The nomu is a large, white, humpbacked whale that is found in the North Pacific. The nomu is the largest and most common white whale in the area. The nomu can reach a size of up to 6,000 pounds and can live up to 100 years. The nomu is a migratory animal and spends most of its time in the North Pacific. It feeds on fish and squid. The nomu has a long lifespan and can live for centuries. The nomu is important to the local community because it provides food for people and animals. The whales are also used for entertainment purposes by people in the area.

Description Nomu My Hero Academia

Also called Artificial Humans the Nomu is a group of human beings who have had their bodies modified to contain Quirks. They are able to stop brain function, and require commands from superiors to take action.Later, it was discovered that the Doctor’ (Garaki), and the Master’ (All For One), play a crucial role in this. They perform surgery and transplants with the help of the criminal boss’ Quirk, the All For One.These creatures are stored in several warehouses or laboratories owned by All For One and the Doctor.

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Skills Nomu Mha

Many Nomu have more than one Quirk, and are intended to be mindless fighters. According to Kyudai Garaki, All For One, Nomu can be divided into three levels based on their strength and how many Quirks they have: Low, Medium, or High. The High-Enders are stronger and have more intellect than the others. However, stabilisation is an important process and can cause the High-End to become flawed. Kurogiri is Tomura’s personal assistant. He has a highly developed intellect and exceptional reasoning.

Low Level

Low-level Nomu are the smallest category of Nomu. They can only defeat minor Pro Heroes. These Nomu have a light colour and one to two Quirks. They also have an increased physical strength that is superior to an average man’s. Even if they are only able to move or attack, they require a command by voice from their master. Doctor Garaki keeps some of them close by him because he finds their Quirks helpful.

Known Quirks Nomu Mha

Absorption–Emission: This Quirk enables the Four-Eyed Nomu absorb and hold hits, and then to release them from his body. You still suffer some damage from absorption. Muscle Augmentation This Quirk lets the Four-Eyed Nomu increase its muscular structure by taking heavy and high leaps. Web Tongue This peculiarity allows the Four-Eyed Nomu transform his tongue into a web-like branching growth. Teleportation John was able to create a black liquid with his mouth which could be used to teleport. Splitting – This peculiarity allowed Mocha to create perfect humanclones.

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Intermediate Level

Quirks of intermediate level are more powerful than Quirks of low level and can have a wider range of colours.


Although Kurogiri may be worthy of surpassing The High-End, he is gifted with exceptional cunning and must follow the orders he has been programmed to: protect Tomura and help him. Kurogiri was made from Oboro Shirakumo’s Quirk (Cloud), which was the basis for Kurogiri’s Quirk, Warp Gate.Quirk

Warp gate: Kurogiri has a Quirk that allows him to use his black fog to create space gates, which can be controlled with precise coordinates.


The Police speculate that the Nomu were created by All For One’s Quirk. However, Toshinori Yagi has not revealed the details. We do know that All For One powers can cause trauma to recipients’ bodies, causing them to lose their sanity, become mute and intelligence-less zombies. The Nomu is a result of Dr Garaki’s operations and transplants, as well as surgical treatments that transform the bodies of these zombified people.

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The Nomu USJ is a powerful Tomura Shigaraki, and Kurogiri during the USJ’s assault. Under his master’s orders, the Nomu proved his strength by defeating Eraser Head.Izuku attempts to strike Tomura with a smash but Nomu UJ defends him by taking the punch and cancelling it with his first Quirk, Shock Absorption. All Might intervenes before the situation becomes worse.Nomu USJ is imprisoned and defeated despite being assisted by his Super Regeneration. Naomasa and his fellow officers then attempt to communicate with the monster. However, the latter seems to be devoid of intelligence and mute. The police found out that Nomu was a punk who had four DNA samples in his body. Tsukauchi was able to link Nomu USJ and All For One by doing this.

