There’s something about Anime that just makes people want to watch it. Whether it’s the excitement of watching a new series or the feeling of being in the company of friends, Anime is always a hit with audiences. So, when we were asked to compile a list of the best anime bowl cuts for those who love watching anime, we couldn’t resist. Here are 15+ cuts that will make you feel like you’re right there in the show itself!

  1. Aoba Yuki from Attack on Titan: The Cutting Edge (Short Hair) – This cut is perfect for someone who loves Attack on Titan and wants to look their best while doing so. It’s short and sleek, making it easy to style and look your best.
  2. Mikasa Ackerman from Attack on Titan: The Cutting Edge (Shaved Head) – This cut is perfect for someone who loves Attack on Titan and wants to look their best while doing so. It’s short and sleek, making it easy to style and look your best.
  3. Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan: The Cutting Edge (Shaved Head) – This cut is perfect for someone who loves Attack on Titan and wants to look their best while doing so. It’s short and sleek, making it easy to style and look your best. 4) Eren Yeager fromAttack on Titan: The Cutting Edge (Short Hair) – This cut is perfect for someone who loves Attack on Titan and wants to look their best while doing so. It’s short and sleek, making it easy to style and look your best. 5) Armin Arlert fromAttack on Titan: The Cutting Edge (Shaved Head) – This cut is perfect for someone who loves Attack on titan and wants to look their best while doing so. It’s short and sleek, making it easy to style and look your best6) Mikasa Ackerman & Levi Ackerman fromAttack On

Innocent bowl was a popular style for men in the 1990s. The style, also known as the mushroom cut or ‘buckethead’, is very easy to achieve.

You can ask your mom to place a bowl on top of your head and give it some attention.

This idea is turned on its head in anime, like a lot of things.

There are normal kids with bowl cuts. There are many characters who are not normal. They’re beautiful, so here’s my list of the top bowl cuts in anime.

14. Sachiya Yoshida from DIVE! !

Sachiya Yoshida belongs to the Mizuki Diving Club. He is an elementary school pupil.

With the nickname “Sacchin”

He has a beautiful, shaved-off look that is refreshing throughout the series.

13. Nobita from Doraemon

This is the iconic anime that everyone grew up with and it’s one of my favorite shows.

He is a student and the main character in the Anime.

His terrible, bland hairstyle is a big part of his personality.

12. Tomohito Kimura From Nodame Cantabile

He is part of the Rising Star Orchestra. He plays the role of a supporting character in the series.

Despite not having the best looks, they are talented! !

He looks like an intelligent student with his small eyes and bow cut. He is also a violinist.

11. Leon Elliot from Black Cat

Leon Elliot, a member of the Apostles of the Stars, was defeated by Eve.

His bright, blue hair is short and he looks cool. However, he doesn’t trust anyone and doesn’t like people around him.

10. Marlo Freudenberg from Attack on Titan

Marlo was a tall, young man with dark, bowl-cut hair and grey eyes. His cold, stoic look made him stand out among the rest.

Marlo was a great believer. Marlo joined the Military Police Regiment because he believed in doing what was right.

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9. Dr. Kuseno From One Punch Man

It’s true, it’s old but not gold! One Punch Man’s Dr. Kuseno, a Genos caretaker is the character of Dr. Kuseno.

His ridiculously large nose and bowl contrast sharply with his intelligence which is always able warn Genos about impending disasters.

Also Read : One punch man characters : Our Top 20+ Strongest Characters

8. Maruko-Chan from Chibi Maruko Chan

Are you cute or are you dumbo?

Maruko’s hair is short, but she does it for a very short time. She looks adorable with her bang.

This anime, like Nobita, also covers a lot of childhood times. I enjoyed it a lot.

7. Bruno Buccellati From Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure

Every character in the JoJo series is unique, just like Bruno, an intelligent member of Passione’s mafia gang. Bruno, despite being part of Passione has remained loyal and steadfast towards him.

Why? Because his father was murdered by the drug trade

He is a genius for his perfectly straight, stylish bowl cut.

6. Hinata from Naruto

She is Naruto’s spouse, so this character doesn’t need introduction. Her style is adorable and cute as a teenager, with blue hair and bangs on both ends.

However, her hair grew longer by the time she was pregnant with Naruto and Boruto.

Despite this, her signature look is her bowl-haired face.

