Nanami Jujutsu Kaisen is a comprehensive guide to the art of jujutsu. Written by a jujutsu instructor and practitioner, the book covers the history, philosophy, techniques, and applications of jujutsu. Jujutsu is an ancient martial art that uses grappling and striking techniques to defeat an opponent. It is a versatile tool that can be used in self-defense or in competitions. Nanami Jujutsu Kaisen provides readers with everything they need to learn this fascinating art. The book begins with an overview of jujutsu history and its origins in Japan. It then covers the philosophy and techniques of jujutsu, including explanations of how to execute various moves. The book also includes detailed instructions on how to train for jujitsu competitions. Nanami Jujutsu Kaisen is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in learning about this fascinating martial art. ..

Nanami, a Jujutsu High sorcerer was ranked Grade 1. He operated primarily from the Tokyo campus. He became close to Yuji itadori after Satoru was introduced.

Unfortunately, Kento Nanami was killed in the Shibuya Incident along with many other great fighters, cursed spirits, and others. Nanami is a wise and real portrayal of a salaryman who discovered an more important part of life. Although we couldn’t keep up with his antics, this guy left a lasting impression on the series.

Their legacy will not fade, so let’s take an in-depth look at one the most fascinating sorcerers: Kento Nagami!

Appearance Nanami Jujutsu Kaisen

In Jujutsu Kaisen, Nanami is a tall man and enthusiast woman, is Nanami . His technique involves his blonde hair being parted 7 to 3. His small eyes are very visible because he wears his signature glasses every day. He doesn’t have his arms around his ears.

Nanami is a former worker. He likes to wear company clothes. He prefers a two-piece suit in light gray, or beige. A blue dress shirt is underneath, with a yellow-black dotted tie. He loves to buy brown shoes because they suit his style perfectly.

His weapons are usually hidden under his coat. The blunt sword has the same pattern of clothes as his necktie.

Nanami, who graduated from Jujutsu High, wore a vertically striped jacket with a white button-down shirt, dark-colored tie with white dots all around it, black pants and black shoes. 

Nanami wore the normal Jujutsu High uniform as a student. When he was younger, his hair was cut differently.

Personality Nanami Jujutsu Kaisen

Nanami was a role template for stoic principles over the years. His motivation changed greatly, but his personality characteristics remain unaffected.

Nanami was calm, considerate even in high school. However, he did not like to interact with other students. After Yuu Haibara died , Nanami gave up on the difficult life and chose to live the meaningless, sorcerer-filled life.

He was an office worker but couldn’t find his location. Although the business life was more emotional, it was still a very active and energetic life with too much excitement for Nanami.

He loved to make cash. He didn’t care if he had any. He had to see the horrors in the cursed underground every day, but Nanami continued on. Although he did not like his workplace and the people there, he didn’t believe there was an alternate.

He had an epiphany in the bakery . He saw that the girl who worked there was more important than he. Nothing would have affected the world if a worker like him and his company disappeared. However, if a bakery shop closes down, people who used to come to buy bread daily would be very disappointed. It’s natural, and noble for others.

He cured of the cursed spirit which bothered the girl in the bakery shop. Then he called Gojo again to join the sorcerers . He was still the Nanami but his reasons to live his life are now much more human.

Nanami was still blunt, and uninterested at most social gatherings since he joined the jujutsu community. Although he seemed ignorant to most things he was friendly underneath. Nanami was very interested in intelligent conversations, and philosophical problems. These are easy to find if one works within the cursed world.

He is very pragmatic and prefers to keep to his moral views. Nanami hates overtime. When he is forced to work overtime, his hidden strength helps him get out of trouble faster.

Nanami has been through many life-altering events but still refuses to believe they exist. He believes people don’t become adults after they reach the brink of death or make serious decisions. Instead, they slowly accumulate the many misfortunes and realize that these events or mistakes made them the person they are today. The person will then be able to become a real adult.

Nanami dislikes the Jujutsu Society. These “trash” sorcerers, he believes, are uninformed of their peers, putting them in danger and not even considering their ability to survive such a situation. Nanami is a person who wants to be appreciated. He has no regrets , but still wonders about his place in this world.

