Kill His Parents?

Itachi decided to sentence his parents to the death. Despite his deceit they did not show any ill will towards He, rather reassuring them that they were extremely proud. They also requested that he take care of Sasuke during the time before they were killed.

Itachi in a state of shock over his crimes, looked at Sasuke as being the sole person who could punish him for his crimes. To convince Sasuke to follow this route He made himself the villain by having him witness him in the midst of the deaths of their parents and then employing Tsukuyomi to make him suffer with nightmares of their deaths.

The parents of Itachi were like the other parents. They considered their child’s needs over their own. They knew Itachi had decided to kill the Uchiha for the purpose of stop the coup.

They weren’t equipped with the courage within them to take on their kid in a battle. In the end they made the decision to sacrifice themselves.

Fugaku’s comments summarized the situation precisely: “Though our views may disagree, I am proud of you, Itachi.” He instructed Itachi to take care of Sasuke even before his death. It’s clear that He was concerned about his children.

He was able to see Itachi’s pain over this decision and he backed him up by telling him “You truly are a wonderful guy, Itachi.” When compared to ours the suffering of ours will be gone in a snap.”

Therefore they decided to pledge themselves to ease his burden, since they were so fond of the man.

Another reason that Itachi’s parents allowed him to murder them could lie in the existence of certain Japanese traditions , and the fact that they did not have a clan to go back to at the time.

All the others were killed Before Itachi went on to murder his parents. There is a possibility that Fugaku suspects his entire clan was killed, imprisoned or even taken away at the time and he’s also aware it is the Leaf Village has destroyed their plan, and the clan is now doomed.

It was ineffective for him to stay his commander. There isn’t anyone to lead the charge. Itachi isn’t in his corner. As the leader of the clan, Itachi is responsible for the demise of the clan.

Prior up to World War II, it was commonplace in the past of Japan for a leader in disrepute in the past to kill himself. In reality by murdering His parents Itachi is avoiding the humiliation and shame of being buried in by their enemy. Maybe that’s why his parents were at ease and unaffected by his sins.

Did Itachi Remorse Killing His Clan?

However, Itachi was plagued with regret, particularly when he realized that Shisui likely to not forgive him for his actions in destroying the clan. In the end, when he thought of his father’s counsel to not let anyone else to dictate how to do with the rest of his life, itachi pledged to follow his own path.

The killing of his family was something Itachi did not regret. His only regret was that he didn’t inform Sasuke about his business ventures and thus led Sasuke to take the wrong path.

Itachi didn’t have any regrets for killing the Uchihas as he knew that they were trying to disrupt the peace in Hidden Leaf Community. Hidden Leaf Community, and Itachi was a person who always tried to ensure that the village was kept in order. He was determined to find an equilibrium with both the locals and Uchihas throughout the day. He did his best however he realized his mistake. Danzo along with the Uchihas were just opposite sides and he was able to murder the Uchihas for the sake of peace in the village because of Danzo.

When he was about to perform Fugaku as well as Miko Uchiha He was shown crying and crying, however that was his own feelings as a young child of his parents.

Itachi was a person who always wanted the entire population to benefit. He always employed nonviolent strategies to persuade minorities to reconsider their beliefs The Uchiha clan. Itachi always chose to do what’s right in the best interest of Leaf Village and never regretted his actions, as long as they served to the community.

The survival of Konoha was the passion of Itachi. In terms of dedication He placed Konoha over the tribe he was from. His clan was also highly discordant with him as they didn’t share Itachi’s vision for Konoha’s future.

The Uchiha clan wanted to conquer and gain control of Konoha however Itachi desired Konoha to be secured as a single family. He was never bitter about the murder because he was aware that Konoha would be in a terrible condition if he didn’t do it.

There was nothing he might regret was the fact that he had to leave Sasuke in the knowledge that, after awakening his Sharingan Sasuke’s world could turn into an unimaginable nightmare. He was also horrified over killing his family, as they didn’t want to die however, he was forced to make a choice as it was for the good of the whole town.

The number Uchihas Do You Think Itachi Killed?

In the night that the clan was killed All of the clan members passed away, except for women and children.

Itachi and Tobi develop a strategy to get into the complex in two different directions. Itachi offers to handle as many children and women as he can However, Tobi warns against it and claims it is because Itachi is already juggling enough bad actions to deal with.

He also says that his skills allow him to fight against people who might shout. Itachi is able to kill his foes quickly and easily however he lets Inabi as well as Tekka to take on his opponents.

While this is the tale the majority of people believe is true, we learn later that Itachi killed 2 peopleincluding his parents. Later on in the series in the series, when Itachi is recounting this story for his younger brother Sasuke He says that Tobi killed everyone else , while He only killed his parents.

At present today, there are just few members of the clan that remain alive, and this is due to the incident of that night.

What age did Itachi End His Clan’s Life?

Itachi was just 13 when the clan he was killed. It’s a bit young however, He had been an Anbu Black Ops member by age 11 and was a Chunin at the age of 10.

What if Itachi Didn’t Take His Clan’s Life?

If Itachi did not kill his clan and his clan, the Uchiha might have tried to take over the clans that were the founders in the village. The Uchihas were subordinate by the police of the village which was a minor task relative to other clan obligations. Danzo employed Itachi to serve as a Pawn in order to get sharingans, however there was a revolt that was in the making.

Who killed Itachi’s girlfriend?

Itachi killed his lover. She was among his first victims in the Uchiha clan massacre. Itachi employed the weapon Tsukuyomi against her reliving their life as a couple, before their death.

Itachi killed his family due to the impression that they would try to take over the village. Danzo came to a compromise with Itachi that permitted Sasuke to remain unharmed in the event that Itachi created the impression that he was merely out on his own to test his strength.