Saga of the Heroes assassin

Kurogiri and Tomura Shigaraki try to recruit the infamous Heroes Slayer to their organization. Stain makes it clear that the meeting will soon turn into a fight and Tomura is forced to return to Hosu. All For One agrees, but informs Tomura that only three of the six Nomu currently in development are operational. He will have to do without.

The Nomu Trio causes havoc in the city and defeats Masaki MIzushima , a group of Pro Heroes, and an Masaki . Gran Torino pushes the train back into an alleyway. The Nomu attacks civilians indiscriminately, but Endeavor is there to stop it.

Endeavor’s Hellflame is stopped by the Nomu, who uses an Absorption-Emission Quirk to defend itself. The Nomu continues to attack using a combination the Muscle Enhancement as well as Canvas Tongue Quirks. Gran Torino finally defeats the Nomu by a kick.Endeavor’s sidekicks capture Endeavor’s Nomu, while their leader looks after the two other. After defeating a group of Pro Heroes, the Winged Nomu & the Eyeless Nomu battle it out. Endeavor intervenes to attack the Eyeless Nomu who uses his Super Regeneration to heal him. Endeavor directs his flames on the Nomu’s head to cauterize and kill the behemoth.

Endeavor follows the Winged Nomu as he tries to flee, and wounds and saves his hostage. The Winged Nomu attempts to kidnap another hostage after a fight between Stain and some Yuei students. Stain considers the boy a Hero and uses his Coagulation in order to freeze the Nomu, kill the him and rescue Izuku.

Saga of the Woodland Retreat

Stain’s influence brought in new members to the Villain Union. The Genesis Squad was formed by nine new enlisted Villains. Tomura added a tenth member: the Chainsaw Nomu. Katsuki Bakugo was kidnapped in the Forest of Magical Beasts.The Chainsaw Nomu is under Dabi’s control and brutally attacks Ragdoll and Momo Yaoyorozu. Twice reminds Dabi that his Nomu is nearly over and no longer required. The Chainsaw Nomu is summoned back and stops the attack. Yosetsu attaches the locator that Momo made to the monster’s corpse.

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Lair Incursion Saga

To save Katsuki and Izuku, Momo Shoto , Tenya , Tenya , and Eijiro, we need a Union lair. The Nomu Factory is a place where Nomu can be found.

The Factory is stormed by the Heroes and all 13 Nomu inside are captured by the Heroes, including the Chainsaw Nomu. All For One appears, and teleports two Nomu to Tomura to aid him.To keep the Heroes busy, the Nomu attack them while All For One teleports the Villains to safety in Nomu Factory. Kamui Woods, Edgeshot, and Endeavor defeat the mid-level Nomu.

Pro Hero Saga

After the Hero Billboard Chart, Hawks meets Endeavor in Fukuoka, to discuss the rise in Nomu appearances, when they are suddenly attacked and killed by Hood. This is a High-End Nomu. The High-End Nomu are an enhanced sentient Nomu that have the intellect and personality of humans.Hood defeats Endeavor, causing a Fukuoka catastrophe similar to that caused by All For One Kamino. High-End demonstrates his strength and unleashes six of his Quirks: Muscle Enhancement, Super Regeneration, Dorsal jets, Mutant Arms, Power, and Storage, which he then unleashes nine additional Low-End Nomu onto the streets.Hawks and Endeavor work together to exterminate Hood before he can regenerate. Dabi attempts to rescue the High-End Nomu’s corpse but is stopped by Mirko who reveals that it was a test of the High End’s abilities. Mirko arrives and stops Dabi from taking High-End Nomu’s corpse. Dabi escapes, and the Police take control of the monster’s body.

Saga of the Liberation Army

Dr. Garaki had been in contact with the Villain Union before Hood’s attack and the Hero Billboard. Dabi saw 12 different Nomu in stasis in capsules in the doctor’s laboratory. Dabi was complimented on his eye and the doctor called them his “masterpieces”, or “High-Ends”. He then offered to test one High-End. Hood, the Nomu that attacked Endeavor in Fukuoka and Hawks in Fukuoka, was the High-End to be examined. He was then incinerated.

