There’s no one definitive answer to this question: who are the best characters in Food Wars? Some might say the protagonist, Lina, is the most likable character in the series. Others might say that the antagonist, Wang Yumeng, is one of the most despicable villains in all of food-related fiction. And still others might say that none of the characters are particularly well-rounded or interesting. But regardless of who you choose to put at the top of your list, there’s no doubt that all of these characters play a significant role in Food Wars. They’re each essential to understanding and enjoying its story and its characters. Here are five key reasons why:

  1. Lina is a compelling protagonist with a strong sense of purpose. She’s an unlikely hero—a young woman who has to fight for her life against an overwhelming enemy—but she’s determined to succeed. She’s also intelligent and resourceful, able to think on her feet and come up with strategies on a moment’s notice. This makes her an interesting foil for Wang Yumeng, who is often thought of as a ruthless villain.
  2. Wang Yumeng is one of the most despicable villains in all food-related fiction. He’s manipulative and cruel, willing to do anything to win his battle against Lina and her friends. He’s also incredibly powerful and dangerous—he can easily overpower anyone he meets, even if they’re much smaller than him. His actions throughout Food Wars make him one of the most despicable villains in all of literature or film related to food!
  3. The cast of characters is richly drawn and complex. Each character has their own motivations and backstory; they’re not just there for comic relief or exposition purposes. This makes them very human, which makes them more relatable and engaging than any other antagonists in Food Wars. Additionally, each character has their own unique strengths and weaknesses; you can’t

You can read the entire article to find out which more 20 chefs made it to our list.

Who Are Best Characters in Food Wars of All Time ?

Food Wars excels in handling the characters. The main characters are not the only ones that matter, but the supporting characters as well. Each character has a unique trait that makes each interaction different.

Today’s topic will be about the 18 greatest food wars characters. I’ll explain, as usual, what makes them such great characters. Or, at the very least, what made them great characters.

As the story progresses, people who were great at what they did slowly become your side characters. These are the words that describe most of the Food Wars characters at end of the series. In my humble opinion, as the story grows, rather than focusing on one topic, the author can explore all possible outcomes for other characters.

In this article, I will not only discuss what makes these characters so great, but I will also try to fix (again these would be my arguments, as an ex Food Wars fan), what went wrong. Let’s start at number 18.

18. Ibusaki Shun

I believe that Ibusaki is one of the most talented Food Wars characters. He is a quiet character with a passion for food and should have had the opportunity to shine every once in awhile.

Also, He was almost there in the first round. In addition, He scored 88 points, earning him the title of “Prince Of Smoke” which shows how skilled he is in using smoking techniques to cook. Finally, Mimasaka Subaru appeared and scored higher points than him.

Hayama Akira is Hayama’s favorite character because of his love for smoke with a distinctive aroma. Hayama is on a whole different level, so he doesn’t need to win. However, a match with Hayama will show that Ibusaki is a threat in the future and will also be acknowledged by his rivals.

17. Aldini Isami

I know he is more familiar Isami Aldini but I will keep calling everyone by their family names first. Aldini Isami, however, is another character that has a lot of potential. He is also shown in the series as the little brother who gets overlooked by his big brother.

It is fascinating to see the relationship between Takumi and Isami. They act as normal siblings, who enjoy tease each other outside of cooking. They become rivals when it comes time to cook and try to defeat each other.

As the story progresses, Takumi’s rivalry seems to be more focused on Yukihira Suuma and has left Isami in the dust. They should have explored more about the twins’ relationship. Isami seems doomed to remain in Takumi’s shadow.

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16. Mimasaka Subaru

Mimasaka, one of the “true villains” introduced to the series, was very threatening to the main characters. His ability to duplicate his opponent and add some twist into it is a similar skill set as other villains.

He was defeated, however, by Yukihira Souma, like all villains. He is now technically neither a good or bad guy but more of a helper to the good guys when he needs it.

Mimasaka had only three matches in the Food Wars. To explore his potential talents, it could be expanded. He could also handle characters such as Hayama Akira or Aldini Takumi’s revenge match. This would add depth to his character.