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5. Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh

Seto Kaiba is more commonly known as Kaiba. He is also one of the deuteragonists along with Joey Wheeler from the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise.

Kaiba’s hair is green in the series, which was based upon the manga. However, he has brown hair everywhere else, including the manga.

His bowl-cut enhances his appearance a little more.

Also Read : Brown hair anime boy characters : Our top 40+

4. Mob from Mob Psycho 100

The mob is a series that focuses on teens who possess physic powers. Shigeo, the main character, is a student.

His extraordinary power can cause havoc in the world, if it is not controlled.

Shigeo has a charming and decent appearance that matches his dark eyes and black hairstyle. As a child, he learned that his psychic powers were linked to his emotions.

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3. Mako Mankanshoku from Kill La Kill

She can fight like any other human and she will win. Mako, our character is a high school student and lives in poverty.

Her kind, loyal personality makes her charming. Her bowl cut hair is my favorite. It has a simple style with a bow at the top.

Also Read : Kill La Kill Characters Ranked And Power Explained

2. Rock Lee from Naruto

Rock is a very well-known character from popular anime. He was taught Martial arts by the great man.

He also picked up the same fashion sense and hairstyles as his personality.

He has kept his hairstyle the same throughout his entire life. He likes to stand out.

1. Gohan from Dragon Ball (Namek Saga)

Are you a believer that this character should be introduced?

Another well-known Dragon Ball Z character is Goku. He is the son Goku and Chi Chi.

He looks cuter with his bowl hairstyle. His hairstyle is extremely popular and is also on the “Gohan Bowl Cut” search by fans.


title: “Top 15+ Anime Bowl Cuts” ShowToc: true date: “2022-10-24” author: “Matt Coleman”

  1. Attack on Titan - The first episode of the series is a brutal and intense battle between humans and giants, with no quarter given.
  2. Naruto - One of the most popular anime series ever, Naruto follows the story of a young ninja who strives to become the strongest in the world.
  3. Death Note - A dark and suspenseful thriller, Death Note follows a high school student who finds a notebook that allows him to kill anyone he wants by writing their name in it.
  4. Fullmetal Alchemist - This action-packed anime follows two brothers who try to find their way in an alchemist society that is full of secrets and danger.
  5. Cowboy Bebop - A stylish and fast-paced anime about a group of bounty hunters who travel through space in search of criminals.
  6. Attack on Titan 2nd Season - After the events of the first season, humanity is once again under attack from giant creatures known as Titans.
  7. Sword Art Online II - In this sequel to one of Japan’s most popular online RPGs, players must fight to survive in a virtual world where they can be killed at any time by other players or monsters called Knights Templar ..

Innocent Bowl war in den 1990er Jahren ein beliebter Stil für Männer. Der Stil, auch bekannt als Pilzschnitt oder „Buckethead“, ist sehr einfach zu erreichen.

Sie können Ihre Mutter bitten, eine Schüssel auf Ihren Kopf zu legen und ihr etwas Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken.

Diese Idee wird im Anime auf den Kopf gestellt, wie viele Dinge.

Es gibt normale Kinder mit Schüsselschnitten. Es gibt viele Charaktere, die nicht normal sind. Sie sind wunderschön, also hier ist meine Liste der Top-Bowl-Cuts im Anime.

14. Sachiya Yoshida von DIVE! !

Sachiya Yoshida gehört dem Mizuki Diving Club an. Er ist Grundschüler.

Mit dem Spitznamen „Sacchin“

Er hat einen schönen, rasierten Look, der während der gesamten Serie erfrischend ist.

13. Nobita von Doraemon

This is the iconic anime that everyone grew up with and it’s one of my favorite shows.

He is a student and the main character in the Anime.

His terrible, bland hairstyle is a big part of his personality.

12. Tomohito Kimura von Nodame Cantabile

Er ist Teil des Rising Star Orchestra. Er spielt die Rolle einer Nebenfigur in der Serie.

Obwohl sie nicht das beste Aussehen haben, sind sie talentiert! !

Er sieht aus wie ein intelligenter Schüler mit seinen kleinen Augen und dem Bogenschnitt. Er ist auch Geiger.

11. Leon Elliot von Black Cat

Leon Elliot, ein Mitglied der Apostel der Sterne, wurde von Eva besiegt.

Sein helles, blaues Haar ist kurz und er sieht cool aus. Er vertraut jedoch niemandem und mag die Menschen um ihn herum nicht.

