Toshinori Yagi is a character in the popular manga and anime series, My Hero Academia. Toshinori is a highly skilled student at U.A., and he has been training to become a hero since he was young. Toshinori is known for his exceptional Quirk, which allows him to manipulate metal objects. This skill has helped him become one of the most formidable students at U.A., and he has also developed other impressive abilities over the course of the series. Toshinori is a kind-hearted person, and he always puts others first. He is also fiercely loyal to his friends and family, and he will do anything to protect them. Toshinori is an excellent strategist, and he is always able to come up with clever solutions when faced with difficult challenges. He is also an excellent fighter, and he is capable of using his Quirk in conjunction with his martial arts skills to devastating effect. Overall, Toshinori Yagi is an incredibly talented individual who possesses many skills that make him well-suited for becoming a hero. He will be an important part of U.A.’s future, and fans of My Hero Academia should definitely keep an eye on him! ..

He was the first hero to be ranked number one and is a teacher at U.A. High School.Toshinori has been the eight to be a holder in his Macke One For All after receiving it from Nana Shimura. The holder has since transferred the ability onto Izuku Midoriya. After using the remainder members of One For All to defeat All For One, All Might ended his career as the greatest professional superhero in the world.

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Apperance Toshinori Yagi

In his heroic appearance, Toshinori is an extremely tall man sporting a massive and imposing physique. His appearance is reminiscent of a normal western Comic book character. The hairstyle is short and blond. Toshinori’s hair can cast shadows that are dark on his skin, obscuring all of his blue eyes.The classic costume of All Might comprised of a skin tight blue suit with red symbols which has a resemblance to an “Y”. The symbol was designed with a white diamond in its center, and is connected by white lines running between Toshinori’s chest and his shoulders. The lines were then trimmed by the red symbol mentioned earlier. The symbol seemed to have wings on its sides that extended out from his body before wrapping around his back.

On his back was the same red and white design but without any white diamond. The large areas of red and white were adorned the hips on both sides and ended at the bottom of his thighs. He was wearing a gold belt that had an silver buckle and red eyes. The sleeves of his forearms were made of gold, and his wrists were blue accents and white lines. The feet of his were covered in golden boots that were decorated with red and white accents.In the real world, Toshinori is actually a extremely thin, slim man with an angular face and lengthy legs. He is spiky and has tousled hair that has two bangs at the side on his faces. He has a long neck and eyebrows aren’t there. He has a massive scar that covers most of the left chest area, and it’s not unusual for him to expel blood out of his mouth when in a state of excitement or is shocked.

He generally wears baggy clothes to allow for the changes in body weight between different forms. After the end of All Might’s time as the hero, he started wearing clothes that reflected his actual body shape, as there was no longer a need for large clothing to match his heroic form.In his younger years, Toshinori had no shadowed eyes and completely displayed his white sclera and the dark blue the iris of his eyes. But, when Toshinori lost strength and transformed into a scrawny, slender figure his body sank and his eyes were in shadows from that point on. It’s easy to see his blue eyes shining happily at times in shadows time.

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Personality Toshinori Yagi

The hero of All Might appears to have roots in Western superheroes. His personality is vibrant and has an abundance of drama. All Might always has a big smile. All Might usually displays a positive attitude to motivate other people. He is generally welcoming and friendly because of his fame and time on the scene. But when he returns to his thin and sickly body, he can become less active.

He is no longer able to hide his anxiety about his health in front of his smile. He does not draw attention to himself, in fear that people might discover his health situation.

There are always two things in Toshinori when he’s in hero mode or in normal mode the latter: his optimism and foolishness. He had always believed and believed that someone who was worthy enough to carry the One For All would come. This is why he was able to hand over the power to Izuku Midoriya right after meeting this young gentleman. Toshinori acknowledged that he had lost faith in his abilities to defend the world, until Izuku’s heroic actions showed him that there is something that is always possible to do about injustice.Izuku has said that All Might’s personality is similar to her teacher Gran Torino. Both clearly have their own sides and frequently play dumb. Toshinori is actually smarter than what his appearance suggests, however there are times when he gets swindled to fool his fellow students.

He has to work as teacher in Class 1-A and as a coach for Izuku. He has to employ a script in teaching his class and sometimes isn’t able to help improve Izuku’s understanding in One For All. His teacher Shota Aizawa sometimes criticizes him as a fool and Gran Torino declares that his power and fame is not translating effectively into teaching others.

Even though All Might is seen smiling and laughing all the time However, he is very focused on securing his students’ safety and becomes angry when they’re in danger. The actor was prepared to apply his quirks beyond his capabilities to shield pupils from League of Evil. In spite of his frustration, he ensured his students felt safe having his trademark smile on before the battle.

Toshinori has a fatherly stance to the students he teaches (especially Izuku) and takes pleasure to help his pupils become heroes. He will readily give them advice to help them succeed and frequently declares that he is pleased with their progress. At times, All Might has tried to boost Katsuki’s confidence as well as his relations with Izuku. All Might did not hesitate to challenge Izuku and Katsuki in their final examinations and was not afraid to do it when he knew he had to be the best he could to teach each of them an important lesson.