15. Mito Ikumi

Another character who was initially seen as a threat, but gradually disappeared as the series progressed. Nikumi (her nickname. She is known as the meat master among her peers. During the Autumn Election, she was even called “The Meat General” by judges.

She developed a love for Yukihira Souma, besides her culinary skills. It is quite funny to see, considering Yukihira can be a little dull when it comes down to feeling and Nikumi can be a tsundere who often gets embarrassed when she does something nice for him.

Although she was given a lot of screentime, it was mostly as a side character. Nikumi is lacking in many things, including cooking matches, her relationships with her friends, as well as Yukihira.

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14. Tsukasa Eishi

Elite Ten’s first seat is well-known for his calm and serene approach to cooking and his cautious and anxious personality. Tsukasa was a master chef and never doubted his abilities.

Tsukasa, a French chef, is able to “connect” with the ingredients. He is able maximize the output of his ingredients and present the best dishes to the judges.

Its character is somewhat bland despite its incredible abilities. Although he does have some backstories, I find his past less interesting than other characters. He should also break characters in cooking, but that is just my opinion. You should not do anything that could rile or break him.

13. Kuga Terunori

Kuga, a Chinese cuisine specialist, started out as a pseudo-antagonist. He turned out to be just two peas in the pod with Yukihira Souma, the main character. Kuga was more skilled at cooking at the time.

Kuga was Yukihira’s best friend, helping him with many things. Kuga’s gung-ho personality enabled him to connect with others, though some may get bored.

Kuga’s skill in Food Wars was only demonstrated a few times by Yukihira during his match against Kuga and Regimental Shokugeki. This is unfortunate as we could see his ability to tackle other cases if he wins more matches.

12. Rindo Kobayashi

One of the most beloved Elite Ten characters is Rindo-senpai. She is known for her cheerful and easygoing personality. She is also a happy person who loves to have fun, which makes her one of the most lovable Elite Ten.

A rare chef who is able to cook with exotic ingredients is what makes her even more special, especially considering that you won’t find top chefs cooking with alligators and ants in real life.

She is not able to explain how she manages to get involved in extreme cuisine. She loves to travel the world, but how do she do it? These details, along with other memories from her past, could help to increase her already high-level of likability.

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11. Isshiki Satoshi

Polar Star Dormitory’s most well-respected senpai. Isshiki is a great senpai, despite his ridiculous antics such as wearing a naked apron. He has proved it many times.

He claims to be able to master Japanese cuisine. In reality, he can cook almost any type of cuisine he wants, and is not afraid to mix it with other international cuisines.

He was not as well-known for his cooking and showing off his skills, just like Kuga. He would be great if he could have matches with fellow Polar Star Dormitory members such as Tadokoro Megumi, or even a match with Yukihira Suuma.

10. Kurokiba Ryo

The Dictator Of The Kitchen was so badass in earlier episodes. Fans love to see his split personality because it is sometimes cool and sometimes funny.

Kurokiba is a specialist in seafood cooking. Kurokiba cooks as if he is going to kill you. He never made a simple dish that could be enjoyed with mannerisms. Instead, he created delicious and easy-to-eat dishes that are enjoyable even without proper etiquette.

After the Regimental Shokugeki, Kurokiba’s progress has been halted. His skills were not as well displayed as they were back then. This is unfortunate because Kurokiba has still much to learn, just as Yukihira Souma. Hayama Akira and he could remain as Yukihira’s competitors to try for the first seat in Elite Ten.

9. Saiba Joichiro

Legendary chef, who travels the globe to cook. Joichiro is a skilled cook and can serve almost any dish. Ashura is more than a name.

Joichiro, despite his skills, isn’t that great of a cook. He was once beaten to death by everyone’s high expectations. He stopped cooking for a time until he met his true love.

Joichiro is, in fact, one of few characters in Food Wars that were beautifully crafted by Tsukuda Shun and Saeki Shun. One way to make Joichiro better is to add spinoff series such as Shinomiya Kojiro, so the reader can learn more about him.

8. Aldini Takumi

Isami’s older brother, who has a large fan base at Totsuki Academy. (And I’m sure he has a huge one in real life). Yukihira Souma, his brother, believes that Yukihira is his rival. They both come from diners and are very proud of their restaurant.