10. Marlo Freudenberg aus Attack on Titan

Marlo war ein großer, junger Mann mit dunklen, schüsselgeschnittenen Haaren und grauen Augen. Sein kalter, stoischer Blick ließ ihn sich von den anderen abheben.

Marlo war ein großer Gläubiger. Marlo trat dem Militärpolizeiregiment bei, weil er daran glaubte, das Richtige zu tun.

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9. Dr. Kuseno von One Punch Man

Es ist wahr, es ist alt, aber nicht Gold! Dr. Kuseno, ein Hausmeister von One Punch Man, ist der Charakter von Dr. Kuseno.

Seine lächerlich große Nase und Schüssel stehen in scharfem Kontrast zu seiner Intelligenz, die Genos immer vor bevorstehenden Katastrophen warnen kann.

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8. Maruko-Chan von Chibi Maruko Chan

Bist du süß oder bist du dumbo?

Marukos Haare sind kurz, aber sie macht es für eine sehr kurze Zeit. Sie sieht mit ihrem Knall bezaubernd aus.

Dieser Anime, wie Nobita, deckt auch viele Kindheitszeiten ab. Ich habe es sehr genossen.

7. Bruno Buccellati aus Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure

Jeder Charakter in der JoJo-Serie ist einzigartig, genau wie Bruno, ein intelligentes Mitglied von Passiones Mafia-Bande. Bruno, obwohl er Teil von Passione ist, ist ihm gegenüber loyal und standhaft geblieben.

Warum? Weil sein Vater durch den Drogenhandel ermordet wurde

Er ist ein Genie für seinen perfekt geraden, stilvollen Schalenschnitt.

6. Hinata aus Naruto

She is Naruto’s spouse, so this character doesn’t need introduction. Her style is adorable and cute as a teenager, with blue hair and bangs on both ends.

However, her hair grew longer by the time she was pregnant with Naruto and Boruto.

Despite this, her signature look is her bowl-haired face.

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5. Seto Kaiba von Yu-Gi-Oh

Seto Kaiba ist besser bekannt als Kaiba. Er ist auch einer der Deuteragonisten zusammen mit Joey Wheeler von der Yu-Gi-Oh! Franchise.

Kaibas Haare sind grün in der Serie, die auf dem Manga basiert. Er hat jedoch überall sonst braune Haare, einschließlich des Mangas.

Sein Schalenschnitt verbessert sein Aussehen ein wenig.

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4. Mob von Mob Psycho 100

Der Mob ist eine Serie, die sich auf Teenager konzentriert, die physikalische Kräfte besitzen. Shigeo, die Hauptfigur, ist eine Studentin.

Seine außergewöhnliche Macht kann Chaos in der Welt verursachen, wenn sie nicht kontrolliert wird.

Shigeo hat ein charmantes und anständiges Aussehen, das zu seinen dunklen Augen und seiner schwarzen Frisur passt. Als Kind lernte er, dass seine übersinnlichen Kräfte mit seinen Emotionen verbunden waren.

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3. Mako Mankanshoku von Kill La Kill

Sie kann kämpfen wie jeder andere Mensch und sie wird gewinnen. Mako, unser Charakter ist ein Gymnasiast und lebt in Armut.

Ihre freundliche, loyale Persönlichkeit macht sie charmant. Ihr Bowl Cut Haar ist mein Favorit. Es hat einen einfachen Stil mit einer Schleife an der Spitze.

Lesen Sie auch: Kill La Kill Charaktere Ranked und Power Explained

2. Rock Lee aus Naruto

Rock ist ein sehr bekannter Charakter aus dem beliebten Anime. Er wurde von dem großen Mann in Kampfkünsten unterrichtet.

Er nahm auch den gleichen Modesinn und die gleichen Frisuren wie seine Persönlichkeit auf.

Er hat seine Frisur sein ganzes Leben lang gleich gehalten. Er fällt gerne auf.

1. Gohan aus Dragon Ball (Namek Saga)

Sind Sie der Meinung, dass dieser Charakter eingeführt werden sollte?

Ein weiterer bekannter Dragon Ball Z-Charakter ist Goku. Er ist der Sohn Goku und Chi Chi.

Er sieht süßer aus mit seiner Schalenfrisur. Seine Frisur ist äußerst beliebt und steht auch bei Fans auf der „Gohan Bowl Cut“-Suche.