The actor even adopted the character of a villain when they fought to convey his message that each of Izuku and Katsuki claimed was extremely frightening. The third reason is that he also is known for adding “young” to his students the last names of their students, whether talking out loud or even thinking about himself (e.g. “young Midoriya”).

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PAST All Might

Toshinori was born without a shape at a time when the evil of the world was rampant because of the power on All For One. The rate of crime was rising due to the fact that there was no one to trust.When he was a teenager, Toshinori met Nana Shimura she was like his mother figure. Toshinori stated to Nana that he was determined to create a world in which everybody could be happy and be happy. To achieve this, he stated the world required the “symbol of peace” to usher in a new period of peace. Toshinori believed he would be the persona that inspired all people.

Nana transferred One For All to Toshinori which makes Toshinori the eighth user of the quirk. With this power comes the possibility of facing All For One. All For One was eventually successful in tracking her down and assault her. Nana sacrificed herself to ensure that Toshinori could continue to live and get stronger. When he was 18 years old Toshinori was able to only look at his master’s appear in All For One while Gran Torino was able to take him away.

In exchange for a promise to his dear family member Nana, Gran Torino trained Toshinori in her place. Toshinori’s strength was sufficient to take on the One For the All from the start of the training. Gran Torino focused mainly on instructing Toshinori how to fight correctly. Also, he was an undergraduate at U.A. High School, where Gran Torino was as his class teacher. But, Toshinori was distraught after the death of his teacher and was unable to fulfill his potential.

In Toshinori’s thoughts and he longed to take revenge on Nana who he believed to be an absolute heroine. Gran Torino ordered Toshinori to study to study in America. U.S. after graduation so that All For One could not get to the young man. Toshinori was reminded by Toshinori of the reasons why Nana sacrificed herself, and restored his determination.

In the exact spring Toshinori completed his studies at the U.A. and was now ready to sail across the ocean. As he was leaving, Toshinori remembered his master’s characteristic. He cut his hair into a shape and smiled at first in his life as All Might.

After the move from Los Angeles, California, Toshinori saved a group scientist from an attack. One of the scientists included David Shield. David was grateful to Toshinori and was able to see the damage to his clothes. David crafted a rugged hero costume, which would later be called the All Mighty Youth Hero costume. Toshinori as well as David rapidly became close buddies and formed an all-star team in California.Toshinori shared his ideas with David. He shared with him his desire to be a symbol for peace and shine light over the world. Together they defeated a handful of enemies at Los Angeles and David even communicated the message of All Might to the entire world, convinced the idea that All Might would one day be the best hero of the world. At this point he also met Melissa Shield, David’s daughter born Mackless.

When she got older the man became a kind of Uncle to Melissa. The man encouraged her to pursue a career as an engineer of support to assist others, similar to her father.

Finally, Toshinori returned to his home country His meteoric climb continued heralding a new age of heroics. In the end, he is an icon of peace around the world, and is the top hero. All Might achieved his dreams and encouraged many others to become heroes. Japan’s crime rate fell by a mere 6% because of All Might’s presence at the midst of peace. But The threat from All For One was still in the air.

All Might discovered an additional partner in time to serve as his sidekick. His sidekick was dubbed Sir Nighteye as he is able to see into the future using his characteristic. He was the brains of All Might’s operations when it was at the peak in his professional career. The partnership was successful throughout the years. However, fate eventually took over And All Might had to face All For One.

Peace was the symbol of peace. the first person to use One For All, who defeated All For One and completely destroyed his head. But, in the course of the battle, All Might injured himself severely and also lost his stomach. Also, his breathing was severely affected. The injuries he sustained slowed All Might, as he is able to only keep his heroic form for short durations.

Due to his condition and injuries due to his injuries and condition, Sir Nighteye requested All Might to retreat as he didn’t wish for All Might to push himself towards death, but All Might declined. Nezu was in agreement with Sir Nighteye and informed All Might that he could search for an heir in the role of One For All at the U.A. high school. Sir Nighteye believed in this as a good alternative.

Toshinori was of the opinion to Sir Nighteye’s Symbol of Peace would need successors, but was unwilling to retire if new villains emerged.

All Might asked who would represent peace until he found the successor. While All For One was gone There was a second villain who resembled him that will soon appear. Sir Nighteye threatened to cease aiding him should All Might continued his work as the hero of the first.

The character even employs his characteristic for warning All Might of his impending death. He warned him that within about six or seven years, the villain would be afoot and be destined for a horrific loss. All Might ignored Nighteye’s warning and ended their alliance totally.

To identify a good successor All Might began teaching at U.A. High School five years after. He discussed with Nezu potential candidates. The principal was of the opinion the possibility that Mirio Togata who was one the students, could be an ideal replacement for One For All.