Past of Kento Nanami

Kento Nagami was a student at the school of sorcerers just like every other jujutsu-shaman in this story. Toji Fushiguro was his mission, and he wasn’t able to meet him.

He was given something more difficult one year later by his friend Yuu Haibara. Only Kento survived the battle, and Yuu’s suicide basically rendered him uninterested within their respective work fields.

However, he finished college and stopped being a wizard immediately after. Nanami began his adult life as an salaryman despite being aware of all the terrible things that they do.

After many years in the industry, Nanami became tired of the soulless nature and decided to leave it . At the time, he visited a bakery shop frequently. The woman who worked there was displaying noticeable pain every time he entered.

Nanami was aware that the cursed spirit was responsible for the woman’s condition, but he refused to intervene. He seemed to have given up on the life as a sorcerer. Faced with reality, he made the best decision to assist the woman. He removed the cursed spirit from the house and returned to his role as a sorcerer and an ally to humanity.

Reputation and Legacy Nanami Jujutsu Kaisen


Nanami has a high respect within the Jujutsu Society. He is the ideal example for what a sorcerer should look like. Nanami resolves all situations with thought. respect. He also fights to minimize losses on every occasion.

Young students look up at him, particularly Yuuji & Takuma Ino. Although he didn’t make much of an impact on the story, he likes to plan all his moves ahead with his signature phrase, “What would Nanami Do?”

His leadership skills also proved useful during the Shibuya Incident. Nanami demonstrated great listening skills and played a major role in organizing the forces following Gojo’s sealing .

Shibuya Events

He can also provide support for any stronger ally. This was demonstrated during his fight against Dagon with Naobito, Maki Zen’in. While they had to fight the mad monster head-on, Nanami’s quick replies gave them an advantage.

Unfortunately, Dagon cursed him and made him wear . Nanami met the much stronger Jogo. Although the exhausted wizard died from the volcanic spirit, he survived .Kento Nanami died properly only after Mahito surprised everyone.

Although he was respected by all, Nanami’s death could not make the battle miraculously end. Nanami was not able to say goodbye because of the Shibuya Incident’s many grave casualties.

Physical Capabilities and Equipment

Overall Power

Nanami can be described as a formidable fighter in all aspects. His physical strength and speed can destroy cursed spirits in a single hit. Although most of his power is due to his technique, his power must be considered insane.

Nanami is so strong that even Haruta Shigemo, a strong curse user, felt like kicking a rock as he tried to defeat Nanami[18]. The sorcerer could defeat his enemies like nothing.

Nanami’s speed wasn’t just impressive , but amazing, especially considering he was such an enormous man. He moved quickly from one spot to the next, only to confuse and attack his enemies. To put his advantage, he could analyse enemies.

Durability and Recovery

Nanami was able to evade most enemies’ attacks but he would still move on, even if they did hit. This was partially true during his fight against Mahito. Unfortunately, this resulted in Nanami being much weaker.

He didn’t know anything about Mahito’s corrupting spirit touch. But the most bizarre thing was that he survived it. He is the only person to have survived Mahito’s touch, and even the cursed spirit had a hard time acknowledging Nanami’s abilities.

Nanami was also capable of surviving Dagon’s shikigamistorm as well as Jogo’s unbelieveably powerful flame blast. Although he still has most his left side, Nanami was able to walk away from the flame blast and fight minor spirits, unlike Maki and Naobito.

Swordsmanship of Kento Nanami Jujutsu Kaisen

He was also a master at swordsmanship. Nanami was not a regular swordsman. While most of his peers used long weapons to fight him, Nanami’s butcher blade was only a powerful hitting, barely sharp club blade.

He used the little knife to chop big men. Nanami was a threat to Special Grades and many cursed spirits. He often killed them all. He was a valuable addition to the Jujutsu Team.

Jujutsu And Techniques of Nanami Jujutsu Kaisen

Cursed Energy

Nanami is a crazy amount cursed energy. His mana is dense that enemies can see him even from afar. His basic strength is not even enough to sustain him. Nanami has the ability to increase his energy by using overtime, or revealing all of his techniques.

