Floch Forster Aot is a journalist and author who has written extensively on the history of the Rohingya people. He is also a member of the Rohingya Solidarity Network, which provides support to the Rohingya people in Burma. Myanmar’s military campaign against the Rohingya people has been ongoing for more than two years now. The military campaign has killed more than 120,000 Rohingya people and driven them from their homes. The Myanmar military also denies any involvement in the killings and says that it only wants to protect the Rohingya people from violence and persecution by other groups in Burma. The Myanmar military campaign against the Rohingya people is an appalling human rights violation. It violates international law by discriminating against a group of people based on their race, ethnicity, or religion. It also violates United Nations resolutions that call for an end to violence and persecution against the Rohingya people. The Myanmar military campaign against the Rohingya people is also a violation of United Nations human rights standards. The Myanmar military has committed serious human rights abuses during its campaign against the Rohingya People, including using excessive force, torture, and rape. The Myanmar military also denies access to humanitarian aid to the Rohingya People, which makes it difficult for them to survive. The Myanmar military campaign against the Rohingyas is a clear sign that Burma wants to create an apartheid state where only members of one specific religious group can live side by side with other members of that same group without any basic rights or protections. This type of state would be antithetical to United Nations values and would be incompatible with democratic processes and international law.

APPEARANCE Floch Forster

In Aot, Floch Forster is an adolescent man, and is similar in age to the majority of his fellow Cadets. He has short hair that he wears tucked and, with side of head shaved. He is blonde (red-haired in the animated). He’s a little above the average height and has a slim face and slim. He wears the typical uniform of the military and wears his Scout Corps cape.

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PERSONALITY Floch Forster Aot

In Aot, Floch Forster had a belief that he had the potential of becoming an army soldier willing to give his life for other people. However, in the course of the conflict of Shiganshina Floch gradually retreated from the battle until he came to the realization that his death was exactly like the other soldiers who had died, and that nothing could alter it. In addition she was determined in the suicide plan of Erwin Smith and, following the massacre, she set out on a mission to take Erwin Smith to the wall and offer humanity a new light of hope. He displayed his grit and determination by saying to Levi not to not give in at all when Eren tried to persuade the man to inject Armin by telling him that his desire was to travel to the ocean.Floch loved Erwin and even to the point that he had an argument with Armin Arlert’s family members over the decision to gift Armin Arlert Titan Serum and not Erwin. Floch was later to say on the fact that giving the serum Armin wasn’t a good idea saying that Erwin was someone who was able to make the right choices for the future of humanity. Moreover, providing the Titan serum to Armin was motivated by his own feelings, which obscured his judgment.

One of the most notable aspects of his character was his honesty, which was kept up to the point where he became not sensitive in his desire to offer an opinion about something he believed in; it is clear when he remarked to Hitch without hesitation about his feelings Marlowe actually felt when he joined his fellow members of the Exploration Corps regretting his decision in the face of death approaching him, not caring for Hitch’s views on the issue. He also acted in a tactless manner when claiming that Armin’s survival over Erwin’s in The Battle of Shiganshina District was a mistake, which caused him to be at war with Eren along with his colleagues.

It’s possible that the significance Floch put on the truth stemmed from his own experiences during the battle of Shiganshina where he demanded that anyone who was interested in joining be informed about what they were signing to, so it was possible that “cowards” like him would be aware not to join.

In Aot, Floch Forster believed that people who are unable to give up things that are important to them to serve the greater good and who refuse to accept the logic of their actions are childish. In this way Floch pondered the people who knew when to stop and avoid using their emotions to make decisions in the role of “adults.” This is apparent when he criticizes Eren as well as Levi for their choice to protect Armin in lieu of Erwin while applauding Mikasa who, while acting on impulse initially, ultimately prevailed and made the right choice.The four years that followed the discovery of Marley and other countries that are not within the walls have seen the formation of an ultranationalist belief system in Floch which has led him to want the total destruction of his enemies in order to allow for the revival of the Eldian empire until Floch attempted to destroy within the town of Liberio by burning several homes.

