Levi Ackerman is a comprehensive guide to the city. Whether you’re a tourist or a resident, Ackerman has something for you. From history to food, art to nightlife, Ackerman has it all. Ackerman is divided into six main sections: History, Arts and Entertainment, Food and Drink, Shopping, Recreation and Nature. Each section contains detailed information on its respective topic. For example, in the History section you’ll find information on famous landmarks and historical events in the city. The Arts and Entertainment section covers everything from theater and music to art galleries and museums. The Food and Drink section offers recipes for everything from breakfast to dinner. And the Shopping section has listings of shops ranging from high-end boutiques to small mom-and-pop stores. Ackerman is an invaluable resource for anyone visiting or living in New York City. Whether you’re looking for information on where to eat or what attractions to visit, Ackerman has you covered! ..

APPEARANCE Levi Ackerman Aot

He is short in stature with a flexible, but slim, physique. This gives him an advantage when using the Three Dimension Maneuvering Equipment. It allows him to be more agile and speedy. His black hair is short and straight. He keeps his temples and nape of the neck shaven (like many male characters). His eyes are small and thin, and his blue-gray eyes are a sign of his intelligence. His permanent, skeptical expression seems unchanging is what distinguishes him.

On expeditions, he is often seen in the standard military uniform. This is usually under the green Explorer Corps cape. He wore a black suit with tie when he had to rest from an ankle injury. In addition, He prefers to wear casual clothing, such as a green shirt and jeans. Also, He lost his right eye, three fingers and a hand.

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After being hit at point-blank range with a Zeke Jaeger using a Lightning Spear he lost his right eye, three fingers and his left hand. He also suffered a scar from his forehead to his chin on the right side.The epilogue to the story shows Levi wearing a formal suit and leather shoes three years after the Thunderclap. He also uses a wheelchair after he was paralyzed from the fight against Eren.

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PERSONALITY Levi Ackerman Aot

Levi is a serious individual with clear ideas and a solid character. He is a conscript with a lot of potential to become a leader. His orders are clear and precise and no one can challenge his authority. This type of respect is reflected in his seriousness and coldness. He is well-acquainted with the responsibility of managing soldiers and can even lead them to certain death depending on their orders.

His expression is very unusual. It’s rare to see him smile. He doesn’t feel any emotion, but that doesn’t make it so. He isn’t the most emotionally driven person on the planet. However, that doesn’t mean he isn’t sensitive and empathic. He cares deeply about his fellow comrades as well as those in whom he has put his trust. In addition, He does his best to protect them, and he always considers the consequences of his actions. He should not show his feelings as a leader and hides them behind a serious, distant expression.

He doesn’t allow himself to be flatter by words and prefers to be guided by actions, rather than false promises. Although he has a tendency to be distrustful of people that he doesn’t know, once he gains trust in these people, he begins to hold them in high regard, even though he doesn’t like flattery with words.Although he is small, he has the brain and maturity of an adult. He also has the cunning of a soldier who’s been through many hardships. In addition, He can be easily angered, but it is very difficult to get angry at him. He is patient and has the ability to find the right words for any situation.

He can get annoyed by inconsiderate behavior, such as shouting at people, loud voices, and reckless actions. Also, He is not patient with such people and tends either to ignore them or to give them warning glances in order to change their behavior.He is a perfectionist, and has an unhealthy obsession with order and cleanliness. Hange Zoe even calls him a “cleanliness freak”.

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SKILLS Levi Ackerman Aot


Levi is an expert in the use and manipulation of three-dimensional maneuvers. He is more powerful than 100 soldiers, according to many civilians. He uses his two swords differently to the rest.

The left one is pointed up and the right one points down. This allows him to make multiple cuts at his target at high speeds. He is so skilled that he was capable of easily overpowering Annie Leonhart, a titan who measures 14 meters in height.

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INTELLIGENCE Levi Ackerman Aot

He is known for his exceptional skills in the Three Dimensional Maneuvering Team. He is also considered a genius, someone who can make decisions under pressure without panicking, and can analyze the situation to find a solution. This has helped him and his friends to escape danger many times. He is also a strong thinker and has great firmness.