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Quirk And Skills

General Ability: All Might was recognized as the greatest heroes in all of the earth. All Might represented an “symbol of peace” and was a deterrent for criminals, and so, villains were mostly deterred by his presence within the society. He was able defeat All For One, a deadly supervillain who once ruled the entire nation of Japan. He was the sole user for One For All who was in a position to defeat All For One.

Despite winning, All Might suffered a brutal injury from All For One that limited his power to the maximum for the future.

Although the strength that his ability had was slowed by injured body, the strength as well as speed were unparalleled. But, his strength dwindled when he transferred his quirk onto Izuku. However, All Might can still beat the villains that regular heroes need to battle. In a battle that pushed his power to the limits of what is possible, All Might defeated Nomu the villain who was designed for the purpose of killing Nomu by using more than 300 blows.

Izuku and Katsuki as well as Katsuki, both of whom are the top Class 1-A characters and Class 1-A, were defeated by All Might in their fight. All Might carried heavy weights throughout the fight, and was still fast and strong enough to easily defeat his two younger competitors.

It’s important to remember that, even though he cannot anymore use his hero’s form following his fight in the battle with All for One, Toshinori is still a sharp wit and sharp reflexes that have allowed him to develop his skills as a hero ever since when he gained the ability. This can be seen by his observations about his use in One for All and the possibility that he was able to take One of Mei’s “babies.”

Former Quirk

One for Everyone( wanhuooru Wan Fo Oru?): He was gifted the power that was the property of Nana Shimura, which gave the ability to access almost limitless power. Through channeling the power of the body of his, Toshinori was able to attain superhuman strength and speed, agility, and invulnerability. All Might was so talented in the form of One For All that he was regarded as the most powerful hero in the world.

Incredibly strong A single strike of All Might could not only beat a foe however, it could completely change the weather within minutes. Additionally, he has the ability to see numerous city blocks completely destroyed by the force of wind that his strike creates. While these blocks have been greatly diminished since the initial encounter with Izuku Toshinori, his power is equivalent to the nuclear device. He literally smashed Nomu’s shock absorption, and was able to withstand All For Ones attacks, neutralizing his destructive force by sheer strength. Extreme speed: Combined with his incredible physique, Toshinori is also a speedy athlete. When he first arrived to America, U. S. , All Might performed at an incredible speed, taking out enemies within the flash of an eye. Tomura admits that he could not fully monitor his movements even although they were slower than he was. Tomura was also in a position to travel for five miles from the bar in which there was the League of Evil was located to the All For One’s headquarters. But, according the report from All For One, this was significantly slower than what All Might was able to accomplish at his peak. Incredible longevity: Toshinori has extreme longevity , to the point where it is unassailable. He was not harmed in any way due to his battle with Nomu and swung the uncontrolled, empty blasts of Katsuki with no hesitation. All Might was even able to hold off All For One’s assault which could cause massive damage across the city. All Might remained unscathed except some minor scratch marks

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Ultimate Techniques

. Texas Smash (tekisasusumatsushiyu Tekisasu Sumasshu?): All Might uses a powerful, straight punch that creates a large amount of wind pressure. This is so strong it All Might can destroy half an entire city with one strike. 11) He employed this method to rescue Izuku from the mud-monster. Detroit Smash (detoroitosumatsushiyu Detoroito Sumasshu?): similar to the Texas Smash, All Might uses a downward strike so powerful that it creates a powerful updraft that changes the weather. It was first used to help save Izuku as well as Katsuki from the mud-loving villain. Double Detroit Smash (daburudetoroitosumatsushiyu Daburu Detoroito Sumasshu? ): All Might and Izuku make use of 100 percent Of One For All Combining their Detroit Smashes to create an attack that is more powerful than any other attack that could be done by themselves. The first time they used this technique was to beat Wolfram. Missouri Smash (mizurisumatsushiyu Mizuri Sumasshu? ): All Might slashes at his adversaries by using his palm to hit the opponent in one quick movement. This ability was first utilized to defeat the evil Trapezius Head Gear. Carolina Smash (karorainasumatsushiyu Karoraina Sumasshu?): All Might attacks with his arms crossed, slicing through his opponents with his palms. This ability was first utilized against Nomu. New Hampshire Smash (niyuhanpushiyasumatsushiyu Nyuhanpusha Sumasshu?): All Might lunges at its enemy, crushing them with its great weight. This power was first utilized in the battle against Izuku Midoriya. Oklahoma Smash (okurahomasumatsushiyu Okurahoma Sumasshu?): All Might whirls around while enemies are clinging to him, spinning them so fast that they can easily be thrown through concrete when released. This power is initially used against Nomu. United States of Smash: With all of its strength, All Might delivers a massive blow strong enough to create an abrasion at the point of impact. It’s strong enough to disable adversaries of extraordinary caliber, such as All For One. Toshinori initially uses this power to take on All For One, at the cost of eliminating the remaining One For All’s strength in his body.