My Hero Academia is a manga series written and drawn by Kohei Horikoshi. The series follows the story of Izuku Midoriya, a young boy who has just turned 10 years old, and his friends, including All Might, Mina Hoshizora, Bakugo Katsuki, and Shoto Todoroki. The manga has been published in Weekly Shonen Jump since September 15th, 2013. The manga has been praised for its unique writing style and its ability to capture the emotions of its characters. It has also been praised for its visual elements, which have been compared to those of Naruto and One Piece. Izuku Midoriya is one of the most popular characters in the manga series. He is a strong young man who is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in. He is also very intelligent and can think on his feet. Izuku Midoriya is an excellent role model for young people and has inspired many people around him to become involved in their own lives.

Appearance Toya Todoroki Mha

Dabi is a thin, tall man sporting spikey black hair blue eyes, and a few burn marks on his body that are areas of burned purple skin that is held together with the piercings of his body and metal rings.The actress has several ear punctures in both ears as well as three nostril piercings in her right nostril. In his first appearance He is wearing an edgy blue jacket, with an oversized, ripped collar and trousers that are which are cut to the ankles, with dark-colored dress shoes on his feet. He is also wearing a basic round-neck grey shirt, beneath which a grey belt that has an elongated pattern is tucked into the waist. There is and a leather satchel that is attached to his back.

As he joins the Vanguard Action Squad, his style is now modernized, comprised of a more substantial dark blue coat that has 2 large iron cuffs that are at the bottom of each sleeve. Also, at the elbow is an white piece on each of his arms; the part of the hem is torn, and extends all the way to the knees. The belt and shirt are identical, however the pants are replaced with bigger ones in dark hue and replaces his footwear is black.At the time of the creation of the Paranormal Liberation Front, Dabi gets a new suit to enhance his position being one of the group’s nine lieutenants. Dabi wears the long dark blue coat that has identical white cuffs to his old one. He also wears an av-neck shirt in white with white the piping.

The stitches do not just extend over the shoulder straps but also down to the knees of his pants. The only items he has left are his belt in silver as well as black boots, and dark-colored trousers. There are three buttons on the two side of the jacket.As a youngster, Toya had a round face with unruly red hair and locks that ran across the entire length, and a the fringe being short on his face. His eyes were bright and oval-shaped. His photograph shows a neutral face. Also, he wore the iconic Japanese middle school uniform (gakuran). The manga has always depicted Toya wearing white hair however, in his only character in anime the hair color was red.

This was probably because of a miscommunication among the designers responsible for the design of characters.

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Character Toya Todoroki Mha

Dabi is quiet He is detached, and he rarely displays his emotions. He frequently insults his colleagues and foes. He was hesitant to introduce himself and even when Tomura requested his real name , he chose not. [2]He is awestruck by Stain in his passion and philosophy, and plans to continue the task that the assassin failed to finish. 3 He has a lot of admiration for Stain.Despite his usual stoic demeanor, Dabi finds pleasure in attacking people and mocking his the students as well as Pro Heroes.



As a result of mistakes on the part of their fathers, Toya and his younger siblings, Natsuo Todorokiand Fuyumi Todoroki were raised in a separate manner by their sibling, Shoto Todoroki.It is believed that Toya had other issues with her family. Natsuo says that the culprit that it was Enji the one who “killed Toya” but nothing is yet investigated as to the state of the eldest Todoroki siblings is thought to be undetermined.

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Assassin Saga of Heroes

Dabi is initially seen watching a TV show in which news of the arrest of Stain is announced. Dabi therefore decides to search for the group Stain was believed to be associated with .

Final Test Saga

Giran is the one who leads Dabi along with Toga Toga and Dabi to Villan Union’s hive and they are presented by Tomura as well as Kurogiri. After watching the introduction of two newcomers, Tomura protests against welcoming them into the Union by slapping Dabi and Toga but is soon redeemed by Kurogiri.Dabi complains about Toga’s psychotic behavior and Tomura’s reaction , but Kurogiri comes in to calm him down, requesting Dabi as well as Toga to take a few days before they can get an response.

Saga of the Retreat in the Woods

A few days later, Dabi and the Genesis Squad, watch the Yuei Camp and proclaim that they will serve as warnings and the heroes will be brought back to earth to ensure an improved future. If the teammate asks him to let him go after, Dabi asks everyone to remain quiet, and suggests that they’ll execute the plan when all ten of them are together. Shortly after, while burning the trunk of a tree by using his Quirk Dabi announces “it is now underway.The other villains are fighting with the students and Wild wild Pussycats, Dabi attacks Shota Aizawa with a flamboyance.But, Shota dodges the attack and, following a short fight, is able to capture and tie up Dabi. When the hero begins interrogating Dabi and threaten the man with more punishment, after breaking his arm, the body of Dabi becomes liquid, while the Aizawa’s Weapon of Capture slides through his body before dissolving completely.

In the forest Dabi thinks about how weak he really is, as the clone made by Twice failed , and the fight was quickly over. Dabi commands Twice to construct two duplicates of himself to allow him to resume the fight and Twice completes.

Finally eventually, Then. Compress manages to capture Katsuki Bakugo and then informs Dabi and the remaining members of the Genesis Team. When they arrive at the rendezvous point, Dabi states that all they have to do is be patient and wait for the villains. He also spots the bush in which Yuga Aoyama is believed to have been hiding. He plans to investigate it out, but he stops when Twice informs Twice that they need to contact Nomu back as he is the only one who replies to Dabi.

