Kendo Rappa is a Japanese swordsman who has won multiple awards for his skills. He is also a teacher and has written several books on the subject of Kendo. In this article, we will explore some of the basics of Kendo, including its history, how it works, and how to train. Kendo is an ancient martial art that originated in Japan. It is considered one of the most important martial arts in the world, and has been used by warriors for centuries to defend against attack. Kendo is based on the principles of jujitsu, which are similar to those used in judo. Kendo was originally developed as a way to improve hand-to-hand combat skills. Today, it can be used for self-defense or as part of a larger martial arts program. There are many different styles of Kendo available, and each one has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. One important thing to remember when learning Kendo is that it takes time and practice to become good at it. You don’t need to be able to fight in a match immediately after learning it; you can start practicing at home as soon as you can find some basic equipment (a mat and some practice weapons). The goal is not just to win but also to improve your skills so that you can protect yourself against future attacks.

Personality Kendo Rappa

Rappa seems obsessed with fighting because of his Gift. Rappa is cold-blooded, and he clearly likes fighting because of his warrior mentality. He believes fighting is only legal if you have your own power and can use your body to fight. Rappa is also against people who rely on weapons more.He seems to dislike people who aren’t able or willing to fight. He seems to be genuinely excited when he gets what they want and will do everything in his power to win. He will become angry if he doesn’t get a good fight. He seems to have a tendency to view people differently depending on his mood. He may see people as annoying or a waste, but he will consider everyone around him “quality” if he gets what is required. He will accept a challenge from an opponent, just as Eijiro did to save Fat Gum.

Rappa has an element of honour, which allows Fat Gum, who was wounded by Rappa, to tend to Kirishima’s wounds. However, this was only to make sure he could face him once he is fully healed.

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Appearance Kendo Rappa

Rappa is a tall man with long, dark hair and large fists. He is covered with a plague mask, a white shirt and dark trousers that he wears behind him. He also has some kind of glove that acts as a knuckle pad because they have metal at the front.

Abilities Kendo Rappa

Immeasurable Strength: Rappa is a strong man. His fists broke Eijiro’s Red Riot Unbreakable method and damaged Fat Gum. Both of them are well-known for their great defense. This is used in combination with the brass knuckle glove.

DonStrong Shoulder (Qiang kiyouJian ken Kyoken ? ): He seems to be able to increase his punch power and speed by using this Gift. Tengai introduces Rappa and himself as “Spear and Shield”, while pointing out that Fat Gum and Eijiro are “Shield and Shield” due their defensive nature. However, he also notes that they cannot defend against Rappa’s blows and can’t be considered shields.Also Read :Atsuhiro Sako : Everything You Need To Know


His name could be translated as “villain” or “hooligan” (Luan Bo Rappa? ). Tengai introduced himself to Rappa. This is a reference the paradox of irresistible forepower, which is well illustrated in a Chinese anecdote. A man sells spears he claims are so powerful they can pierce any object and shields he claims are so strong that they can defend against any attack. The merchant couldn’t answer questions about what happens if someone attempts to attack the shield using the spear. But Tengai’s Gift is able to defend him against Rappa’s attacks.



Rappa was a fighter in an underground fighting club. His strength meant that no one could resist his punches. He felt frustrated and unable to kill his opponents. Chisaki approached Rappa to ask him to join the 8 Precepts for Death. After fighting with him, Rappa felt a deep frustration.



Rappa and Tengai are paired during the raid on the Eight Precepts of Death hideout. Irinaka launches Fat Gum, Eijiro Kishiima into a different room. Tengai is already waiting for them. Rappa launches a barrage to smash Kirishima’s defenses. Fat Gum attempts to strike Rappa but Tengai stops him by putting up a barrier. Rappa complains that Tengai keeps his partner from reaching him.Rappa complains that Tengai stops Fat Gum from attacking. Tengai then reminds him Overhaul has paired them up because their Gifts work well together. Rappa responds to Tengai by attacking him with his Gift. Tengai is confused and asks Rappa about his actions. Rappa responds that he doesn’t care about Overhaul’s plans and wants to kill. Tengai tells him to do what he wants, but reminds him to properly address Overhaul.

Rappa tells Tengai to stay out of Fat Gum’s way as he prepares to attack. Tengai assures Rappa that he won’t. Tengai sees Kirishima’s fear and expresses his pity for him. Tengai observes Fat Gum preparing for another attack after Rappa has finished attacking Fat Gum. Tengai tells Rappa that he must finish quickly. Eijiro intervenes when Rappa attempts to finish Fat Gum off. He receives his attacks and attempts a counterattack. However, Tengai blocks it using his Gift. After that, Tengai simply observes how ineffective it was for Kirishima.

He soon realizes that Eijiro was not in vain. Fat Gum emerges out of the dust and unleashes all Rappa’s impact with one powerful blow. However, Tengai creates an obstacle with maximum defense, absorbs most impact, and prevents the two from being eliminated. Rappa stands up and insists that this is a fight to death. He is still alive. Fat Gum is asked to transport Eijiro into the next room, bringing him first-aid supplies. Tengai questions Rappa about his selfishness and demands that he obey his orders. But Rappa beats Tengai, stomping on Tengai’s chest, and declares that Eijiro deserves a fight to death.Fat Gum inquires about Chisaki’s plans and why Rappa follows him. Rappa then tells Fat Gum that Chisaki would like to reestablish Yakuza and that he is available to defeat Chisaki.

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Kai Chisaki

Rappa doesn’t seem to respect Chisaki like the other members. Rappa demonstrates his disapproval for Tengai’s Gifts and the reasons behind it. He also states that he prefers to fight alone rather than relying on the “Spear and Shield” plan. He often calls the latter by a variety of nicknames that he makes up, but this could indicate a more forgetful, ignorant, or disrespectful nature.These facts aside, Rappa appears to have no concern for Chisaki’s ambitions or goals, and openly revealed them to Fat Gum. He seems indifferent to the consequences of such an act.

Hekiji Tengai

Rappa doesn’t seem to like Tengai so he works alongside him out of necessity. Rappa is a calm, calculated man who dislikes Tengai’s attempts to control him.