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Levi is a small man, but Levi is notable for his physical strength and his great skills in melee combat.

It has been used to torture him many times. An example is the beating of Sanes in which he was capable of knocking out a few teeth. Or the beating he received from an officer of Central Military Police. With a kick, he was also able to break the jaw of the latter.

RELATIONS Levi Ackerman Aot


Eren has great respect for Levi. Due to his titanic power, Levi treated Levi at first like a scum. After getting to know Eren better, Levi began to treat him with respect and coldness.

However, Levi becomes Eren’s mentor and guide. Levi understands Eren’s potential and offers guidance in Eren’s moments. He sees Levi as a way to freedom for humanity.

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Levi met Hange on his first expedition with the Exploration Corps. Although Levi did not immediately get along with Hange after meeting her, their relationship grew over time.

The story shows that Levi (Hange ) and Hunge have gotten along better, but Levi is still annoyed by her obsession with capturing titans and her recklessness. Hange is getting more familiar with Levi and he can reprimand her if she gets too far.

The two of them have worked together for many years and share a strong relationship. Levi does not doubt Hange’s theories about titans.

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Mikasa had a grudge against Levi over the way he treated Eren during the trial. However, their relationship changed when Eren was saved by the Female Titan. Levi is understanding of her feelings.


Their relationship began with a hostile start. Levi was blackmailed by Erwin to sign up for the Exploration Corps. He wanted Levi to kill him because he had a grudge against Erwin, but later decided to let go of that revenge. He eventually trusted Levi.

Erwin gave Levi a scalpel containing the Titan Serum in the hope that he would make the right choice when it came time to fight for Shiganshina. Levi convinced Erwin at the end of the battle for Shiganshina to give his life to win the battle.

In the middle of their conversation, Levi promised Erwin that the Beast Titan would be killed. Although he won the battle of Shiganshina, Levi was disappointed and upset at not being able to keep his promise to Erwin. When he had to decide who to revive with the serum, he chose to let his Commander rest in peace.Four years later, Levi shows that he still believes in his promise to Erwin. He also reveals his intent to kill Zeke Jaeger. Levi killed Zeke in the Thunderclap battle against Eren, after he had “revived”, having left the Paths. He finally fulfilled his promise to Erwin.

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Kenny was Levi’s uncle. After Kuchel’s passing, the man took Levi in and taught him how he could defend himself against the dangers of the subway city. Ackerman then abandoned his nephew and he joined the Exploration Corps. Kenny stated that Levi was his “pride,” even after they grew to hate one another.

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Zeke, as the leader of the Warrior group, is Levi’s most formidable enemy. Also, Zeke was seriously injured during the Battle in Shiganshina District. Zeke then ordered his titans, who killed the captain. When he saw Levi not only killing the titans, but also following him to his location he expressed surprise and fear.

He decided to flee the area rather than face him again. The truce is established by the two rebels led Zeke and the Exploration Corps. However, this doesn’t mean their hatred has vanished. Levi has proven that he still distrusts Zeke.

Zeke kept him under surveillance and used his power to transform everyone who had drank the wine into Titans. Levi defeats him in a second encounter. He also took Levi hostage and implanted a Lightning Spear to stop him moving. Zeke, however, activated the Spire, causing an explosion that left Levi seriously injured. Zeke survived, but was close to death.After Zeke had managed to escape from the Paths during the Thunderclap confrontation, Levi unhesitatingly killed him by decapitating him.

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Trivia About Levi Ackerman

Duran – After shooting Kenny at a bar, Levi threw out a chair through the back window to confuse the Central Military Police troops. Then, he used the hook from his 3-D stunt kit and pierce Duran’s neck. Duran’s corpse was used as a shield by Levi against enemy bullets. Many members of the Anti Human Suppression Squad: Levi used his 3-D maneuvering equipment’s blades to kill Kenny’s subordinates in both the encounter in the bar and in the Reiss Chapel during rescue of Erenand History. Zeke Jaeger: Zeke was able to escape the Paths with the assistance of the titan power bearers during the Thunderclap. Levi quickly cut off his head and killed him immediately after he “revived” from his escape.