Nanami was able to control his cursed energy until perfection. He didn’t throw anything away, and could even keep some in reserve in order to change the necessary amount used for fights. He focused the cost of his cursed energies on his soul during his fight with Mahito so that he didn’t suffer the enormous damage.

surpassing his limits, Nanami is so powerful that even lower-class enemies cannot damage him. He used his shield mana.

Black Flash

Nanami could also use Black Flash with no problems. This quick ability reduces time, space needed to make a punch, and basically hits your enemy with a massive force in an instant. It’s 2.5 times stronger than regular punches. Nanami was the record holder for most consecutive Black Flashes (4 Black Flashes), before Yuuji took it away.

Binding Vows

Nanami uses the Binding Vows in order to increase his power. These can be used to temporarily or permanently give him more power. However, they are mostly the same.

Overtime is the first, and it is his most well-known skill. Nanami hates overtime and has kept his limit energy output at a maximum while still working regular hours in Jujutsu High. Nanami, once he’s still on the field after work hours are over, can increase his power by 40% in order to end the fight fast.

He would normally only be able use 80% of his maximum power. However, Nanami can use Overtime to break this rule and use 100% all the time. But Overtime won’t help him in difficult situations.

Another one is Revealing One’s . This is not Nanami’s move only, but it is a good one. Nanami uses this vow to prepare for big fights. Nanami can fight with more precision by sharing the details of his technique, and wrapping his weapon’s cloth around his hands.

Jujutsu Technique

Let’s now move on to his technique. Nanami is a web designer who has many connections and uses the phrase 7:3. His haircut is known as that. His name meaning and his technique can both be taken as such. This is also known as Ratio. It’s a very unique ability.

Nanami creates an imaginary line to attack his foes during a fight. This line can be extended across their entire bodies or just their heads, torsos, or arms. Nanami breaks the line into ten equal pieces, and then marks them at the seven-to-three point. This mark is critical spot, which would be completely destroyed by Nanami should he hit the weak point. This technique could remove major body parts and kill an opponent with just one hit.

He can quickly alter the location of imaginary lines based on his situation to maximize output. This also works for inanimate items. This technique can also be used to Collapse. It works in a similar way, but can blow large parts of objects to manipulate Nanami’s advantage.

Relationships of Nanami Jujutsu Kaisen


Nanami doesn’t seem very social, at least not with stranger. He’s interested in intelligent people, but it isn’t Gojo. Their relationship doesn’t seem to be one-sided. Nanami quickly becomes annoyed by the jester.

Gojo was Nanami’s teacher in high school, but they only interacted with the minimum requirements. After Nanami made the decision to rejoin the jujutsu community once more, he was Gojo his first.

Gojo loves to play around, which could make Nanami feel a little disappointed about their relationship. Gojo is a serious person when needed. Because he knew they would be a good team, he gave Yuuji over to Nami. Yuuji might learn to work professionally, but Nanami might be able relax a little.

They are on good terms and Nanami certainly enjoys time together. They worked together for most of the time, and couldn’t meet up at Shibuya.

Yuuji Itadori

Yuuji basically is the clone when it comes goofiness. He is annoying Megumi but he also made Nanami‘s life worse when he was assigned by the master.

Yuuji saw Nanami, whereas Nanami saw the boy as a child. He didn’t want Yuuji to spend his teenage life fighting spirits and falling into abyssal of the sorcerer.

Yuuji finally proved his worth to Nanami who actually acknowledged him. The duo emerged from the battle against Mahito as (not too close) friends.

Tokyo Jujutsu High Students

Nanami did not interact with the rest Jujutsu Jujutsu Higher students. As most students knew of his activities, his reputation was as high as it could be. Takuma Ino, a Grade 2 sorcerer thought Nanami was a star. This is funny, because Nanami wouldn’t have considered himself a hero.

