Kakashi Hatake, the famed jounin of the Konoha ninja village, is known for his prodigious skills in ninjutsu and as a master of the Sharingan eye technique. However, one of his lesser-known abilities is his ability to use the Rasengan – a powerful technique that can devastate targets with just a single punch. Despite being one of the most powerful techniques in Konoha’s arsenal, Kakashi has only used it sparingly throughout his career. Some experts say this may be because he doesn’t fully understand its full potential or because he doesn’t feel comfortable using it in combat. Whatever the reason, Kakashi’s reluctance to use the Rasengan could have serious consequences for Konoha and its allies. If he ever decides to use it more often, his opponents would be hard pressed to defend against it – and that could spell disaster for them. ..

Fake reason 1


It’s not hard to see why. Rasengan is not a jutsu that depends on the amount of chakra. It is a jutsu that is solely based on shape manipulation. The ninja attempts to mold the chakra emitted from his palm into an angular sphere.

The size of the Rasengan depends on how much chakra it has. It can be as small as a tennis ball or large enough to fill a huge sphere. This can be seen in the fact that, during Kazekage Rescue, Naruto created a larger Rasengan (i.e. the Big Ball Rasengan), but his eyes switched to those of Kurama because it required too many chakra. He tried to fix it by asking Kurama for some of his chakra. Boruto also created a small Rasengan in the Boruto movie. When Naruto added his chakra, the Rasengan grew to be a huge one.

It’s not that Kakashi has rasengan that is less powerful than Naruto. He could simply add more chakra to create a larger one that would be equally deadly.

Fake reason 2


It was completely wrong. Kakashi actually considered Rasengan to have a formidable jutsu, so much so that he was surprised and angry to some degree when he learned that Naruto had mastered Rasengan and Jiraiya taught him how to do it. He also warned Sasuke about the weakness of chidori and that Sasuke would lose to Naruto’s Rasengan. Kakashi used Chidori long before he got his sharingan. It was an incomplete jutsu back then.

Fake reason 3

Um. Yes and no. Yes, Kakashi’s chakra reserves are lower than Naruto or Sasuke, who are basically Indra and Ashura’s sons, the Sage of 6 Paths. Kakashi’s chakra is stronger than an average jonin. Kakashi has more chakra than Konohamaru, so a child like Konohamaru can easily use a Rasegan or its larger variant. As I said in point 1, Rasengan size is proportional with the amount of chakra invested. If you invest less chakra, your chances of getting a smaller one. However, if you invest more, you will get a larger one.

Fake reason 4

Bruh! Kakashi’s whole fighting style revolves around conserving chakra and using a precise amount to execute a Jutsu. This would require very high chakra concentration, so it is not a problem for Kakashi.

Fake reason 5

This reasoning doesn’t make any sense. If this were all, why would Kakashi have more than 1000 jutsus? He would have been satisfied with a single chidori.

My explanation

My opinion is that Kakashi doesn’t use Rasengan in his fight style because why choose a rasengan when there are better options.

Are you confused?

Let me tell you!

Which technique is Kakashi most famous in the series?

It is the Lightning Blade or Raikiri, it is certain! then it’s Kakashi Susanoo.

Here’s the Narutopedia definition of Raikiri.

Lighting Blade is more than just an electrical mass. It is the highest level of chakra control and nature manipulation. The chakra is then transformed into a concentrated form. The Lightning blade is therefore a combination of Nature manipulation and shape manipulation. However, unlike Rasenshuriken the contribution isn’t 50-50. It is more inclined towards Nature manipulation than shape manipulation. This makes it very chakra taxing and Kakashi can only use it up to 4-6 times per day.

Kakashi Rasengan Damage vs Kakashi Chidori Damage

Let’s now see how a Rasengan could cause such damage.

This is Minato against the Masked Man. The Masked Man was not killed by the rasengan, but the damage it did to his back and arm wasn’t enough. It only damaged his prosthetic arm.

This is Naruto’s first Rasengan in his fight against Kabuto. He wasn’t killed by it, and his stomach didn’t get any more empty. However, the Rasengan did stir his internals quite well.

Water tank damage The front is fine.

However, there is a huge hole in the back.

Let’s now see how much damage Chidori/Lightning Blade can cause.

Kakashi uses Lightning Blade to attack Haku Result: DEAD

Kakashi with Chidori on Rin. Result: DEAD

Kakashi uses Lightning Blade to attack Kakuzu. Result: NOT DEATH (due his 5 hearts, of which Kakashi took one out)

Sasuke punching holes in the water tank

Conclusion – Kakashi Rasengan

Kakashi, a ninja, had been in the ANBU since a long time. The ANBUs were specifically designed for missions that involved assassination and espionage. Which jutsu works best for assassinating someone else?

Lightning Blade is undoubtedly the answer.

If you compare them in real-life, Rasengan looks like a hammer. You can use it to reduce buildings to rubble, but not as a one-hit kill.

Lightning Blade, on the other hand, is more like a sword. It can guarantee a kill in just one strike.

According to me, this is why Kakashi rely more on Lightning Blade than Rasengan. It is his weapon of choice!