As the series progresses, Takumi is more frequent, often appearing alongside Yukihira or Tadokoro megumi. This trio has seen many things, including the Hokkaido Examination Arch, Regimental Shokugeki, Blue, and even more.

This caused me some issues as his appearances often overshadowed other supporting characters. While I don’t think he should be given less screen time, the authors could explore more options where Takumi has deeper interactions with other characters or even a Shokugeki. It’s not all about Yukihira.

7. Nakiri Alice

Nakiri Erina was the cousin of the judge who earned the title “Global Innovator” back in the Autumn Election. Her molecular gastronomy dish was a surprise to the judges scoring 95. This is an indication that she is a force for good.

Alice is serious, but like many characters, she only cooks when she is cooking. Alice is a loner and a playaholic, even when she doesn’t cook. She enjoys teaseing other characters.

We have enough memories of Alice, most likely because she was connected to Erina. Now it’s about the future. If done right, a dream match between Alice and Erina is bound to be a great story. She was, in other words, like all characters she met, wasted.

6. Hayama Akira

Another genius was expected to be Nakiri’s main rival. Yukihira Souma, who has had 3 incredible matches, considers him his main rival.

Hayama is a master of spices. He is an expert on spices. He has a great sense of smell and is able to understand the seductive aromas that food can create.

However, he didn’t get enough attention, especially at the end of Food Wars. It is regrettable because Yukihira beat him in a fair match. We should have seen him more against Yukihira or Erina, who has a remarkable sense of taste.

5. Shinomiya Kojiro

The Legumes Magician, who was hated for what he did Tadokoro megumi. After learning more about his history, his fans began to love him and the authors knew when to make him appear.

He was the Elite Ten’s first seat in his youth. He was a master of French cuisine and has even become a chef, retracing his Japanese roots.

Shinomiya even owns his own spin-off that explains everything about him. It is well-known by now that Shinomiya enjoys a large fan base. He is, without doubt, the true protagonist of Yukihira Suuma. His ranking at number 5 is a testament to how well he was developed and made.

4. Arato Hisako

Although you might not believe it, Arato Hisako was ranked 5th in second popularity poll. She beat names like Nakiri Akira and Hayama Akira. At the third poll, she was 2nd, just below Nakiri Eina. Is it because she is so beloved?

All characters in the top four are considered to have the most character development. Arato meets the criteria. Yukihira was initially a hated by this medicinal cuisine master, but he ended up being Erina’s friend and can save her.

Arato may not have the time or resources to show her skills as a chef. This is a problem that may need to be addressed. Arato also demonstrated how lovable characters can be once they have been developed.

3. Tadokoro Megumi

Our favorite (and my personal favorite) character in Food Wars. She started out as a shy girl and became a formidable chef. Her friends know her worth.

Yukihira Souma is the reason she has the strength to do it. Although she has never been a good chef, she is very anxious. She is unable to fully realize her true potential. That is why she is unable to provide hospitality and consideration. Like your mom did for you.

Tadokoro has one problem. She rarely wins a cooking contest. It might not be important to some, as she is constantly proving her culinary skills. She was like a dark horse and left her opponent furious because they believed they could beat Tadokoro easily.

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2. Nakiri Erina

The God of Tongue is a simple subject. Yukihira Souma was and is still Yukihira Souma’s motivation to cook better. Fans believe that Erina said “disgusting” to Yukihira because she wanted her to enjoy his food more.

Erina excels in all types of cuisine. Because of her training by Nakamura Azami, Erina can pinpoint the faults in a dish.

I think that she could do more cooking matches to show off her true cooking skills. She is a bit like her boss. She is an excellent character and doesn’t need to do much.

1. Yukihira Souma

Food Wars is main character is the best. It’s not difficult to see why Yukihira is at the top of this list. Everything about Yukihira is perfect, as he is a protagonist. It’s not too overwhelming.

He is a master chef, but not everyone can match his cooking skills. His personality is the typical stereotype protagonist: confident, fearless and to the point. His backstory is also quite interesting. We were able to see why he does what he does.

