What is the reason behind Itachi’s arm position? Our explanation! Itachi’s arm position has been a mystery to many people. Some say it is because he is scared, others say it is because of his training. But whatever the reason, no one knows for sure what is going on. Some people think that Itachi may be holding his sword in a way that makes it difficult for him to move his right arm. Others believe that he may be using his left hand to support himself and keep his balance. But no one knows for sure what is going on. Whatever the reason, we can say with certainty that Itachi’s arm position has been strange and mysterious since he first appeared on the scene in Naruto: The Movie.

The ninja universe of Naruto is filled with strong and respected shinobi, however only a few are as famous and powerful as those of Akatsuki.

Itachi was a ninja master prodigy in his family, however, he was later tasked to The Hidden Leaf Village with the task of slaughter his entire clan in order to stop their rebellion from growing into the level of a world war.

Only letting his brother go, Sasuke and Sasuke, he was forced to leave in the direction of Akatsuki and was an agent double in The Hidden Leaf. He later fought his brother Sasuke once more and hoped to take him by his sleeve and grant him power and then died, revealing the love he had for his brother.

What was the reason Itachi wear his arm under his coat?

Itachi had many defining physical characteristics. The lines that he wore under his eyes, the slashed Hidden Leaf headband, and his almost-incessant Sharingan are all indicative of his appearance. But, more intriguingly, He has his left arm hanging out of his Akatsuki Cloak.

Although it’s not of any immediate significance, the hanging arm could define Itachi’s character in unimaginable ways.

At some point during his adventure Itachi developed an unknown, but fatal disease. While his days were constantly being shortened, he managed to keep his life by a tremendous determination, enduring at the very least to be able to die at the hands of Sasuke in order to build his strength for the next adventure.

Some have speculated that his arm was slung out to ease the pain caused by the illness. If this is true but the possibility that he was able to keep his edge an extremely strong and dangerous Ninja is definitely commendable.

Another popular theory is slightly more symbolic. According to the samurai legends of the past warriors often place their arms on their chests to keep their body temperature down. It is believed that the ronin (wandering warriors) were also known to use this tactic to show disrespect and shame.

It would definitely fall into the same category as Itachi’s tragic background, where he was forced to abandon his family and his brother to benefit the greater good in the universe.

Itachi was always characterized by tragedy and love.

The majority of what Itachi does is an evocation of his astonishingly pacifist personality. He was a child who felt deeply for his family and especially his younger brother, and he longed to build a better future for his family. But, his deep devotion to his family could be only matched by his ability to perceive the bigger picture.

As a man who valued peace and prosperity and peace, he was willing put his own people at risk to find a way to bring peace, regardless of the emotional impact it had on him. Even after he returned from death and enlisted the help of Naruto in protecting the village which he loved from his angry brother, while also trying to save the soul of Sasuke while doing so.

Even though his actions were in contradiction, he was determined to support both his brothers and his Village in the best way possible.