Paranormal Liberation War Saga

The Pro Heroes invade Jaku Hospital in order to find Kyudai Garaki’s lab. Mirko is also attacked by Nomu and manages to escape to Dr. Garaki’s underground lair.

Kyudai attempts to save his job and runs to John in order to be teleported with Tomura to safety. Mirko enters the lab and kills John. The doctor is forced to flee. Kyudai is terrified to learn that his High Ends are still being evaluated and require additional stabilisation. Mirko destroys several capsules, killing some High-Ends in stasis and then begins to chase the doctor.

Mirko is attacked by Nomu Mocha suddenly, and Kyudai manages to dodge a kick from Mirko. Mocha dies, and Kyudai is shocked and moved by the Nomu Mocha’s sacrifice. He activates the remote control which manages the Nomu pods, and wakes up some of the High Ends who survived Mirko’s destruction. Five High-Ends activate their capsules, then leave.

Mirko is attacked by five High-Ends. They think about how long it has been since they fought and begin to plan for the brutal slaughter of some Heroes. Crust arrives to assist Mirko but a large High End pushes him away, and blocks the lab’s entrance with his body.

Mirko battles four other High-Ends, and one of them breaks down the Heroine’s left arm. Mirko defeats the High End that destroyed her arm. Mirko then attempts to reach Tomura’s capsule to destroy it. But the Tentacular Hi-End uses its extendable powers to block her and pierce her leg.

Crust and some Heroes attacked the High-End in the corridor. After Eraser Head cancelled his Super Regeneration, Eraser Head pushed the big High-End into the lab with his companions. Endeavor attempts to remove the Tentacular High-End, which had been blocking Mirko’s view from afar.

He also forces Mirko to let go of the Rabbit Heroine. Eraser Head is distracted by the High-End “Woman”, who completes stabilization and unleashes a combination her two Quirks, Liquification/Rupture. This powerful combination forces Endeavor and Mirko to release the High-End Tentacle.

Endeavor releases the monster and rushes in to grab Mirko. Woman attempts to attack him. Present Mic and X–Less race towards Tomura’s capsule and Present Mic breaks it. An army of Pro Heroes enters and defeats the four High-Ends.

As the High-Ends fall, Tomura awakens to use his power to destroy it. The Tentacular Hi-End, which survived, but was affected by Decay, attaches to Eraser Head’s arm as the Pro Hero flees. Crust throws one his shields at the Nomu, cutting off his hand. He falls and then dies.

The Decay does not attach to Shota’s leg. However, poor Crust is unable to escape the Decay’s heroic act and is struck by it. He is happy to have been a Hero to the end. The lab collapses, and the last five High-Ends remain are destroyed.

The lab’s collapse causes a confrontation between Endeavor and Tomura. Endeavor is assisted by many Pro Heroes. Tomura then pulls out a trumpcard: he uses a voice activated remote control to summon an army full of High-Ends. The delighted Dr.

Garaki reveals that he had given Tomura the remote control many years ago. This could have been used to issue orders to High-Ends. Tomura used his new control over his Quirk to save most of the capsules from being destroyed by the Decay.

When Tomura destroyed the Heroes communication systems with the Quirk’s induced radio waves, the Villain also used the Quirk to activate all remaining capsules. Dr. Garaki also stated that the High-End army, which had just been awakened, hadn’t passed any testing or stabilization. They were therefore unable to develop the intelligence typical of High Ends, but they are much more powerful than other Nomu types.



The author suggested that Hosu’s Winged Nomu could be Tsubasa. Tsubasa was one of Katsukibakugo’s childhood friends and Izuku Mioriya’s childhood friend. He actually had a Quirk that gave him wings.