Yukihira’s supporting characters need to be given more screen time. This is not something I am complaining about, but it would help. I’m complaining to the authors. Great supporting characters can only support the main character. Food Wars could have been a great shonen anime if his rivals got the same treatment as him.

Who are The Best Food Wars Female Characters ?

1. Ryoko Sakaki

Student in her first year, High School Division, Totsuki Sanyo Culinary Academy. Polaris Dormitory resident. Everyone considers her an older sister because of her long, shiny hair and mature sex appeal. 

She is a specialist in cooking that uses fermentation techniques such as salted rice malt and has her own workshop right next to the dorm.

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2. Momo Akanegakubo

Momo is stubborn and taciturn, usually refusing to interact with new people that she meets. According to Mea Yanai.

It takes at least a month before Momo will acknowledge someone new, let alone make eye contact when talking.

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3. Nene Kinokuni

Nene Kinokuni is a 91st Generation alumna of Tōtsuki Culinary Academy. First introduced as the 6th seat of the Elite Ten Council, she is formerly the 9th seat.

Nene is extremely taciturn, speaking very bluntly if she even speaks at all. Her personality directly conflicts with Terunori Kuga, who is much more loud and brash, often leading to her to vocally tell him to die or ridiculing his height. 

Like most of the other Elite Ten members, Nene does not see any of the first year students as a threat due to the confidence her superior abilities that got her the seat. Hence, she does not accept challenges from non-seated Elite Ten members.

4. Rindo Kobayashi

Rindo Kobayashi is a 90th Generation Tōtsuki Academy alumna, and the former 2nd seat of the Elite Ten Council.

Rindō is a cheerful girl who prefers to enjoy things from the background during events and doing things at her own pace, even at the detriment of her former fellow Elite Ten seated members.

She is playful, and enjoys teasing Terunori Kuga after losing in sales to Sōma Yukihira’s stand during the Moon Banquet Festival. 

5. Yuki Yoshino

Yuki Yoshino is a student of the 92nd Tsuki Generation, lives in Polar Star Dormitory.

Also, Yuki is the most energetic and positive member of the Polar Star Dorm. Anyone who meets her may mistakenly think she’s not serious. Yuki is passionate about cooking and finding the perfect ingredients.

Yuki’s cooking is well-known for using wild game meats. Yki, who lives in her room, cares for a deer and a goose, a rabbit and a boar among other wild animals. She hopes to raise a Polar Star chicken outside at the Polar Star plantation.

Duck Cutlet Curry is one of her original recipes, which she made for the 43rd Annual Totsuki Fall Election.

This recipe combines the delicious flavor of duck with the balanced effects of turmeric, orange, and other spices. Now you can enjoy wild game flavors without being overwhelmed by the gamy aroma.

Who is Food Wars Main Character ?

Food Wars is main character is Soma Yukihira. He is the proud owner and son of Joichiro Yukihira, Tamako Yukihira.

Also, He is a member the 92nd Totsuki Generation, and a former student at Polar Star Dormitory. He was also an ex-member of the Elite Ten Council’s original seat.

Soma is a skilled chef. He learned a lot from his father Joichiro who is a well-known chef.

Soma is not able to beat his father despite his talents. He still enjoys Shokugekis, tournaments, and will do anything for them.

In addition, He is willing to learn from his mistakes and create new dishes, even though he has suffered some defeats. He is also able to defeat his opponents with his own techniques and specialties.

Who is The Strongest Food Wars Character ?

Asahi Nakiri, formerly known as Asahi Saiba, is the strongest character in Food Wars.

Nakiri Asahi is a former underground chef who instigated the recent invasion against Erina Nakiri’s administration. He was a disciple of Jōichirō Yukihira and the illegitimate son of Azami Nakiri. When this was discovered, he was welcomed into the Nakiri family by his younger half-sister Erina, officially becoming Asahi Nakiri.

He was also the main antagonist of the BLUE Arc alongside the members of the Crossed Knives.

He firmly believes that he’s the only person who can satisfy Erina and Mana’s God Tongue. Before he faces someone, he would usually taunt them into wagering their prized cooking implement so he can add them to his collection.

I hope you enjoyed all our information about the characters in food wars. Leave a comment if you think your favorite character was not mentioned