This ultra-nationalist extremism was further heightened by the actions of Eren Floch, who Floch became his hero due to Floch’s actions during Liberio and being one of the most prominent members of the group known under the banner of the Jaegerists.

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BIOGRAPHY Floch Forster Aot

YEAR 850


In Aot, Floch Forster was transferred along with other new soldiers from his Garrison Troops following the coronation of the History of Reiss as did all others, by a moment of motivation to fight for humanity. Floch listens at Jean and the sour comments she had made to Marlowe in return and seeks a bit more confidence. He notices a difference in them, based on their expressions. Jean is prepared to explain to them why they’re not as enthusiastic, but Floch says there will be another time. 2.

In addition, Floch is right next to Marlowe with the charge of taking care of the horses on the opposite side of the Shiganshina’s gate. As he continues to plan to destroy the titans that are threatening the horses and the horses, Floch is able to stop the Beast Titan starts his game with a perfect plan of attack by throwing rocks in a tangled mess towards the soldiers. The first wave of rocks takes everyone by surprise. Floch believes it’s explosives that the enemy is using, Levi commands to regroup and regroup, however Floch remains trapped in terror.

Floch is unable to move due to anxiety and lets the horses under the charge of his back to run away. Marlowe confronts him, but Floch says it’s irrelevant whether he dies or not knowing that he’s not a soldier that would sacrifice his life for the sake of others , and will suffer the same meaningless death as all other soldiers. In the absence of a solution to save the lives of everyone, Erwin Smith decides to form a suicide squad for Levi to get the time needed to bring off The Beast Titan.

Floch is listening to the reckless words of Erwin slowingly going to hell, Floch asks him if they’ll die to which Erwin smiles. Floch questions him if Erwin is trying to convey is that it’s better to fight than die then Erwin smiles and nods, Floch tells him then that no matter what happens, whether they die in disobedience to an order or do something else, it doesn’t have any significance, Erwin tells him that is what he believes. Also, Floch is able to launch himself, along with the other members and Erwin in a scuffle at Erwin, the Beast Titan.

Two shots The Beast Titan destroyed the entire structure, but allowed Levi the chance to reach it, and then pull it out of the titan’s body in order to break it up.

Floch awakes to find dead bodies, and begins to look around for any survivor.Floch is able to find Erwin Smith lying on the floor breathing. However, his chances of survival were slim. He decided to end his misery but then decided that hell was not prepared to welcome him. He set out to transport Erwin into Shiganshina District. Shiganshina District. Then, in the Shiganshina District Armin is having his time taken into account, so Levi decides to offer Erwin the floor, but before he’s able to hand the floor his request, Floch arrives with Erwin on the roof, at which they were.

Levi prefers Erwin who is breathing, which puts him in an argument over the choice to make.Floch is in Levi’s favor and claims Erwin is the one who deserves to win. Erwin is the one who mankind needs to beat the titans. Since Erwin believes that he’s alive and able to offer Erwin the chance to live. He’s prepared to fight Mikasa who doesn’t shy away from preparing himself with his sword.

Hange interrupts Mikasa to stop her from escaping and encourages her to not be distracted by her feelings and that it is better to let them go even though it hurts. Eren informs Levi that if he has any knowledge of an ocean. The salty body of water Armin would like to explore, Levi looks at him and Floch insists that he should not resist and takes him to keep him from the location in which Levi is going to transform into Armin after having considered it several times.

After the battle Floch along with the remaining participants in The Corps meet near the summit Wall Mary. Wall Mary. He sat back, looking over the surrounding area, while others attend to Sasha and inform Armin on the situation. He then remains on the wall while Eren, Mikasa, Levi and Hange leave to investigate the basement.When he returns to Trost the island, he receives an enormous welcome with the others who survived. Later, Floch participates in the briefing session among those remaining in the Exploration Corps, the top military command of the army along with the queen. Then, he is returned to Trost..