Dabi contacts Nomu back. He along with Twice await the villains’ arrival to arrive at the point of rendezvous. Himiko arrives with Dabi who asks her how her mission was going; she responds that she could have taken a human’s blood. Twice is not impressed and asks what is the reason Himiko is so excited, however Himiko responds that she has found a person she’s interested in. While Himiko and Twice discuss, Dabi orders them to remain silent.Dabi notices that something is approaching; Izuku Midoriya, Mezo Shoji and Shoto Todoroki strike Mr. Compress. They knocked him down to the ground. Dabi seems to be looking displeasure.

Dabi demands the Mr. Compress to move, which he follows through with; he then unleashes his fire toward Izuku, Mezo and Shoto. Shoto avoids the attack, however Izuku as well as Mezo are injured and hit by Dabi’s flames. As Himiko as well as Twice fight the three Compress is adamant.

Compress prepares to give Dabi Fumikage and the trapped Katsuki changed into pills but he discovers that they’re not in his pockets. When Mezo confesses to having taken the pills off the Mr. Compress, Dabi calls Mr. Compress a fool, however, the magician kindly says to keep his cool and watch what transpires.

Soon, Kurogiri is on the way to collect his Genesis Team. In the wake of Himiko, Twice, and Nomu are teleported, Dabi and Mr. Compress are also ready to go even though Dabi is a bit upset that they’re not carrying Katsuki. However, Mr. Compress reduces the anxiety of Dabi by revealing that the actual Katsuki as well as the compressed Fumikage were in his mouth for the entire time, and that the pills Mezo took were shoto’s compressed Ice.

While Dabi along with Mr Compress get ready to depart, Yuga shoots his Navel Laser at Mr Compress’s face to break his mask causes him to vomit Katsuki along with Fumikage.

Mezo can recuperate Fumikage; Shoto almost manages to save Katsuki however, Dabi grabs him from his grasp. As they hold Katsuki in their hands Dabi demands to Mr. Compress to deactivate his Quirk, which he then executes. Fumikage and Katsuki are back to normal. Dabi grasps Katsuki when they are done the teleportation. Dabi and Mr Compress and Katsuki succeed in teleporting out of the ground.

Lair Incursion Saga

After the mission is completed, Dabi is in the room during the time Tomura speaks to Katsuki trapped in the Villain Union’s secret hideout.

When Katsuki along with Katsuki and the Villain Union watch a video footage that shows Yuei’s public apology. Tomura is aware of the reason the public is blaming Yuei for his blunders The present Hero system isn’t just. Spinner believes that it’s unfair, as today’s heroes are doing their jobs to earn money and not for charity. Tomura states his belief that his organization, the Villains Union is fighting for an equal society and is determined to win the battle.

Tomura demands Dabi to release Katsuki’s restrictions but Dabi isn’t certain as to whether he might be an attack. Tomura would like to be treated by Katsuki as a fellow citizen and is aware the odds are against him winning. After Twice takes away the restrictions and the restraints are removed, the Mr.

Compress apologizes to Katsuki for kidnapping him with force. He clarifies his position that Villains Union is not just an gang of thugs that commit crimes and did not take him hostage by accident He goes on to explain that everyone within the group is part of modern society and hopes that Katsuki recognizes the differentiating.

Katsuki’s bonds are broken. When Tomura comes towards him He is able to attack Tomura by using his Explosions. Katsuki informs his fellow Union Villains that there’s no reason to try and change his mind because the way he’s been influenced by the way the All Might looks when he takes the victory. He says that he’s always imagined becoming a hero , and winning over his fears of All Might and nothing they can say will change this.Katsuki is trying at intimidating his captors however, Dabi and the remaining members in The Genesis Team are not intimidated; Dabi thinks Katsuki is an idiot for trying to make them uncomfortable.

In a flash, the All Might is able to come into the scene with Kamui Wood stopping Dabi along with the others using the Chain Prisoner. Dabi is trying to free himself by using his flames, but Gran Torino stops him by striking him.Dabi along with The Union of Villains are teleported by an unknown black liquid to The damaged League of Villains warehouse where All For One is.

All For One activates Kurogiri’s Quirk that opens a portal into the Union of Villains. Compress. Compress uses his Quirk to turn Dabi who has become unconscious, and transforms him into the form of a pill.Dabi as well as Genesis Squad, Tomura and Kurogiri are teleported away from the battlefield following Sensei utilizes Kenji’s Quirk to send them to Kurogiri’s Warp Gate.

Saga for the Temporary License of Hero

After the fight with All Might and All for One, Dabi is seen in solitude, looking for new members to join his Union of Villains. There are four villains in the alleyway who act hostile to him. Dabi is averse to the group of villains as garbage and kills them using his Quirk.Also Read :Mha Pro Heroes : List 57+ My hero Academia Pro Heroes

Quirk And Skills Toya Todoroki Mha


This Quirk allows him to produce blue flames that reach the highest temperature within his body. He is able to melt and burn any object he touches. He can also let the flames go out of his body to strike.


The Story of the Retreat into the Woods

Shota Aizawa Vs. Dabi: Undecided

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Relationships Toya Todoroki

Chizome Akaguro

Dabi is greatly influenced by the ideas of Stain and is determined to complete what the murderer did not. Dabi decides not to identify himself by his real name as Stain did.

Himiko Toga

While they haven’t yet met although they have not yet interacted, each Dabi and Himiko are influenced by the ideas of Stain. But, Dabi seems to consider Himiko as insane.

Jin Bubaigawara

Twice is Dabi’s co-teammate. Dabi appears to be able to work with Twice and, in actual the actual fact Dabi seems to not be worried about his teammate’s double personality. Twice is confident in Dabi’s abilities.

Trivia Toya Todoroki

His name, Dabi, means cremation.Toya’s name has the symbolisms to represent “lamp” (Deng ) and “arrow” (Shi )