Fun Facts

Nanami’s name has a direct relationship to his technique. His family name consists two parts: nana Qi (77) and mi San (33) These variations are less-known numbers but perfectly reflect his abilities.  His technique also fits in with his 7-3 hairstyleNanami hates overtime. He enjoys drinking and food fried with garlic oil. His grandfather is Danish. He was the record holder for the most consecutive Flashes. This was achieved during the Night Parade of 100 Demons.

Participation in Fights

Vs. Mahito Arc

Vs.  Mahito ArcYuji Itadori & Kento Nanami vs. Transfigured HumansKento Nanami vs.  MahitoYuji Itadori & Kento Nanami vs.  Mahito

Shibuya Incident Arc

Shibuya Incident ArcNobara Kugisaki & Kento Nanami vs. Haruta ShigemoJujutsu Sorcerers vs.  DagonKento Nanami vs.  Jogo

Plot Of Nanami in Jujutsu Kaisen

Nanami introduced Yuuji to Gojo, since he could not teach Yuuji right now. Nanami said to Yuuji he didn’t approve of him because he wasn’t the sorcerer . Yuuji said he would work hard to earn his position.

They band together to investigate theater incident. Nanami showed Yuuji the art of following remnants. Nanami explained his method to Yuuji but didn’t ask Yuuji about it, since it was simple for the veteran.

They discovered the cursed spirits of the theatre were once human beings, and Nanami was swift enough to reveal to Yuuji that they should not be killed without a second thought. Nanami dispatched Yuuji for investigation Junpei as the sole witness. He then began to look for another route.

Nanami climbed down into the sewers to find the source of all evil, Mahito. If he touched their soul, this cursed spirit could manipulate living entities. touching their bodies could impair their minds and eventually their health.

Nanami repeatedly fought Mahito, but they couldn’t agree on the outcome. Nanami would heal any Mahito wounds with his 7-:3 technique whenever Nanami did. Mahito once had a hold on Nanami’s soul. However, the sorcerer was able to avoid most of the damage. They ended the fight in a draw. Nanami destroyed the sewers, and escaped.

He told Yuuji that he would stay at Junpei school, while he and Takuma clean up the sewers. He later changed his mind, and he joined Yuuji at Yuuji’s school where Mahito also showed up.

Nanami found that Yuuji was a strong counter to Mahito because of Sukuna’s presence. They fought Mahito as a pair. The fight was close as Nanami nearly won the bout. Sukuna won the fight. Mahito was able to escape.

Nanami participated in the Shibuya Incident. He was assigned to Takuma and Megumi, but when he heard about Gojo’s capture, he told the two that they should continue their mission.

Nanami ran into the fray and found Nobara fighting Shigemo. Nanami was able to get close to the cursed user and the fight was over quickly. Nanami had hoped to get some information from him, but he decided just to send him flying, since he was in such an rush.

Nanami met Maki Zen’in and Naobito, and they fought Dagon together. The cursed spirit was an insane threat for the sorcerers and they all ended up in Dagon’s domain. Things looked terrible before Megumi appeared. But even he couldn’t save his fellows.

Dagon was throwing Shikigami at sorcerers and everything was going well until Toji Fushiguro jumped in the domain and killed Dagon within a matter of seconds[8]. Everyone was stunned – but that’s not surprising. They had to continue on their quest to find Gojo.

The three of them left the spot where they had fought Dagon and encountered Jogo. This spirit was accompanied by the vulcan body. Nanami took a surprise hit and was almost burn to his death. Maki survived, but Naobito died instantly.

Nanami survived the nearly fatal injuries and cleaned up minor spirits when he saw them. Unfortunately, Nanami’s archenemy and Special Grade spirit, Mahito, walked up and finished Nanami right in front of Yuuji[10].

Voice Actors

Kenjiro Tsuda

Kenjirou Tsuda is the VA of Nanami. is an important name in the anime world. Over the years, he played many well-known roles, including mains in K and Yu-Gi-Oh. He even appeared as The Way of The Househusband. He was also a side character on Free! ( Mikoshiba), and HHA( Overhaul).

Japanese – Kenjiro Tsuda

English David Vincent