The day before the event, Floch meets with his classmates. Along with Jean tells Hitch Dreyse know the “brave” Marlowe Freudenberg was. However, upon hearing Hitch’s reaction, he states that Marlo likely regretted not going. The comment earns him a harsh rebuke from Jean however, he rebuts the issue by saying that somebody must tell the truth. When asked why he chose to help the commander Erwin Smith, Floch says that they were driven by emotion rather than reason as well as that they were a lot of individuals who believed this. Then, he takes part at the event and gets honoured alongside his fellow soldiers.After a year, following an event called the Battle of Shiganshina District, Floch and the other members of the Corps depart at the Maria Wall and make it to the ocean.

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YEAR 854


Ten months prior to the chaos that was unleashed through Eren at Liberio, Floch was assigned to protect Yelena following his arrival at the headquarters of the Anti-Marleyan Voluntary Paradis Island. At the time of the official opening ceremony for the railway within the Trost District, Floch does what is required to permit Yelena along with Eren to establish contact in which Eren discusses the plans of Euthanasia that Zeke’s brother Zeke planned to execute but Eren was planning his own version to commit genocide using the Thunderbolt which he planned to carry out by hiding behind the pretense of being Zeke’s side.

While initially Floch was skeptical about Eren’s plans, he’d eventually cave in and start by secretly recruiting his allies to form an insurgent group that was later referred to in the name of the Jaegerists.

Floch is seen, along alongside the rest of the Corps and is seen in the Battle of Liberio, where they attack the troops from Marley’s Army stationed in the area. As part of the mission, Floch and the others create disturbances and block the roads leading to the front. Then, he sets on fire residential buildings and is punished from Jean Kirstein.

Floch defends himself by saying that they are his adversaries who are the enemy of humanity, and referring to “humanity” as the inhabitants of Paradis. The titans Jaw Freighterand Beast are involved in the battle, Jaw, Freighter and Beast. Floch and the other characters join the fight to eliminate the titans. The fight is finished.

After the battle is over and the primary objectives achieved The Corps is now on the road to retreat, using an airship. Floch is able to board the ship in safety and, with a few other soldiers, begins to celebrate the victory of what they refer to as”the “New Eldian Empire”.

But, the celebration is abruptly interrupted with Gabi Braun and Falco Grice who sneak onto the ship unnoticed , and then fire a gun which hits Sasha Blouse and ends up killing her. Floch and the other gang members take control of the two boys . They even take the initiative to suggest that they throw them into the air however Jean is adamant about refusing.

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Floch Forster Aot in PARADIS WAR ARC

After arriving to Paradis, Floch along with his fellow soldiers are sent to the barracks of the army for the crime of leaks concerning Eren’s detention to the media and various other sections of the general populace. After being in the barracks, Floch demands Eren’s immediate release, arguing that he is the only one who can save Eldia by using the power that is known to be the Thunder And Hange refuses to grant this request, and he demands Floch and his fellow recruits to be detained in addition.

In the course of the assault at general Darius Zackly, Floch and his comrades are released from their prisons by prison guards, who secretly back Eren also. After escaping, Floch and his crew are reunited with Eren who instructs the group to start their pursuit of Zeke Jaeger.The first step they take is to head into the prison.

The first step they take is to go to the restaurant in the restaurant where Nicolo is employed as who is a Marleyan POW, thanks to another prisoner called Grior who reported that his recon legion had been present. After they have all been arrested, Hange tries to warn Floch that they’re all being controlled by Zeke as the wine officers of the highest rank within their Army of Walls were drinking was contaminated by cerebrospinal fluid.

They were able to transform to Titans when Zeke shouts. Floch then, with a sad expression, silences Hange by first telling him that he was aware of the plots Zeke and Eren’s brother Eren were planning to implement.

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