When I was younger, I always loved going on safari. I would watch the animals from a distance and dream of being able to see them up close. But as I got older, my interest in safari dwindled. It was until recently that I realized how much of an impact safari has on my life. I used to go on safari with my family every year, but now that I’m single and have my own place, I don’t have the time or money to go on safari. But even though I can’t go on safari anymore, it doesn’t mean that I don’t love animals. In fact, it’s because ofsafaris that I’ve come to understand more about the world around me and how important it is for people to connect with nature. When you’re out there in the wilds with all these amazing creatures, you get a sense of peace and connection that you can’t find at home. And if you’re lucky enough to experience this type of environment while living in a city like New York City or Los Angeles, then it’s even better! But for me, going on safaris is still one of the best things that has ever happened to me.


Auruo was an average-sized man with a height of precisely 1 centimeter 73.3 inches. With 61kg that means he has an average height. The man is long blond hair that has grayed in the anime, and cut in a cut that is undercut, similar to Livai Ackerman. The eyebrows on him are extremely thin, which is different from the eyebrows of men in the anime.

He’s seen most of the time in military attire including the jacket of his Exploration Battalion on the back. Additionally, he wears an identical white scarf to Livai’s. As per Petra Ralle, Auruo has this scarf in order to appear like a persona of the corporal. A majority of the time his eyes are shut and give an unflattering look.

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IN AOT, Oruo is an individual who is confident of himself to the point that the man isn’t afraid to boast about himself. Despite his arrogance and grandiosity He is also the top of Livai’s tactical team with his 39 titan kills solo (the most solo kills in his group and only beaten by Livai) giving him pride.The young man shows an edgy side, due to his lack of swagger and his habit of regularly chews on his tongue. He often attempts to emulate Livai with his self-confident attitude and his straightforward speech that create a slight conflict to Petra who he might like.If he is freed through Livai from the shackles of the titan, he’ll begin crying and thank Livai. However, despite his self-centeredness the man is concerned for his fellow teammates and cannot help but cry when others in his group were killed in the hands of the female titan.

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STORY Oruo Bozad Aot


Auruo is selected to be selected by the Lieutenant Livai Ackerman to be part of an elite team. The team members he will be with within the Tactical Squad will be Petra Ralle, Gunther Schultz and Erd Gin. Their job is to defend Eren Jager in the greatest extent possible and ultimately to take him down if he happens to lose control over his powers and end up in a catastrophic way. Auruo is quick and direct in making clear to the new rookie that gaining his trust is not an easy feat, particularly when he has this kind of power at his disposal.

The headquarters is allocated for the group. But, after a short period of time, the building is in a pretty bad state. Livai commands all the inhabitants of this world to take care to keep it clean. In the evening, later, Hansi Zoe joins the newly created team and suggests to Eren to discuss his research on Titans. He, naively, accepts. The group, which includes Auruo is then taken out of the room, knowing that the conversation was likely to last a long time. [6]

For the duration of a month, soldiers were in touch daily with one another. Auruo was not convinced that Eren was capable of mastering his immense abilities. One day, following the training session, Eren is able to transform. Auruo threatened to be killed if he does something too much. After a time, Auruo calmed down. To avenge Eren who was not believing in him, all participants of the team were bitten by their hands, as when he turns into a giant.In the following days, it was the time that the extra-muros 57th expedition was launched. Auruo’s primary responsibility was to guard Eren, who was frail. Eren throughout the entire mission. The expedition was progressing in a manner that was more or less satisfactory. After a short time the smoking signal goes off, which is rapidly recognized by the tactical team. They are convinced that a yet-to-be-identified titan is nearing their location.

They finally venture into the forest and hope to escape the giant who remains a mystery to them. Eren thinks about what’s happening However, Auruo along with the other members of the group tell Eren they believe the issue is far beyond their comprehension. It is precisely at this point that Female Titan arrives with the team. The pursuit continues that the group is begs Livai to provide them with hints and propose specifically to place the Titan down or utilize the three-dimensional technique and sometimes lose patience with the new recruit. As a reaction, Livai fires an ear-splitting grenade to disperse the squad as well as remind them of the mission they have been assigned.

Eren’s grasp over his body has been loosening as more more soldiers are killed behind Eren. As he was about to bite his fingers when the corporal calls Eren to choose whether to trust in himself or trust the group. Eren decides to place his trust completely in the team’s tactical leadership and so the chase goes on. While the female titan was poised to catch up to the group, they was able to reach the place identified by Erwin Smith and soldiers finally took on the titan.

But, there was a problem that wasn’t intended: the titan is killed alive. It wasn’t planned in any way and the entire tactical squad is in turmoil which includes Auruo. However, they all glance at one another and smile, thanking Eren on behalf of his role in the Exploration Battalion and the success of the mission.Then, Erd and other soldiers from The Exploration Battalion discuss Erwin’s choice not to inform members about their plan (to take the female titan in the flesh). Eren questions why even the most senior members weren’t advised, but Auruo as well as Petra are extremely irritated because they believe Eren suggests the fact that Erwin doesn’t trust them. Erd is in agreement with Eren However, he explains his two colleagues that the general may have motives for his actions. When they speak they begin to realize that Erwin has been asking them the same question. It’s a quite odd question. They decide that if they’d had the chance to answer the question correctly it is likely that they would be considered credible but they weren’t.He was a fighter against the Feminine Titan together with the remaining members of the tactical team in the early days of the battle. He was also the first participant from the Exploration Battalion to successfully slay his neck on the Feminine Titan.The final attack of his was fuelled by the demise of Petra Ralle. He was a guerrilla against his Female Titan to the very the very last moment of his life, before being crushed by it.He was a highly skilled warrior, with numerous records of defeating Titans. 48 killed: 39 killed solo and 9 in a team.

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Eren as well as Historia Reiss are under the Reiss Chapel and are having a heated conversation. In addition, Eren is reflecting on the reality the fact that, if father Grisha Jager, hadn’t removed the power over Frieda Reiss, many would not have been left behind. Eren also cited some of his former colleagues, which included the old Livai squad.


At the time of the Battle of Shiganshina, at the time of battle, Erwin Smith sits down and begins to think about the things he did in order to reach the point he was at that moment as well as Livai. The thought of all those soldiers who were killed in battle is brought to mind like they were all in his vicinity. He asks himself whether their deaths were actually helpful. Auruo can be described as one deceased scattered throughout Livai and the main.


When Livai wanders through the woods, chatting to soldiers regarding Dot Pixis’ plan, he thinks of the instances he helped save Eren. What number of soldiers had perished in order for the young man to be saved? Then, an image is shown to him in which a large number of soldiers who were killed in combat are shown in the image, including Auruo.


Petra Rall

They have a tense relationship. They often argue. She was critical of him when he attempted to emulate Livai and demanded that he stop, and stating that the man should eat her tongue or die.

But, underneath this apparent conflict, a strong connection is shared by the two. Her reaction following his death and her attempts to emulate her idol has led to speculation that he could have been in love with her.

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Livai Ackerman

Livai has the title of Auruo’s boss, and Auruo does his best to imitate Auruo.


It’s important to remember that Petra was always annoyed when Auruo mimicked Livai’s style, hairstyle the scarf, his haircut, and the manner in which Auruo spoke. Auruo was placed as 18th on the Character Popularity Survey.